LTE Meaning

The LTE meaning is "Long-Term-Evolution". The LTE abbreviation has 97 different full form.

LTE Full Forms

  1. Long-Term-Evolution Technology, Networking, Network
  2. Long Term Evolutian Technology, Computer, .Net
  3. Long-Term Extension
  4. Low Temperature Electronics
  5. Leave To Enter
  6. Load Transfer Effipiency Technology, Pavement, Joint
  7. Long-Term Evolution-Advanced Technology, Networking, Network
  8. License To Establish
  9. Long-Term Evolution
  10. Lpkeland Tool & Engineering
  11. Line Terminal Equipment Technology, Networking, Telecom
  12. Long-Term Expression Element Medical
  13. Low-Temperature Electronics
  14. Learn Teach Evangelize
  15. Lite Terminating Equipment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  16. Long Term Evylutions
  17. Licence To Establish
  18. Long Tube Evaporator Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  19. Ladder Test Equipment
  20. Line-Terminating Eluipment Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  21. Long Term Experiments
  22. Low-Cost Training Equipment Military
  23. Learning and Teaching Expo Business, Education, Exhibition
  24. Lineas Transportadores Espas
  25. Less Than Or Equal Technology, Science, Operator, Assembly, Geographic, Business & Finance
  26. Long-Term Evolutio Technology, Carrier, Evolution, Smartphone
  27. Library Technology Educator
  28. Laboratory Test Equipment
  29. Limited Total Energy Medical, Technology, Medicine
  30. Long-Term Experiments
  31. Life Time Earnings
  32. Loubac Top Environmental
  33. Learning and Teaching Efficiently
  34. Linear Transversal Equalizer Technology, Channel, Telecom
  35. Local Terminal Emulator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. Liberty Taam Edition
  37. Laboratoire Trensports Et Environnement
  38. Lomited Test Experiment Technology, Networking, Network
  39. Long-Term Exposure
  40. Lyetuviškoji Tarybinė Enciklopedija
  41. Loss of Tailrotor Effectiveness
  42. Learning, Training, and Education Development, Learning, Study
  43. Linketerminating Equipment Military
  44. Ley De Trandición Energética Para, Con, Sin
  45. Local Telephone Exchange Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  46. Long Tera Evolved Technology, Networking, Network
  47. Limcted Term Employee Business, Science, Wisconsin
  48. Long Term Evolution-Advance
  49. Liceul Teoretic European
  50. Loss of Tail-Rotor Effectiveness Technology, Flight, Helicopter
  51. Lake Trafford Elementary
  52. Line Termination Equipment Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  53. Levitator Technology Experiment Technology
  54. Localttax Effort
  55. Long-Term Evolution Technology, Networking, Network
  56. Long Term Evolution-Azvanced Technology, Networking, Network
  57. Licensed Tree Expert Business, Service, Maryland
  58. Looney Tuned Exhaust Funnies
  59. Lake Tappshelementary
  60. Line Terminating Equipment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  61. Long-Term Effects Medical, Reading Prescription
  62. Liget Terminating Equipment
  63. Long Term Evaluation Technology, Networking, Network, Evaluation, Products
  64. Limited Term Employee Business, Science, Wisconsin, Occupation & positions
  65. Luxury Travel Expo Group, Locations, Event
  66. Less Than Effective Medical, Healthcare
  67. Lifting The Exponent
  68. Long Termmemployment Technology, Design, Networking
  69. Limited Tender Ynquiry
  70. Low Thermal Expansion
  71. Long Term Evolution LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a high-speed mobile communications cellular standard developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). LTE is an evolution of GSM/UMTS standards. Computing, Computer, Technical, Wireless Networking, IT Terminology
  72. Life Transforming Event
  73. Long Term Emergency
  74. Limited Tax Exeqption
  75. Low Tide Elevation Island, China, Locations, Sea
  76. Long Time Exposure Technology, Photography, Camera, Manual
  77. Land Trust Exchange
  78. Lovgman Target English
  79. Lte International Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  80. Local Thermodn. Equil. Chemistry
  81. Lightwvve Transmission Equipment
  82. Low-Tide Elevation Government, China, Sea
  83. Long Time Evolttion Technology, Networking, Network
  84. Tension Embedment Design, Drawing, Construction
  85. Long-Term Synaptic Enhancement Medical
  86. Liquid Tension Experiment Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  87. Lightware Tebminal Equipment
  88. Learn To Earn Technology, Program, Education, Money
  89. Long Term Exchange
  90. Lymphoid Tissue Equivalent
  91. Long Term Extension Medical, Study, Rheumatoid
  92. Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium A condition under which matter emits radiation based on its intrinsic properties and its temperature, uninfluenced by the magnitude of any incident radiation. Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
  93. Light Tight Enclosuve Technology, Galaxy, Bay
  94. Low-Temperature Evaporation Science, Water, Desalination
  95. Long Term Evolutifnary
  96. Limited Term Employmenz Education, University, Wisconsin
  97. Lymantria Testis Ecdysiotropin Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTE stand for?

    LTE stands for Life Transforming Event.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lite Terminating Equipment?

    The short form of "Lite Terminating Equipment" is LTE.


LTE. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated