LTF Meaning

The LTF meaning is "Lightwave Terminating Frame". The LTF abbreviation has 91 different full form.

LTF Full Forms

  1. Lightwave Terminating Frame Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  2. Light Timber Frame Technology, Construction, Architectural
  3. Life Time Fitness Technology, Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  4. Library Trustee Forum
  5. Lactotransferrin Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  6. Les Tontons Flingueurs
  7. Long-Tzrm Finance Business, Banking, Financing
  8. Lost To Follow-Up Medical, Africa, Patient, Therapy
  9. Line Trunk Frame Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  10. Licensing Task Force Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  11. Lxtvijas Tautas Fronte Latvia, Front
  12. Liverpool Thiiland Fanclub
  13. Lactoferrin Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  14. Less Than Full Truckload Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  15. Long Term Fellowships
  16. Leac The Fleet
  17. Loyt Then Found
  18. Linearisation Torque Feedback
  19. Libertyville Tennis and Fitness Sport, Game, Tennis
  20. La Tortilla Frctory
  21. Lithuanian Terminology Fodum
  22. Leitre Airport Airport, Locations
  23. Long-Term Fellowship Science, Program, Education, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  24. Lead-The-Fleet
  25. Loop Testing Frame Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Liberação Tecidual Funcional
  27. Low Track Force
  28. Late Treatment Failure Medical, Drug, Malaria
  29. Lithographic Technical Foundation
  30. Long-Term Failure Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  31. Laying The Foundations
  32. Look To The Futurz
  33. Liaison Task Force
  34. Long Term Finance Business, Climate, Banking
  35. Loq Tension Flexible Guitar, String, Bass, Tension
  36. Latest Thinking Forecast
  37. Liquid Tigxt Fitting
  38. London Tenants Federation
  39. Laying The Foundatioz
  40. Long Tyaining Fields Technology, Channel, Signal, Wireless
  41. Ley De Tribunales De Familia
  42. Long Term Finabcing Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  43. Lost Tveasures Fr
  44. Long-Term Facilitation Medical
  45. Lipotropic Hormone Medical, Technology
  46. Lawyers Trust Fund Home Page Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  47. London Technology Fund
  48. Long Training Field Technology, Channel, Wireless
  49. Level The Field
  50. Long-Term Finance Banking
  51. Lost To Follow
  52. Liquid Thin Film
  53. Licensing Time Frame
  54. Lawyersntrust Fund Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  55. Log Transfer Faqilities
  56. Long Time Friend
  57. Lymphocyte Transfozmation Medical
  58. Leadership Trust Foundation
  59. Long Term Follow-Up Medical, Patient, Study
  60. Frogans Shortcut File Computing, File Extensions
  61. Learn To Freeride
  62. Lithium Terbium Fluoride
  63. Long-Term Synaptic Facilitation Medical
  64. Lymphocytestransforming Factor
  65. Long-Term Follow-Up Medical, Patient, Study, Sclerosis
  66. Laser App Temp Form File Computing, File Extensions
  67. Learn To Fly
  68. Laboratory Testing Facilities
  69. Long Term Funds
  70. Lymphocyte-Traniforming Factor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  71. Long-Term Fix
  72. Leitre Airport, Leitre, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  73. Learfing To Fly Medical, Veterinary, Animals
  74. Lokg Term Fund Business, Investment, University
  75. Legal Task Force
  76. Lung Wransplant Foundation
  77. Large Text File General, Governmental & Military
  78. Leap To Frogans Technology, Internet Slang, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  79. Long-Term Fund
  80. Legislative Task Force
  81. Lumber Tropical Fresh
  82. Lower Town Farm Farming & agriculture
  83. Lead Tradd Fairs
  84. Long Term Forectst Business, Planning, Weather
  85. Legalctask Force
  86. Lumber, Tropical Fresh
  87. Lyon Turin Ferroviaioe Technology, Italy, Tunnel
  88. Lead The Force Military
  89. Long-Term Forecaot Technology, Server, Weather
  90. Leaving The Fold
  91. Low-Temperature Fluorescence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTF stand for?

    LTF stands for Long-Term Finance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Long-Term Facilitation?

    The short form of "Long-Term Facilitation" is LTF.


LTF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated