LRE Meaning

The LRE meaning is "Least Restricted Environment". The LRE abbreviation has 67 different full form.

LRE Full Forms

  1. Least Restricted Environment Science, Education, School
  2. Least Restrictive Environment Education, Disability, Special Education, Medical, Health, Scientific & Educational
  3. Long Reach Ethernet Technology, Switch, Cisco
  4. Long-Reach Ethernet Technology, Computing, Switching
  5. Left-To-Right Embedding Technology, Coding, Control, Character
  6. Long Range Ethernet Technology, Networking, Cisco
  7. Linezolid-Resistant Enterococcus
  8. Lease Restrictive Environment Education, Educational
  9. Logic Return Equalmzer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  10. Light-Responsive Element Medical
  11. Least Restrictive Enviornment
  12. Localization-Related Epilepsy Medical, Patient, Seizure
  13. Line Regenerating Equipment Technology, Telecom
  14. Language Rich Eurqpe
  15. Logical Real Estate
  16. Least Restricitive Environment
  17. Linear Response Equilibrium
  18. Launch and Recovery Element Military, Army, Hawk
  19. Language Resource and Evaluation Technology, Conference, Linguistic
  20. Localizatioz-Related Epilepsies Medical
  21. Least Restrict Environment
  22. Lincoln Renewable Energy
  23. Latest Revised Estimate The sum of the actual incurred costs plus the latest estimate-to-complete for a work package or summary item as currently reviewed and revised, or both (including applicable overhead where direct costs are specified). Technology, Management, Projection, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
  24. Language Resources and Evaluation Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Treatment, Conference
  25. Load Redundancy Eliminatipn
  26. Least Restrictive Environments Science, Education, Disability
  27. Luxury Xeal Estate
  28. Limited Relative Error
  29. Legally Required Education Development, Learning, Study
  30. Language Recognition Evaluation Language, Speech, Linguistic
  31. Link Redundancy Entity
  32. Least-Restrictive Environment
  33. Luftseilbahn Raron-Eischoll
  34. Limited Regular Expression Technology
  35. Left To Right Embedding Technology, Coding, Character
  36. Language Reading Agd Exceptionalities
  37. Linguistic Research and Engineering Technology, Language, Projection
  38. Least-Restricitive Environment
  39. Logistics Readiness Element
  40. Lightwave Repeating Equipment Technology, Telecom
  41. Linear Resource Extension
  42. Leverage Ratio Exposure Business, Banking, Standard
  43. Low Risq Enhancement Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  44. Longreach Airport, Longreach, Queensland, Australia Australia
  45. Laser Radar Eqration
  46. Leukemic Reticuloendotheliosis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  47. Low Resolution Entity Army, War, Force
  48. Lifespan Religious Education
  49. Logan Remote Engine Software, Computing
  50. Longreach Airport Longreach, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  51. Lymphoreticuloendothelial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  52. Leukaemic Reticuloendotheliosis Medical
  53. Low Rate Encoding Technology, Satellite, Telecom
  54. Life Review Experience Science, Death, Eye
  55. Lancashire Holdings Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  56. Lybarger Racing Enterprises
  57. Lettre RecommandéE Electronique
  58. Lower Rhine Embayment
  59. Licking Rural Electrification
  60. Luciferin Regenerating Enzyme
  61. Long Run Exploration Business, Supply, Stock
  62. Liberty Ridge Elementary
  63. Luciferin-Regeneratine Enzyme Medical
  64. Live Russian Entertainment
  65. Lexington Reptile Expo
  66. Lre Royal Electrkcal
  67. Law Related Education Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LRE stand for?

    LRE stands for Lexington Reptile Expo.

  2. What is the shortened form of Least-Restrictive Environment?

    The short form of "Least-Restrictive Environment" is LRE.


LRE. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated