LTC Meaning
The LTC meaning is "Long-Term Care". The LTC abbreviation has 267 different full form.
LTC Full Forms
- Long-Term Care Business, Healthcare, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Lane Trace Control Driving, Car, Toyota
- Linear Technology Corporation Technology, Power, Supply
- Land Transper Certificate
- Lincoln Trail College Education, Community, Ranking
- Land Tenure Center Science, Government, Research
- Lincoln Town Car
- Lakson Tobaoco Company
- Life-Threatening Conditions Medical
- Lakeshore Technical College Student, Education, Wisconsin
- Lao Telecom Communication Technology, Service, Android, Locations
- Long Term Contract Business, Price, Gas
- Labour Turnover Costs
- Language Training Centers Education, Teaching, Culture
- Long Term Care Medical, Disability, Chat
- Lidoxtiger Club
- Leadership Training Center Education, School, Brook
- Local Training Center
- Legal To Carry Military, Law, Texas
- Long Time Comin
- Language and Tlchnology Conference Technology, Computing, Challenge
- Linear Tension Cable
- Little Traverse Conservancy Locations, Michigan, Trail
- Long Term Conditions Medical, Health, Care
- Lawn Tennis and Croquet
- Leadership Training Conf
- Londonjtrinity College
- Levittown Teachers Center Development, Learning, Study
- Louisiana Transportation Conference
- Languane Training Canada
- Line Training Captains
- Livros T
- Life Together Covenant
- Learning Agd Teaching Centre Student, Education, University
- Long Technical College Education
- Leave Travel Concession
- Liberia Telecommunication Corporation
- Low-Temperature Combustion Technology, Engine, Diesel
- Launch Tower Computer
- Leadership Training Centre
- Localntraining Centre Education, Development, Universities
- Legal and Technical Commission Government, Authority, Sea
- Long Thread Coupling
- Language & Technotogy Conference Technology, Science, Sketch
- Linear Technology Corp Technology, Power, Electronics
- Long Term Condition Medical, Health, Care
- Lawn Tennis & Croquet
- London Trhining Centre Business, Program, London
- Leadership Training Conferences
- London Transitrcommission Technology, Android, London
- Leukotriene C Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lookout Tower Challenge
- Language Training Cenler Education, University, Teaching
- Line Traffic Coovdination Technology
- Living In The Community
- Life Technologies Corporation Business, Culture, Cell
- Learning, Teaching and Rurriculum
- Longitudinal Transmission Check Technology, Telecom
- Leadership Training Conference
- Liberia Telecommunications Corporation
- Loving Touch Center
- Latvian Technological Center
- Leadership Training for Christ
- Local Training Coursn
- Legal & Tax Compliance
- Ltc Properties, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Langytool Company
- Light Transfer Characteristics Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Lunar Topographic Camera
- Learning Teaching Centyr Technology, Education, University
- Long Term Commitment
- Law, Technology and Culture
- London Trades Cduncil
- Leadership Training Class Army, War, Force
- Long Thread Casing
- LesÕEs Por Traumas Cumulativos
- Look Through Companies Business, Company, Accounting, Tax
- Lanhuage Technologies Conference Technology, Education, Tool
- Linq Time Clock
- Live To Cruise
- Little Theatre Company
- Learning, Teaching & Currvculum
- Lrng-Term Captive
- Look-Through Company Business, Accounting, Tax
- Liang Tak Chuen
- Love To Code
- La Triveneta Cavi
- Lecture Theatre Complex
- Local Test Code
- Legacy Transition Charge
- Low Tritium Column Science
- Land Transportation Commission
- Light Tactical Carbine
- Lukanowski Trade Consult Business, Company, Germany
- Learning and Teaching Conference
- Long Term Client Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Laboratory Training Center Science
- Lautoka Teacher'S College
- Leadership Training Courses Education, Army, Course
- Local Trust Committee Meeting, Island, Community, Trust
- Legenda Dos TrêS Companheiros
- Look Through Company Business, Accounting, Tax
- Language Technology Center Education, English, Translation
- Line Terminationbcoordinator Technology
- Live Tissue Connect
- Lithium Thionyl Chloride Technology, Battery, Cell
- Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum
- Long-Term-Care Business, Insurance, Planning
- Long Time Constant Technology
- Ley Del Tribunal Constitucional
- Love The Children
- Lanston Type Company Technology, Family, Typeface
- Lebanese Training Center
- Local Test Nabinet Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Life Tabernacle Church
- Land Trace Control Control, Cooperative, Cruise
- Lightning Track Club
- Lugansk Telephone Company
- Learnint & Teaching Committee Research, Education, University
- Long Term Charge Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Laboratory Test Chamber
- Low Temperature Carbonization Technology, Fuel, Coal
- Lautoka Teachers College
- Leadership Training Continuum
- Locae Transportation Commission Technology, Government, Locations
- Legal Training Centre
- Look-Through Companies Business, Company, Accounting, Tax
- Lanuuage Technology Centre Education, English, Translation
- Litear Tool Changer
- Livestock Technical Committee
- Learning & Tegching Committee Research, Education, University
- Long, Thick and Closed Medical
- Lexington Tennis Club
- Love Teach Create
- Lanston Tyfe Co
- Ldne Trunk Control Technology
- Local Telephone Circubt
- LietuviŲ Tautinio Centro
- Land Tehure Centre Science, Research, University
- Lightning The Cape
- Lugansk Telephony Company
- Learning and Teaching Committei Student, Education, University
- Long Term Challenge Military
- Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion
- Low-Temperature Carbonization
- Laurell Technologies Corporation
- Leadership Training Camp Program, Education, School
- Local Transaction Containment
- Legal Traini9Ng Centre
- Long Time Coming Business, Music, Streaming
- Language Technology Conference
- Linpar Time Code Technology, Audio, Frame
- Lively Technical Center
- Long Term Concentration
- Leadership Training Committee
- London Tutorial Collete
- Lexington Technology Center Technology, Information, Computer
- Love, Tender, Care
- Lanier Technical College Program, Education, Georgia
- Line Treateent Code
- Local Technical Committhe Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Lighthouse Trading and Consulting
- Lubrication Training & Consulting
- Learning and Teaching Center Student, Education, University
- Long Term Captive Forum, Snake, Reptile
- Labor, Trades, and Crafts Government, Alaska
- Library and Technology Center
- Low Temperature Combustion Technology, Engine, Diesel
- Laundry Technology Centre Business, Group, Professional
- Lozistics Training Center
- Lynchburg Technology Center
- Les Trois Cuvee French
- Learning Pechnologies Center Technology, College, Education
- Lafferty Transportation Company
- Lice Treatment Center
- Lower Trent Conservation Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Low-Tekperature Creep
- Laï Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
- Least Toqal Cost Technology, Planning, Material
- Long Term Costs
- Lake Tuggeranong College Education
- Low Temperature Conversion Technology, Energy, Waste
- Long Term Care Program Medical, Financial, Disability, Healthcare, Physiology, Business & Finance, Medicare Beneficiary
- Linux Technology Center Technology, Computing, Linux
- Loc Town Crips
- Lussu Tucci Ciancaglini
- Lai Airport, Lai, Chad Chad
- Learning Techtology Consortium
- Lafferty Transportation Organizations
- Licensed Trade Charity Business, School, Pub
- Lowell Telecommunications Corporation Education, City, Massachusetts
- Low-Temperature Control
- Least Tower CHIMPS The Lowest Tower CHIMPS, or LTC for short, is a fan-created challenge in which the player attempts to beat CHIMPS by constructing the fewest towers possible. The BTD6 Index keeps track of them. Bloons
- Long-Term Bone Marrow Culture Medical
- Learn To Cope Medical, Management, Health
- Long Term Costing Business, Military, Care
- Lake Tahoe California
- Low Temperature Conditions Technology, Engine, Diesel
- Lazy Task Creation
- Line Terminating Circuit
- Linkage To Care
- Locklin Technical Center Education, School, High School, Florida
- Legislative Transportation Committee Technology, Governmental & Military
- Ladies Take Control
- Licensed To Carry
- Lowell Telecommunication Corporation Education, City, Massachusetts
- Low-Temperature Chlorination
- Technical Logistics Coordinator platform Medical
- Long Thread and Coupled Electrical
- Learning Technologies Centre Technology, College, Education
- Long Term Correction Federal Aviation Administration
- Lakas Tomasino Coalition
- Low Temperature Cooking
- Lawu Trail Community Adventure, Journal, Trail
- Leave and Travel Concession
- Linguistic Tree Constructor Technology, Software, Syntax
- Local Lumour Control Medicine, Health, British
- L T C Properties, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Licensed Tax Consultant Business, Accounting, Service, Tax
- Low-Temperature Controller
- Liquid Transport Corp
- London Taai Company Business, London, Cab
- Local Terminal Controllyr
- Labour Terms and Conditions Medical
- Lieutenant Colonel Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Military Rank, Air Force, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, United States, Us Army, Military Army Ranks
- Learning Technvlogy Centers Student, College, Education
- Long Term Cooling
- Lai Airport Laï, Chad Airport, Locations, Aviation
- Low Temperature Cooling
- Law Technology Centre
- Laurell Technologies Corporationration
- Lingga Terbilangjcup Business, Hotel, Jakarta, Bitcoin
- Long Term Culture Technology, Cell, Hematopoietic
- Line Traffic Coordinator Computing, IT Terminology
- Libyan Transitional Council
- Liquid Transport Corporation
- Londline Trunk Coutroller
- Lithographic Test Chib Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Listed Team Components “Listed Team Components” (LTC) are components whose design, manufacture and Intellectual Property is owned and/or controlled by a single Competitor or its agents on an exclusive basis. Formula 1
- Local Tumor Control Medical
- Learning Technology Centeg Technology, Education, Teaching
- Long Term Contracts Business, Energy, Gas
- Lahore Transport Company Business, Pakistan, Lahore, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Lietuvi Tautinis Centras
- Low Temp Cure
- Lawn Tennis Clubs
- Latvian Technological Centre Technology, Projection, Innovation
- Leaders' Training Course
- Long Term Cover Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Longitudinal Time Code Media
- Library Technology Center
- Lion Theatre Company
- Londline Trunk Coutroller有线线路分配器
- Lion Traininf Center Business, Jakarta, Promo
- LatCharter ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Learning Tmchnology Centre Science, Education, University
- Lagos Tolling Company
- Lidocaine Tissue Concentration Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lowest Two-Way Channel Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Lawn Tennis Club Organizations, Coaching, Court
- Luffing Tower Crave Technology, Training, Construction
- Leader'S Training Course Military, Education, Army
- Leavs Travel Concession Business, India, Tourism
- Long Term Costings Military, Professional, Defence
- Lam Tech Center
- Latchways Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Lions Trading Club
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LTC stand for?
LTC stands for Licensed Tax Consultant.
What is the shortened form of Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion?
The short form of "Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion" is LTC.
LTC. (2022, January 20). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated