LRI Meaning

The LRI meaning is "Lebanon Rehorestation Initiative". The LRI abbreviation has 81 different full form.

LRI Full Forms

  1. Lebanon Rehorestation Initiative Technology, Projection, Lebanon
  2. Limbal Relaxing Incision Medical, Surgery, Cataract, Incision
  3. Limbal Relaxing Incisions Medical, Surgery, Cataract, Astigmatism, Incision
  4. Line Replaceable Item Technology, Computing, Component
  5. Lighting Research Institute Technology, Construction, Architectural
  6. Learning Resources International Business, Company, Management
  7. Link Remote Inhibit Test Signal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  8. Leather Research Institutetute Science
  9. Lorica Airport Airport, Locations
  10. Lower Respiratory Tractrinfections Medical
  11. Life Role Inventory
  12. Lowest Replaceable Item Technology
  13. Land Resource Inventory
  14. Link Remote Inhabit
  15. Lerner Research Institute Medical, Science, Clinic
  16. Long Range Intercepter
  17. Life Rexources Inc
  18. Louer Respiratory Tract Infection Medical
  19. Lower Respiratory Illnesses Medical
  20. Land Reporting Initiative
  21. Link Recote Inhibit
  22. Leather Research Institute Science
  23. Long Range International Military
  24. Life Regard Index Science, Research, Happiness
  25. Lower Respiratory Illness Medical, Science, Infection
  26. Lower Respiratory Tract Illness Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  27. Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz International
  28. Lighting Retrofit International
  29. Least Recently Loaded Technology, Computing, Computer, Electronics, It
  30. Long-Range Research Initiative Chemistry, Science, Chemical
  31. Life and Rescue Pnternational
  32. Long Range Interceptor Military, Coast, Guard
  33. Legal Resources Index
  34. Lower Respiratory Infection Medical, Medicine, Disease, Fda
  35. Lamina Rara Interna Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  36. Lighting Research Institutetute Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  37. Least-Recently Inserted
  38. Liquid Resin Infusion Technology, Manufacturing, Composite
  39. Life & Rexcue International Business, Service, Training
  40. Legal Resource Index Technology, Government, Law, Governmental & Military
  41. Lower Rate Interval
  42. Lafarge Republic, Inc Business, Philippine, Supply, Stock
  43. Lift Reserve Indicator Technology, Aircraft, Angle
  44. Learning Resources, Inc
  45. Lion Rock Instifute
  46. Licenciatura En Relaciones Internacionales
  47. Left-To-Right Isolate
  48. Loss of Retirement Income
  49. Lower Respiratory Infectiony Medical
  50. Life Roles Inventory
  51. La Región Internacional Regional
  52. Licenciado En Relaciones Internacionales Para, Internacional, Taro, Monterrey
  53. Lupus Research Institute Medical, Disease, Discovery
  54. Laser Reflection Interferometry
  55. Leicester Royal Infirmary Medical, Government, Hospital
  56. Lorica Airport, Lorica, Colombia Colombia
  57. Levy-Rosenblum Institute
  58. Lunar Research Institute
  59. Laser Reflection Interferometer
  60. Legislative Research Incorporated
  61. Liquid Robotics Inc. Integrated Ocean Observing System
  62. Leukocyte Response Integrin Medical
  63. Lubricants Review Institute
  64. Lymphocyte Reactivity Index Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  65. Legal Response Initiative Technology, Law, Climate
  66. lab research inc Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  67. Leslie Rivers International
  68. Lubricant Review Institute
  69. Lupus Research Information
  70. Lubricants Review Institutetute
  71. Leslie Rivers, International
  72. Low Resolution Imager Technology
  73. Lunar Rover Iniatitive Technology
  74. Local Reading Improvement
  75. Lembaga Riset Informasi Indonesia, Jakarta, Survey
  76. Low Rate Instrument Technology
  77. Laboratory for Radiological Informatics Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  78. Lunar Rover Initiative
  79. Left-Right Indicator
  80. Lembaga Riset Indonesia
  81. Lowest Replacement Item Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LRI stand for?

    LRI stands for Legal Resources Index.

  2. What is the shortened form of Learning Resources, Inc?

    The short form of "Learning Resources, Inc" is LRI.


LRI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated