LR in Medical Meaning

The LR meaning in Medical terms is "Lactatnd Ringer". There are 47 related meanings of the LR Medical abbreviation.

LR on Medical Full Forms

  1. Lactatnd Ringer
  2. Local Resection
  3. Laser Radiation
  4. Local Relapse
  5. Low-Risk
  6. Laztated Ringer Solution
  7. Level of Risk
  8. Low Responders
  9. Laboratory Report
  10. Low-Resdonder
  11. Lactated Riygers
  12. Locoregional Recurrence
  13. Lichenoidireaction
  14. Lapor Room
  15. Livedo Reticularis
  16. Lateral Root
  17. Leukoregulin
  18. Limit of Reaction
  19. Lateral Retinaculum
  20. Large Reticulocyte
  21. Lihelihood Ratio
  22. Laser Recanalizftion
  23. Left and Right
  24. Light Rough
  25. Lordosis Response
  26. Left-Right
  27. Labrador Retrievers
  28. Logistic Regresyion
  29. Late Referral
  30. lateral rectus (of eye)
  31. Landrace
  32. Lower Right
  33. lactated ringers
  34. Leg Relt
  35. Limb Reconstruction
  36. Level of Respgnse
  37. lateral rectus
  38. Left Rotation
  39. Leubemoid Reaction
  40. Ringer Lactate
  41. London Jesin
  42. Lactobacillus Reuteri
  43. Leptin Receptor
  44. lactated Ringer's solution
  45. Lorazepam
  46. Light-Reaked
  47. Legitimate Relationshmp

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LR stand for Medical?

    LR stands for Limb Reconstruction in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Large Reticulocyte in Medical?

    The short form of "Large Reticulocyte" is LR for Medical.


LR in Medical. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated