LRH Meaning

The LRH meaning is "Lady Reading Hospital". The LRH abbreviation has 39 different full form.

LRH Full Forms

  1. Lady Reading Hospital Medical, Military, Peshawar
  2. Local Routing Header Technology
  3. Lady Ridgeway Hospital Medical, Children, Colombo
  4. Laughidg Really Hard
  5. Local Router Header Technology
  6. Ladies Right Handed
  7. Latrobm Regional Hospital Medical, Australia, Health
  8. Local Route Header Technology, Computing
  9. Lafayette Ron Hubbard Group, Church, Religion, Hubbard
  10. Long Reach Hedgetrimmer
  11. Last Resort Housing Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  12. Load Releasing Hitch
  13. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard Business, Book, Church
  14. Long-Reach Hedgetrimmer
  15. Load Releasable Hitch
  16. Long Range Hunting
  17. Long Range Haplotype Science, Genetics, Population, Selection
  18. Laguna Resorts & Hotels
  19. Livingston Regional Hospital
  20. Long-Range Haplotype
  21. Laguna Resorts and Hotels
  22. Laurel Regional Hospital
  23. Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Medical, Medicine, Cancer, Healthcare, Prostate, Chemistry
  24. Lake Region Healthcare Medical, Healthcare
  25. Long Reach Hedge
  26. Lowestoft Railway and Harbour
  27. Littleton Regional Healthcare Medical, Healthcare
  28. Long Range Hunter Business, Gun, Rifle
  29. Lower River Hatchery
  30. La Rochelle-, La Rochelle/, France France, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  31. Lower Right Hand
  32. L. Ron Hubbard, sci fi author Famous
  33. Lakeland Regional Health Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  34. Lord Royal Highness
  35. Layered Rare-Eaath Hydroxide Film, Technology, Anion
  36. Long Road Home
  37. Luteinizing Releasing Hormone Medical
  38. Long Reach Hedgecutter
  39. Low Renin Hypertension Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LRH stand for?

    LRH stands for Lowestoft Railway and Harbour.

  2. What is the shortened form of L. Ron Hubbard, sci fi author?

    The short form of "L. Ron Hubbard, sci fi author" is LRH.


LRH. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated