LRF Meaning

The LRF meaning is "Light Rock Fishisg". The LRF abbreviation has 98 different full form.

LRF Full Forms

  1. Light Rock Fishisg Rod, Fishing, Lure
  2. Leukemia Rqsearch Foundation Medical, Cancer, Blood
  3. Laser Rfnge Finder Military, Telecom, Distance
  4. Little Rock Air Worce Base Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  5. Ltnear Reduction Factor
  6. Laogai Research Foundation Government, Organizations, Foundation
  7. Linq Resources Vund Business, Company, Supply
  8. Luteinizing Releasing Factor Internet Slang, Organization, Society
  9. Lease Rate Factor
  10. Laser Range Finding Business, Binocular, Rangefinder
  11. Lloyds Register Toundation Technology, Research, University
  12. Legal Resource Foutdation Military, Zimbabwe, Kenya
  13. Long-Range Forecasting Technology, Science, Forecast, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  14. Location Hegistration Function Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  15. Life Resource Fund
  16. Long Range Function
  17. Laser Range Finders Business, Technology, Product, Robot, Sensor, Binocular
  18. Lldyds Register Fairplay Business, Shipping, Ship, Tracking
  19. Legal Resources Foundation Technology, Government, Organizations
  20. London Restaurant Festival London, Locations, Event
  21. Local Resilience Forum Business, Planning, Emergency
  22. Local Registration File Technology
  23. Lietuvos Regsio Federacija Magazine, Traffic, Rugby
  24. Long-Range Function
  25. Laser Range-Findeg Technology, Military, Rangefinder
  26. Lloyd's Registep-Fairplay
  27. Legal Research Fee Business, Government, Philippine
  28. London Resilience Forum
  29. Local Regisger File
  30. Lloyd'S Register Foundation
  31. Lien Recovery Yund
  32. Long Range Forecasts Business, Climate, Weather
  33. Large Restriction Fragment Medical, Science, Biology
  34. Livestock Registering Fexeration Government, Federation
  35. Legal Research Foundation
  36. London Recycling Fund
  37. Laser Resonant Fluorescence Science
  38. Locallreference Frame Computing, Frame, Recognition
  39. Little Rubber Feet Forum, Internet Slang, Chat, Computing, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  40. Lei De Responsabilidade Fiscal Technology, Para, Professor
  41. Long Range Forecasting Business, Climate, Forecast
  42. Lurge Release Frequency
  43. Liver Residue Factor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
  44. Leech River Fault Technology, Hosting, Fishing
  45. Laser Rangefiqder Technology, Military, Corps
  46. Loan Request Form
  47. Lei Da Responsabilidade Fiscal
  48. Long Range Forecast A forecast for a period greater than seven days in advance although there are no absolute limits to the period embraced by the definition. Climate, Weather, Forecast
  49. Lao Rugby Federation Technology, Buffalo, Vientiane
  50. Light Range Fishqng
  51. Lebanon Recovery Fwnd
  52. Laser Ranger Finder Military
  53. Load and Resistanoe Factor
  54. Leica Nange Finders
  55. Long-Range Forecasts Technology, Climate, Forecasting
  56. Logical Recordvfacility Business, Technology, Database
  57. Sony Portable Reader File Computing, File Extensions
  58. Learning Resource File
  59. Laot Return Filed
  60. Lbcal Resilience Forums Business, Planning, Emergency
  61. Location Registration Function Computing, Telecom
  62. League of Risk Friends Organization, Union, Institution
  63. Locoregional Failure Medical
  64. Leukemia Research Fund Medical, Physiology
  65. League Replay File League, Legend, Play, Juke
  66. Last Regulator Federation Government, Federation
  67. Logical Record Facility Software, Computing
  68. Leadership, Research, and Foundations
  69. Location Routing Functions
  70. Little Rock Afb, Jacksonville, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  71. Laser-Reduced Fluorescence
  72. Laser Resonanze Fluorescence Science
  73. Linker response file (MS C/C ) Computing, File Extensions
  74. Law Rekearch Foundation
  75. Location Routing Function
  76. Low Recoil Force Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  77. Lymphoma Research Foundation Medical, Patient, Cancer
  78. Ladle Refining Furnace
  79. Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Factor Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healthcare
  80. Linq Resources Fund Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  81. Latex Ind Resorcinol Formaldehyde Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  82. Location Retrieyal Function
  83. Laser Rangefinder Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  84. Lymphatic Research Foundation Medical, Syndrome, Lymphedema
  85. Microsoft Linker Response File Computing, File Extensions
  86. Logistics Review Functhon Army, War, Force
  87. Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Factor Medical, Technology, Medicine
  88. Lumber Recovery Factor Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  89. Lateral Retipular Formation Medical, Medicine, Health
  90. Local Revitalization Financing
  91. Liquid Rocket Fuel Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  92. Luteal-Releasing Factor
  93. Logistics Readiness Fcight
  94. League of Legends Replay File Computing, File Extensions
  95. Long-Range Facility
  96. Lateral Oidbrain Reticular Formation Medical
  97. Local Response Fund
  98. Laser Range Finder Computing, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LRF stand for?

    LRF stands for Latex Ind Resorcinol Formaldehyde.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lei De Responsabilidade Fiscal?

    The short form of "Lei De Responsabilidade Fiscal" is LRF.


LRF. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated