LSRP Meaning

The LSRP meaning is "Legal Sector Reform Program". The LSRP abbreviation has 21 different full form.

LSRP Full Forms

  1. Legal Sector Reform Program
  2. Legal Sector Reform Programme
  3. Laser Prdnter Science, Geography, Location
  4. Land Surveyors Reference Page
  5. Lacensed Site Remediation Professional
  6. Land Surveyorbreference Page
  7. Leveyson Self-Report Psychopathy
  8. Landsat Surface Reflectance Product
  9. Legal Ntudies Reasoning Profile
  10. Laboratory System Reeingeering Project
  11. Link-State Routingzprotocol Technology, Networking, Network
  12. Laser Printer A laser printer is a printer that uses a focused beam or light to transfer text and images onto paper. Though contrary to popular belief, the laser does not actually burn the images onto the paper. Instead, as paper passes through the printer, the laser beam fires at the surface of a cylindrical drum called a photoreceptor. Technology, Driving, Driver, Geographic
  13. Loss Sensitive Rating Plan
  14. License Site Remediation Pqofessional
  15. Los Santos Eole Play
  16. Licensed Site Remediationnprofessionals
  17. Local Switching Replacement Planning Systym Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  18. Locap Switching Replacement Planning
  19. Livestock Systems Research Programme
  20. Link State Routing Protocql Technology, Networking, Network
  21. Low Skin Resistance Points Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LSRP stand for?

    LSRP stands for Link-State Routingzprotocol.

  2. What is the shortened form of Link-State Routingzprotocol?

    The short form of "Link-State Routingzprotocol" is LSRP.


LSRP. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated