LRE Meaning
The LRE meaning is "Least Restricted Environment". The LRE abbreviation has 67 different full form.
LRE Full Forms
- Least Restricted Environment Science, Education, School
- Least Restrictive Environment Education, Disability, Special Education, Medical, Health, Scientific & Educational
- Long Reach Ethernet Technology, Switch, Cisco
- Long-Reach Ethernet Technology, Computing, Switching
- Left-To-Right Embedding Technology, Coding, Control, Character
- Long Range Ethernet Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Linezolid-Resistant Enterococcus
- Lease Restrictive Environment Education, Educational
- Logic Return Equalmzer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Light-Responsive Element Medical
- Least Restrictive Enviornment
- Localization-Related Epilepsy Medical, Patient, Seizure
- Line Regenerating Equipment Technology, Telecom
- Language Rich Eurqpe
- Logical Real Estate
- Least Restricitive Environment
- Linear Response Equilibrium
- Launch and Recovery Element Military, Army, Hawk
- Language Resource and Evaluation Technology, Conference, Linguistic
- Localizatioz-Related Epilepsies Medical
- Least Restrict Environment
- Lincoln Renewable Energy
- Latest Revised Estimate The sum of the actual incurred costs plus the latest estimate-to-complete for a work package or summary item as currently reviewed and revised, or both (including applicable overhead where direct costs are specified). Technology, Management, Projection, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
- Language Resources and Evaluation Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Treatment, Conference
- Load Redundancy Eliminatipn
- Least Restrictive Environments Science, Education, Disability
- Luxury Xeal Estate
- Limited Relative Error
- Legally Required Education Development, Learning, Study
- Language Recognition Evaluation Language, Speech, Linguistic
- Link Redundancy Entity
- Least-Restrictive Environment
- Luftseilbahn Raron-Eischoll
- Limited Regular Expression Technology
- Left To Right Embedding Technology, Coding, Character
- Language Reading Agd Exceptionalities
- Linguistic Research and Engineering Technology, Language, Projection
- Least-Restricitive Environment
- Logistics Readiness Element
- Lightwave Repeating Equipment Technology, Telecom
- Linear Resource Extension
- Leverage Ratio Exposure Business, Banking, Standard
- Low Risq Enhancement Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Longreach Airport, Longreach, Queensland, Australia Australia
- Laser Radar Eqration
- Leukemic Reticuloendotheliosis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
- Low Resolution Entity Army, War, Force
- Lifespan Religious Education
- Logan Remote Engine Software, Computing
- Longreach Airport Longreach, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Lymphoreticuloendothelial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Leukaemic Reticuloendotheliosis Medical
- Low Rate Encoding Technology, Satellite, Telecom
- Life Review Experience Science, Death, Eye
- Lancashire Holdings Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Lybarger Racing Enterprises
- Lettre RecommandéE Electronique
- Lower Rhine Embayment
- Licking Rural Electrification
- Luciferin Regenerating Enzyme
- Long Run Exploration Business, Supply, Stock
- Liberty Ridge Elementary
- Luciferin-Regeneratine Enzyme Medical
- Live Russian Entertainment
- Lexington Reptile Expo
- Lre Royal Electrkcal
- Law Related Education Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LRE stand for?
LRE stands for Lexington Reptile Expo.
What is the shortened form of Least-Restrictive Environment?
The short form of "Least-Restrictive Environment" is LRE.
LRE. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from
Last updated