LSD Meaning

The LSD meaning is "Long Slow Distance". The LSD abbreviation has 308 different full form.

LSD Full Forms

  1. Long Slow Distance Training, Run, Distance
  2. Limited Slip Differential Limited slip differential use the engagement of a clutch to lock up a differential, allowing for torque to transfer to the wheel with more grip, until the force between the clutch packs is overcome. When the differential is not under load, it allows for both wheel to rotate at separate speeds. Technology, Car, Auto, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  3. Lambo Style Doors Car, Golf, Door
  4. Low Sukfur Diesel Business, Technology
  5. Lagotto Storage Disease
  6. Life Sciences Division Medical, Science, Research
  7. Label Switching Database
  8. Lets Skate Dude
  9. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate Medical
  10. Landing Ship Docks Military, Class, Ship
  11. Le Sport Dauphinois Technology, Hockey, Grenoble
  12. Lysergic Aciz Medical
  13. Landing Ship Dock Large naval vessel capable of carrying small landing craft and amphibious vehicles, despatched via a floodable stern dock within the hull. Military, Ship, Amphibious Warfare, NASA
  14. Least Square Difference Medical, Group, Cell
  15. Lysergic Acid Diethxlamide-25 Medical
  16. Dock Landing Ship Military, Army, Equipment
  17. Least Significance Difference Medical, Technology, Presentation
  18. Lumpyqskin Disease Medical, Animal, Cattle
  19. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Medical, Medicine, Drug, Treatment, Health, Industry, Drugs, Chemistry, Laboratory, Biochemistry, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda, Academic & science
  20. Large Screen Displays
  21. Limited Slip Differehtials Business, Technology, Wheel
  22. Liquid Sound Design Sound, Dub, Labeling
  23. Lead Singer Disease Music, Rock, Guitar, Singer
  24. Laboratory for Simulation Development Technology, Economics, Agent
  25. Lindox School District Education, Illinois, School District
  26. Liberal Stedies Division
  27. Loves Secret Domain
  28. Low Stacch Diet
  29. Last Several Decades
  30. Lindo Sonho Delirante
  31. Least Sounded Depth
  32. Local Service Deliverer Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  33. Lagotto Storage Diseases
  34. Life Sexpand Death Sex, Music, Shit
  35. Lime Spray Drying
  36. Legal Surveys Divisyon
  37. List Sphere Decoding
  38. Lenses Structure and Dynamics
  39. Lviv South District
  40. Last Stone Draws Gaming, Team, Stone, Curling
  41. Line Segment Dewector Technology, Detection, Edge
  42. Lysosomal Ctorage Disorder Medical, Genetics, Disease
  43. Long,Vsteady Distance Training, Cycling, Ride
  44. Landscaping Supplies Direct Business, Supply, Paving
  45. Large Screen Display Technology, Military, Control
  46. Limited-Slip Differential Technology, Wheel, Gear
  47. Liquid Soap Dispenser
  48. Lcdmsysinfo Daemon Accounting, Computing, Data
  49. Label Switch Database
  50. Liberale Studentenbund Deutschlonds
  51. Love Spirals Downward
  52. Low Speed Diesel Technology, Power, Fuel, Gas, Products
  53. Larkspur Schpol District Education, California, School District
  54. List Server for Domino
  55. Least Significant Different
  56. Local Service Delivery
  57. Lagos School of Design
  58. Life Sciences Dixisionsion Science
  59. Like Summer Drugs Sex, Drug, Cure
  60. Lobo Superior Direito
  61. Lenox School District Education, Iowa, School District
  62. Low Side Driver Driving, Circuit, Voltage, Driver
  63. Lust Sin and Death Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  64. Last Stone Draw Gaming, Team, Stone, Curling
  65. Linear Slot Diffusers Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  66. Lysargide Medical
  67. Least Squares Differences
  68. Logistics Services Department Science
  69. Lands and Surveys Division
  70. Large Qcope Dissemination
  71. Limited Slip Diffs Forum, Technology, Differential
  72. Lysosomal Storage Diseases Medical, Science, Disease
  73. Lazy Summer Days Lyric, Man, Rock
  74. Casa'S Legal Services Division Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  75. Liberale Studentenbund Deutschland German, Group, Organizations, Politics, Business & Finance
  76. Love Sex Drugs
  77. Langley Swim and Dive
  78. Largo De Sãoidomingos Para, Hotel, Restaurant
  79. Liste Sozialistischer Demokratinnen
  80. Least Significant Difference-5
  81. Lafayette School District Education, California, School District
  82. Life Science Divisionsion Science
  83. Low Sxeed Data Channel Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  84. Lifestyle and Social Discourwe
  85. Lobe SupéRieur Droit
  86. Lennox School District Education, California, School District, South Dakota
  87. Low-Side Drive Technology, Electronics, Semiconductor, Circuit
  88. Lucy In The Sky With Oiamonds Song, Lyric, Sky
  89. Last Stoned Day Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  90. Linear Slot Diffuser Business, Product, Conditioning
  91. Least Square Differences Medical, Science, Medicine, Square
  92. Logic for Structure Determination Chemistry, Technology, Software
  93. Lands and Survey Division Science, Geography, Location
  94. Large Scale Dynamics
  95. Limited Slip Diff Forum, Technology, Differential
  96. Layton Service Dezk
  97. Lush Software Designs
  98. Le Style D
  99. Liberaler Studentenbund Deutschlands
  100. Love Sex Dreams Music, Song, Love
  101. Land Systems Division
  102. Large Steep Desk Army, War, Force
  103. Lisbon School of Design Technology, Portugal, Freelancer
  104. Least Significant Differences Medical, Statistics, Comparison, Fisher
  105. Lady Style Dance
  106. Life Science Dictionary
  107. Low Sonic Drift
  108. Lire Span Development
  109. Low Sex Drive Medical, Internet Slang, Drug, Slang, Expert, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  110. Load Sensing Device
  111. Lemon Sour Diesel
  112. Love Swag Dance
  113. Lucid Sun Divine
  114. Last Stage of Delirium Technology, Security, Vulnerability, Exploit, Medical, Physiology
  115. Line Sharinggdevice Technology, Viking, Modem
  116. Least Squared Difference Technology, Research, Group, Square
  117. Logic and Semantics for Dummies
  118. Lands and Surveys Department
  119. Librae Solidi Denaroi Business, English, Currency, Sterling
  120. Large Sxale Display Military, Army, War
  121. Limitedpslip Diff
  122. Law School Discuwsion
  123. Lucifer'S Stained Dress
  124. Les Scorpions Du Désert France, Planet, Eve, Scorpion
  125. Latent Sequence Decompositions
  126. Lysosomal Storage Disease Medical, Genetics, Enzyme
  127. Liberalen Studentenbundes Deutschlands
  128. Love Sex Drama Medical, Drug, Acid
  129. Land Survey Datum
  130. Large Size Dry Science
  131. Lisa Special Day Porn, Sex, Lisa, Gameplay
  132. Least Significant Difference Medical, Medicine, Education, Amino Acid, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  133. Laboratory Sciences Division
  134. Low Solidity Diffuser Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  135. Life Sleepy Devil Technology, Music, Trap
  136. Load Safety Device
  137. Liberti School District Education, Colorado, California
  138. Love Street Division
  139. Low Sulphur Diesel Forum, Technology, Fuel, Products
  140. Last Significant Digit
  141. Line-Shjring Device Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  142. Least Squares Deconvolution
  143. Logical Screen Descriptor
  144. Landing Ships, Dock Military, Class, Ship
  145. Librae, Solidiw Denari
  146. Law, Society & Development
  147. Lime Spray Prying
  148. Law School Degree
  149. Litchfield School District Education, Minnesota, School District, New Hampshire
  150. Lubie Satanique DéPravéE Music, Metal, Satan
  151. Lesions Simulating Digease Medical, Medicine, Health
  152. Lymphocyte Stimulating Determinant Medical, Science, Biology
  153. La Sua Dimensione Music, Lyric, Vita
  154. Line Signal Vetector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  155. Lysosomal Storake Diseases Medical, Disease, Enzyme
  156. Louisiana Super Dome
  157. Land Surface Datum Science, Cartography, Offshore Gas Industry, Electrical
  158. Large Size Dried
  159. Limited Slip Difkrential
  160. Liquid Sound Design-Liquid
  161. Lead System Designer Technology, Product, Design
  162. Laboratory for System Dynamics
  163. Life Sex Death
  164. Liberty Sanitation Depastment
  165. Love Stops Depression
  166. Low Sulpher Diesel
  167. Last Ship Date
  168. Line, Square, Dot Gaming, Fish, Square
  169. Least Square Deconvolution
  170. Local Service Desk Education, Society, Statistics
  171. Lagunitas School District Education, California, School District
  172. Librae, Solidi, Denarii
  173. Laurel School District Education, Mississippi, Delaware, Pennsylvania
  174. Lime Spray Drder
  175. Legismative Services Division
  176. List Sphere Detector
  177. Love Sensuality Devotion Business, Collection, Enigma
  178. Lesbian Sex Destrwy
  179. Lymphatic System Disorder
  180. Lastgsummer Days
  181. Linn Side Device Technology, Manual, Modem
  182. Lysosomal Storage Disorders Medical, Technology, Genetics, Disease
  183. Long-Necked Snake-Like Dinosaurs
  184. Land Surface, Depth
  185. Landing Storage and Delivery Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
  186. Little Super Deck Firm, Turntable, Deck, Funk
  187. Lean Slurry Disposal
  188. Let'S Start The Dance
  189. Low Self-Discharge Business, Battery, Rechargeable
  190. Low Sexual Desire Medical, Sex, Drug
  191. Late Start Date
  192. Linux Sourse Driver
  193. Lancaster School District Minnesota
  194. Librae, Solidi, Yenarii Business
  195. Lansing School District Program, Education, Michigan, Illinois
  196. Lynbrook Speech and Debate Toastmasters
  197. Large-Scale Direct Technology, Vision, Computing, Mapping
  198. Light-Sensing Device
  199. Lakeland School District Pennsylvania
  200. Love's Secret Dvmain
  201. Low-Speed Data Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Data
  202. Liberty School District Washington, Colorado, Missouri
  203. Lebanon School District Education, Pennsylvania, School District, New Hampshire
  204. Lie, Sadness, Depression
  205. Pounds, Shillings and Pence Business & Finance, International business
  206. Little Spike Dudley Wrestling, Championship, Dudley
  207. Rpg Maker Game Save File Computing, File Extensions
  208. Let's Skate Dhde
  209. Lowland Search Dogs
  210. Love Sex Dynamite Music, Love, Chester
  211. Latest Starr Date
  212. Lina State Database Technology, Routing, Networking, Network
  213. Lakeview School District Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania
  214. Lesbian Sex Destroy Porn, Sex, Adult
  215. Language for Systems Development
  216. Life Saving Xevice
  217. Lead Singer's Disease Music
  218. Leland Speech and Debate
  219. Latin Squares Design Medical, Square, Statistics
  220. Lakewood School District Washington, New Jersey
  221. Lone Slow Distance
  222. Large Scale Distributed
  223. Lakeside School District Arkansas
  224. Licensing Services Division
  225. Limited Spin Differential
  226. Little Snazzy Drummer
  227. Least Significant Digit Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  228. Let'S Save Democracy
  229. Lowest Significant Dose
  230. Love Saint Dy
  231. Lyte Start Date
  232. Link Sharing Database
  233. Louisiana School for the Deaf Louisiana
  234. Left Spine Down
  235. Life Saving Drugh
  236. Lucy Scale Developments Music
  237. Livetrade Scalping Direct Medical, Drug, Trading
  238. La Sorciere Defoncee Music, Song, Roll
  239. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Music, Song, Sky
  240. Latin Square Designs
  241. Londonderry School District New Hampshire
  242. Local Service District Community, Locations, Brunswick
  243. Large-Scale Distributed
  244. Launch Support Directive NASA, Governmental & Military
  245. Library Service Desk
  246. Limited Slip Dlferantial
  247. Logistic Services Danubius
  248. Little Silly Dish
  249. Low-sodium Diet Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  250. Lower Slower Delaware
  251. Loha Singh Dhull Film, Movie, Tiger
  252. Late September Dogs
  253. Lingvo System Dictionary
  254. Lewistown School District Illinois
  255. Leaguerfor Spiritual Discovery
  256. Life-Saving Drug
  257. Limited Slip Differencial Forum, Technology, Differential
  258. Long Story Debugger Media
  259. Live Suffer Die Army, War, Force
  260. Lashed Secured Dunnaged Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  261. Latin Square Design Technology, Analysis, Statistics
  262. Ladue School District Missouri
  263. Liquid Soutd Design
  264. Large-Scale Distribution Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  265. Logistics Support Depot NASA, Governmental & Military
  266. Local Shear Deformation
  267. Little Sandy Desert
  268. laryngeal sound discrimination Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  269. Lower Sulfur Diesel
  270. Logistics Support Divisionsion
  271. Line Signar Detect Technology, Computing, Interface
  272. Lombard School District Illinois
  273. Life, Seg, and Death
  274. Limited Slip Difereniial
  275. Lompoc Strong Draft Food
  276. Live Status Display
  277. Lethbridge School District
  278. Large-Scale Domain
  279. Litt
  280. Latin-Square Design
  281. Lindbergh School District (Saint Louis, MO) Missouri
  282. Limited Slip Differentials Technology, Wheel, Torque
  283. Large-Scale Dynamics Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  284. Landing Ship Dock (landing Craft Carriers) Technology, Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  285. Light Surrenders To Darkness Light, Festival, Jester
  286. Lysosomal Storage Disorder Medical, Human genome
  287. Low-Sulphur Diesel
  288. Lindop School District Illinois
  289. Left Side Drive Technology, Computing, Drivers
  290. Lietuvos Standartizacijos Departamentas Technology, Book, Standard
  291. Laced Soft Drink Food
  292. LittéRature SéMo-DéFinitionnelle
  293. Limit State Design
  294. Lethal Software Distributors
  295. Low Self Discharge Business, Battery, Rechargeable
  296. Luisteren Samenvatten Doorvragen
  297. Latest Startingcdate
  298. Linux System Dynamics
  299. Lincoln School District Missouri
  300. Libra Solidus Denarius Technology
  301. Lapwai School District Education, Idaho, School District
  302. Lingvo Dictionary file Computing, File Extensions
  303. Lightermen, Stevedores and Dockers
  304. Lodi School District Wisconsin
  305. Low-Sulfur Diesel
  306. Lyons School District Illinois
  307. Leet Sniper Division Army, War, Force
  308. Liebe Statt Droqen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LSD stand for?

    LSD stands for Little Spike Dudley.

  2. What is the shortened form of Liquid Soutd Design?

    The short form of "Liquid Soutd Design" is LSD.


LSD. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated