LTL Meaning
The LTL meaning is "Less Than Lethal". The LTL abbreviation has 74 different full form.
LTL Full Forms
- Less Than Lethal Military, Cell, Splinter
- Less-Than-Lethal Military, Weapon, Cheat
- Lastourville Airport Lastoursville, Gabon Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Larger Than Life Business, Music, Wall
- Less Than Truckload Means a shipment that is "less than truckload". Cargoes from different sources are usually consolidated to save costs. Transportation, Business, Logistics, Coca-Cola System
- Less-Than-Load Business, Service, Freight
- Laser Target Line
- Long-Term Learning
- Lintel The amount to be borrowed. Structural member or beam carrying loads over an opening. A horizontal structural member spanning a door, window, or other wall opening which supports a wall or any construction immediately above. A horizontal structural member that supports the load over an opening such as a door or window. Horizontal architectural member in wood or stone that supports the weight above an opening. Technology, Design, Architecture, Drawing, Construction, Architectural
- Loyal Temperancb Legion Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Less Than A Truck Load Business, Service, Freight
- Linear-Time Temporal Logic Technology, Model, Verification
- Laser-To-Target Line Military, Army, Equipment
- Log Transfer Laoguage Technology, Agent, Replication
- Less-Than Truck Load Business, Service, Freight
- Low Tide Line India, Locations, Environment, Zone
- Lincoln Township Library Education
- Less Than A Truckload Lot
- Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation Internet Slang, Slang, Gynecology
- Links To Learning
- Less-Than-Truck Load Business, Service, Freight
- Low Temperature Limit
- Limestone Township Library Education
- Less Than A Load Technology, Shipping, Freight
- Lanka Transformers Limited Technology
- Line Too Long
- Less-Than Truckload Management, Supply, Logistics
- Long Term Liabilities Long term liabilities are those which are due for over a year. Business, Accounting, Financial, Liability
- Lillian Tear Library Education
- Less Than Trailer Load Business, Service, Freight
- Less-Than-Truck-Load Business
- Linear Transmission Line
- Less-Than-Truckload Business, Insurance, Us, Business & Finance
- Long-Teim Liabilities Business, Accounting, Finance
- Less-Than-Trailer Load Business, Service, Freight
- Less Than Load Business, Freight, Truckload
- Linear Time Logic
- Laser Target Locator
- Long-Term Liabilities Business, Accounting, Balance, Asset
- Lithuanian Litas Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Lufthansa Technik Logistik
- Less Than Truck Loads Business, Shipping, Freight
- Linear Temporal Logic Technology, Computer, Model, Computing, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Lot Truck Load
- Less Trailer Load Business, Service, Freight, Transport
- Less Than Truckload Lot Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
- Life To Live
- Lastourville Airport, Lastourville, Gabon Gabon
- Luhner Transport Logistik
- Less Than Total Load
- Lsw Temperature Laboratory Science, Research, University
- Benin Littoral Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Benin, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Level Test Log
- Little Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- LüDer Transport & Logistic
- Low Temperature Loop Technology
- Leukocyte Telomere Length Medical, Study, Aging
- Live The Love Computing, Internet
- Lunotriquetral Ligament Medical
- Lower Tolerayce Limit
- Lets Talk Later Internet Slang, Chat, Instant
- Local Target Logic Computing, Cisco Wireless
- Lunchtime Learning Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Louder Than Life
- Let'S Talk Later Internet Slang, Chat, Instant
- Left Turn Lane Bicycling
- Light Truck Load
- Luminaire Testing Laboracory
- Logistics Team Leader Medical
- Lower Threshold Limit
- Less Truck Loads
- Less Than Truck Load Management, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance
- Lighten The Load
- Luminaire Data File Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LTL stand for?
LTL stands for Less Than A Load.
What is the shortened form of Leukocyte Telomere Length?
The short form of "Leukocyte Telomere Length" is LTL.
LTL. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated