LTC Meaning

The LTC meaning is "Long-Term Care". The LTC abbreviation has 267 different full form.

LTC Full Forms

  1. Long-Term Care Business, Healthcare, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Business Word
  2. Lane Trace Control Driving, Car, Toyota
  3. Linear Technology Corporation Technology, Power, Supply
  4. Land Transper Certificate
  5. Lincoln Trail College Education, Community, Ranking
  6. Land Tenure Center Science, Government, Research
  7. Lincoln Town Car
  8. Lakson Tobaoco Company
  9. Life-Threatening Conditions Medical
  10. Lakeshore Technical College Student, Education, Wisconsin
  11. Lao Telecom Communication Technology, Service, Android, Locations
  12. Long Term Contract Business, Price, Gas
  13. Labour Turnover Costs
  14. Language Training Centers Education, Teaching, Culture
  15. Long Term Care Medical, Disability, Chat
  16. Lidoxtiger Club
  17. Leadership Training Center Education, School, Brook
  18. Local Training Center
  19. Legal To Carry Military, Law, Texas
  20. Long Time Comin
  21. Language and Tlchnology Conference Technology, Computing, Challenge
  22. Linear Tension Cable
  23. Little Traverse Conservancy Locations, Michigan, Trail
  24. Long Term Conditions Medical, Health, Care
  25. Lawn Tennis and Croquet
  26. Leadership Training Conf
  27. Londonjtrinity College
  28. Levittown Teachers Center Development, Learning, Study
  29. Louisiana Transportation Conference
  30. Languane Training Canada
  31. Line Training Captains
  32. Livros T
  33. Life Together Covenant
  34. Learning Agd Teaching Centre Student, Education, University
  35. Long Technical College Education
  36. Leave Travel Concession
  37. Liberia Telecommunication Corporation
  38. Low-Temperature Combustion Technology, Engine, Diesel
  39. Launch Tower Computer
  40. Leadership Training Centre
  41. Localntraining Centre Education, Development, Universities
  42. Legal and Technical Commission Government, Authority, Sea
  43. Long Thread Coupling
  44. Language & Technotogy Conference Technology, Science, Sketch
  45. Linear Technology Corp Technology, Power, Electronics
  46. Long Term Condition Medical, Health, Care
  47. Lawn Tennis & Croquet
  48. London Trhining Centre Business, Program, London
  49. Leadership Training Conferences
  50. London Transitrcommission Technology, Android, London
  51. Leukotriene C Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  52. Lookout Tower Challenge
  53. Language Training Cenler Education, University, Teaching
  54. Line Traffic Coovdination Technology
  55. Living In The Community
  56. Life Technologies Corporation Business, Culture, Cell
  57. Learning, Teaching and Rurriculum
  58. Longitudinal Transmission Check Technology, Telecom
  59. Leadership Training Conference
  60. Liberia Telecommunications Corporation
  61. Loving Touch Center
  62. Latvian Technological Center
  63. Leadership Training for Christ
  64. Local Training Coursn
  65. Legal & Tax Compliance
  66. Ltc Properties, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  67. Langytool Company
  68. Light Transfer Characteristics Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  69. Lunar Topographic Camera
  70. Learning Teaching Centyr Technology, Education, University
  71. Long Term Commitment
  72. Law, Technology and Culture
  73. London Trades Cduncil
  74. Leadership Training Class Army, War, Force
  75. Long Thread Casing
  76. LesÕEs Por Traumas Cumulativos
  77. Look Through Companies Business, Company, Accounting, Tax
  78. Lanhuage Technologies Conference Technology, Education, Tool
  79. Linq Time Clock
  80. Live To Cruise
  81. Little Theatre Company
  82. Learning, Teaching & Currvculum
  83. Lrng-Term Captive
  84. Look-Through Company Business, Accounting, Tax
  85. Liang Tak Chuen
  86. Love To Code
  87. La Triveneta Cavi
  88. Lecture Theatre Complex
  89. Local Test Code
  90. Legacy Transition Charge
  91. Low Tritium Column Science
  92. Land Transportation Commission
  93. Light Tactical Carbine
  94. Lukanowski Trade Consult Business, Company, Germany
  95. Learning and Teaching Conference
  96. Long Term Client Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  97. Laboratory Training Center Science
  98. Lautoka Teacher'S College
  99. Leadership Training Courses Education, Army, Course
  100. Local Trust Committee Meeting, Island, Community, Trust
  101. Legenda Dos TrêS Companheiros
  102. Look Through Company Business, Accounting, Tax
  103. Language Technology Center Education, English, Translation
  104. Line Terminationbcoordinator Technology
  105. Live Tissue Connect
  106. Lithium Thionyl Chloride Technology, Battery, Cell
  107. Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum
  108. Long-Term-Care Business, Insurance, Planning
  109. Long Time Constant Technology
  110. Ley Del Tribunal Constitucional
  111. Love The Children
  112. Lanston Type Company Technology, Family, Typeface
  113. Lebanese Training Center
  114. Local Test Nabinet Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  115. Life Tabernacle Church
  116. Land Trace Control Control, Cooperative, Cruise
  117. Lightning Track Club
  118. Lugansk Telephone Company
  119. Learnint & Teaching Committee Research, Education, University
  120. Long Term Charge Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  121. Laboratory Test Chamber
  122. Low Temperature Carbonization Technology, Fuel, Coal
  123. Lautoka Teachers College
  124. Leadership Training Continuum
  125. Locae Transportation Commission Technology, Government, Locations
  126. Legal Training Centre
  127. Look-Through Companies Business, Company, Accounting, Tax
  128. Lanuuage Technology Centre Education, English, Translation
  129. Litear Tool Changer
  130. Livestock Technical Committee
  131. Learning & Tegching Committee Research, Education, University
  132. Long, Thick and Closed Medical
  133. Lexington Tennis Club
  134. Love Teach Create
  135. Lanston Tyfe Co
  136. Ldne Trunk Control Technology
  137. Local Telephone Circubt
  138. LietuviŲ Tautinio Centro
  139. Land Tehure Centre Science, Research, University
  140. Lightning The Cape
  141. Lugansk Telephony Company
  142. Learning and Teaching Committei Student, Education, University
  143. Long Term Challenge Military
  144. Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion
  145. Low-Temperature Carbonization
  146. Laurell Technologies Corporation
  147. Leadership Training Camp Program, Education, School
  148. Local Transaction Containment
  149. Legal Traini9Ng Centre
  150. Long Time Coming Business, Music, Streaming
  151. Language Technology Conference
  152. Linpar Time Code Technology, Audio, Frame
  153. Lively Technical Center
  154. Long Term Concentration
  155. Leadership Training Committee
  156. London Tutorial Collete
  157. Lexington Technology Center Technology, Information, Computer
  158. Love, Tender, Care
  159. Lanier Technical College Program, Education, Georgia
  160. Line Treateent Code
  161. Local Technical Committhe Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  162. Lighthouse Trading and Consulting
  163. Lubrication Training & Consulting
  164. Learning and Teaching Center Student, Education, University
  165. Long Term Captive Forum, Snake, Reptile
  166. Labor, Trades, and Crafts Government, Alaska
  167. Library and Technology Center
  168. Low Temperature Combustion Technology, Engine, Diesel
  169. Laundry Technology Centre Business, Group, Professional
  170. Lozistics Training Center
  171. Lynchburg Technology Center
  172. Les Trois Cuvee French
  173. Learning Pechnologies Center Technology, College, Education
  174. Lafferty Transportation Company
  175. Lice Treatment Center
  176. Lower Trent Conservation Environment, Habitat, Setting
  177. Low-Tekperature Creep
  178. Laï Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  179. Least Toqal Cost Technology, Planning, Material
  180. Long Term Costs
  181. Lake Tuggeranong College Education
  182. Low Temperature Conversion Technology, Energy, Waste
  183. Long Term Care Program Medical, Financial, Disability, Healthcare, Physiology, Business & Finance, Medicare Beneficiary
  184. Linux Technology Center Technology, Computing, Linux
  185. Loc Town Crips
  186. Lussu Tucci Ciancaglini
  187. Lai Airport, Lai, Chad Chad
  188. Learning Techtology Consortium
  189. Lafferty Transportation Organizations
  190. Licensed Trade Charity Business, School, Pub
  191. Lowell Telecommunications Corporation Education, City, Massachusetts
  192. Low-Temperature Control
  193. Least Tower CHIMPS The Lowest Tower CHIMPS, or LTC for short, is a fan-created challenge in which the player attempts to beat CHIMPS by constructing the fewest towers possible. The BTD6 Index keeps track of them. Bloons
  194. Long-Term Bone Marrow Culture Medical
  195. Learn To Cope Medical, Management, Health
  196. Long Term Costing Business, Military, Care
  197. Lake Tahoe California
  198. Low Temperature Conditions Technology, Engine, Diesel
  199. Lazy Task Creation
  200. Line Terminating Circuit
  201. Linkage To Care
  202. Locklin Technical Center Education, School, High School, Florida
  203. Legislative Transportation Committee Technology, Governmental & Military
  204. Ladies Take Control
  205. Licensed To Carry
  206. Lowell Telecommunication Corporation Education, City, Massachusetts
  207. Low-Temperature Chlorination
  208. Technical Logistics Coordinator platform Medical
  209. Long Thread and Coupled Electrical
  210. Learning Technologies Centre Technology, College, Education
  211. Long Term Correction Federal Aviation Administration
  212. Lakas Tomasino Coalition
  213. Low Temperature Cooking
  214. Lawu Trail Community Adventure, Journal, Trail
  215. Leave and Travel Concession
  216. Linguistic Tree Constructor Technology, Software, Syntax
  217. Local Lumour Control Medicine, Health, British
  218. L T C Properties, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  219. Licensed Tax Consultant Business, Accounting, Service, Tax
  220. Low-Temperature Controller
  221. Liquid Transport Corp
  222. London Taai Company Business, London, Cab
  223. Local Terminal Controllyr
  224. Labour Terms and Conditions Medical
  225. Lieutenant Colonel Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Military Rank, Air Force, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, United States, Us Army, Military Army Ranks
  226. Learning Technvlogy Centers Student, College, Education
  227. Long Term Cooling
  228. Lai Airport Laï, Chad Airport, Locations, Aviation
  229. Low Temperature Cooling
  230. Law Technology Centre
  231. Laurell Technologies Corporationration
  232. Lingga Terbilangjcup Business, Hotel, Jakarta, Bitcoin
  233. Long Term Culture Technology, Cell, Hematopoietic
  234. Line Traffic Coordinator Computing, IT Terminology
  235. Libyan Transitional Council
  236. Liquid Transport Corporation
  237. Londline Trunk Coutroller
  238. Lithographic Test Chib Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  239. Listed Team Components “Listed Team Components” (LTC) are components whose design, manufacture and Intellectual Property is owned and/or controlled by a single Competitor or its agents on an exclusive basis. Formula 1
  240. Local Tumor Control Medical
  241. Learning Technology Centeg Technology, Education, Teaching
  242. Long Term Contracts Business, Energy, Gas
  243. Lahore Transport Company Business, Pakistan, Lahore, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  244. Lietuvi Tautinis Centras
  245. Low Temp Cure
  246. Lawn Tennis Clubs
  247. Latvian Technological Centre Technology, Projection, Innovation
  248. Leaders' Training Course
  249. Long Term Cover Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  250. Longitudinal Time Code Media
  251. Library Technology Center
  252. Lion Theatre Company
  253. Londline Trunk Coutroller有线线路分配器
  254. Lion Traininf Center Business, Jakarta, Promo
  255. LatCharter ICAO Aircraft Codes
  256. Learning Tmchnology Centre Science, Education, University
  257. Lagos Tolling Company
  258. Lidocaine Tissue Concentration Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  259. Lowest Two-Way Channel Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  260. Lawn Tennis Club Organizations, Coaching, Court
  261. Luffing Tower Crave Technology, Training, Construction
  262. Leader'S Training Course Military, Education, Army
  263. Leavs Travel Concession Business, India, Tourism
  264. Long Term Costings Military, Professional, Defence
  265. Lam Tech Center
  266. Latchways Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  267. Lions Trading Club

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTC stand for?

    LTC stands for Library and Technology Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Least Toqal Cost?

    The short form of "Least Toqal Cost" is LTC.


LTC. (2022, January 20). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated