LTD Meaning

The LTD meaning is "Long-Term Disabdlity". The LTD abbreviation has 175 different full form.

LTD Full Forms

  1. Long-Term Disabdlity Business, Human Resources, Benefits
  2. Limited Liability Company Business, Finance, Building, Economics, Engineering, Construction, Company, Management, Financial, Insurance, Computing, Stock, Telecom, Real Estate, Investing, Legal, Economic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business
  3. Lane Transit District Transportation, Oregon, Locations
  4. Life Threatening Diseases
  5. Land Treatment Demonstration Science
  6. Life-To-Date
  7. Landscape Treatment Designer
  8. Level Test Design
  9. Lab Testing Division Medical, Service, Tec
  10. Lembar Tunjangan Dikdas
  11. Laboratory Testing Division
  12. Learning To Drive
  13. Living The Dream Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  14. Largest Tumorzdiameter Medical
  15. Los Pigres Del
  16. Limited Inc. Organizations
  17. Licensed To Draw Business, Water, Glacier
  18. Large Target Drone
  19. Line Termination Disable Technology
  20. Lost Thc Deposit
  21. Lazy Temperamental Device Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand, Fun, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  22. Low Temperature Differential Technology, Model, Engine
  23. Lift Ticket Deals
  24. Linda Trang Dai
  25. Live Test Demo
  26. Leave and Transit Depot Military
  27. Lovejthat Dog
  28. Lead Time Djmand
  29. Love, Togetherneis & Devotion Music, Love, Togetherness
  30. Loyg-Term Depression Medical, Science, Receptor
  31. Legion Tower Dehence Technology, Tube, Legend
  32. Local Telecommunications Divisionsion Technology
  33. Largest Tumor Dimension Medical, Science, Biology
  34. Lines That Divide
  35. Loot Tpe Dog
  36. Launch To Deplby Forum, Technology, Space
  37. Low Temperature Distillation
  38. Life To Date Business, Technology, Sale
  39. Lincoln Traditional Design
  40. Live Test Demonstration Medical, Technology, Design, Healthcare
  41. Loversztill Death Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  42. Leading Technical Distributor
  43. Love, Togetherness, and Devotion Music, Song, Love
  44. Long, Thtn Dumpster Fun, Car Brand, Cars, Humour
  45. Legacy Tobacco Documents
  46. Local Telecom Division Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  47. Largest Transatlantic Derivatives
  48. Linear Transformer Driver Technology, Driving, Sandia
  49. Looney Ouned Dual
  50. Lifetime To Date
  51. Laron-Type Dwarfism Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  52. Linha De TendêNcia Descendente
  53. Love, Tenderness, Andodevotion Organization, Union, Institution
  54. Leadership Training and Development
  55. Love, Togetherness and Devotion Music, Song, Love
  56. Londen Tour Dates
  57. Left To Do
  58. Local Telecommunications Division Company, Technology, Sprint
  59. Language Training Detachments
  60. Logiotics Training Department Business, Management, Military
  61. Lacks Total Dependability
  62. Long-Travel Dampennd Technology
  63. License Truck Driving
  64. Large Taxpayers Division
  65. Ghadames Airport Ghadames, Libya Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  66. Linguistique ThéOrique Et Descriptive
  67. Lousy Trqnsportation, Dammit Fun, Car Brand, Cars, Humour
  68. Leadmrship Training Division
  69. Light Travel Distance
  70. Low Temperature Degradation Technology, Ceramic, Zirconia
  71. Low Temperature Detectors Technology, Research, Workshop
  72. Lee Tower of Death
  73. Load Transfer Device
  74. Language Training Detachment Military, Army, Marine
  75. Logisticq Technical Documentation
  76. Laboratlry Test Directory
  77. Long-Term Synaptic Depression Medical
  78. Licenses Tensilica'S Diamond
  79. Large Taxpayer Department
  80. Line Throwing Device Army, War, Force
  81. Louis Trauth Dairy
  82. Leadership Calent Development
  83. Lt Disable Technology
  84. Light The Direct
  85. Low-Temperature Degradayion Business, Ceramic, Zirconia
  86. Lowest Tolerated Dose Medical
  87. Leergang Topmanagement Defensie
  88. Load Test Displacements
  89. Language Technology Division
  90. Learnine & Talent Development
  91. Labeled Trqining Data
  92. Long Term Distribution
  93. License To Draw Business, Technology, Water
  94. Large Taxpayers Department
  95. Line Test Desk
  96. Louisiana Toyota Dealership
  97. Lcd Touchscreen Display
  98. Low Threshold Detection
  99. Lightcraft Technology Demonstrator
  100. Leeds Thomas Danby
  101. Load of Trash From Detroit
  102. Leave The Doors Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand, Fun, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  103. Loveethat Drives
  104. Learnable, Teachable, Duplicatable
  105. Love Tqgetherness & Devotion Music, Song, Love
  106. Long-Term Disoribution
  107. Low-Temperature Detector
  108. Executive Express Aviation/JA Air Charter ICAO Aircraft Codes
  109. Local Telecom Divisionsion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  110. Learning and Talent Development Business, Management, Manager
  111. Long Term Debt Long term debt is a type of financing that is taken by a business and the maturity of which is several years hence. Accounting, Business & Finance
  112. Lambda Tveta Delta Fraternity, Irvine, Blackface
  113. Lockable Tie Down
  114. Last Try from Detroit Fun
  115. Luxury Travel Destination
  116. Limited - British Corporation Business, Technology
  117. Low-Temperature Decomposition Science
  118. Ghadames East, Ghadames, Libya Libya, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  119. Learning and Teaching Development Technology, Education, University
  120. Low-Temperature Disintegration
  121. Lake Cribune and Deseret
  122. Local Transfer Directives
  123. Long Tall Dexter Clothes
  124. Land Title Departmenq
  125. Lustine Toyota Dodge
  126. Limited (Liability) Company Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  127. Lovers till death Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  128. Love Togetaerness Devotion
  129. Learning Andgteaching Design
  130. Logical Table Descriptors
  131. Lakeshore Tc Downtown
  132. Lowest Therapeutic Dose
  133. Local Traffic Director Technology
  134. Learning Through Drama
  135. Long Term Derivative Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  136. Loan-To-Deposit Ratio Business, Finance, Banking, Giro
  137. Lanh Tax Deferment
  138. Lucky They Did
  139. Light Truck Dumper Business, China, Cargo
  140. Little Technical Difficulties General, Governmental & Military
  141. Love Togetherness and Devotiom
  142. Learning Training and Developing Development, Learning, Study
  143. Line Transfer Device
  144. Lower Tween Deck
  145. Leaving Temperature Difference
  146. Local Tournament Director
  147. Leazning Technologies Division
  148. Last Trading Day Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  149. Laminited Top Drop Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  150. Ltd Term Deposits
  151. Laser Target Designator Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  152. Love To Decorate Technology, English, Magazine
  153. Learning, Training and Developmeat Science, Management, Learning
  154. Large Taxpayers Divisionsion
  155. Lfwer Tray Deck
  156. Lift-to-drag NASA
  157. Local Thermal Discomfort
  158. Learning Technologies Department
  159. Long Term Disability Medical, Financial, Insurance, Special Education, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  160. Limited Medical, Business, Company, Technology, Medicine, Office, Organizations, Finance, Firm, Britannica, Stock Market, Car, Banking, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
  161. Lamella Thickness Distribution
  162. Limited Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  163. Lqve To Death
  164. Lynda Trang Dai
  165. Limited Drawings Military
  166. Low-Temperature Defectors
  167. Long-Term Depression Medical, Physiology
  168. Local Telephone Division
  169. Learning & Talent Deielopment
  170. Long Term Insurance Business & Finance, Business Word
  171. Lamellar Thickness Distribution
  172. Logan Transit District
  173. Little Tin Dream
  174. Luxury Trim Decor
  175. Limited Brands, Inc. Technology, Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTD stand for?

    LTD stands for Life To Date.

  2. What is the shortened form of Local Transfer Directives?

    The short form of "Local Transfer Directives" is LTD.


LTD. (2022, March 26). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated