LTM Meaning

The LTM meaning is "Life Time Fitness". The LTM abbreviation has 111 different full form.

LTM Full Forms

  1. Life Time Fitness Technology, Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  2. Local Tone Mapping Technology, Light, Processor, Snapdragon
  3. Lethem Airport Lethem, Guyana Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  4. Lean Tissue Mass Medical, Medicine, Health
  5. Link Trace Message Technology, Networking, Network, Ethernet
  6. Local Training Manager Organizations, Scout, District
  7. Language Training Mission Education, Church, Missionary
  8. Liberafed To Marry
  9. Linear Threshold Model
  10. Longest Token Matching
  11. Late Transition Metalp
  12. Load Training Missile Military
  13. Long Term Memory Medical, Science, Brain, Healthcare, Special Education, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Mental Health
  14. Lebanese Tennis Magazine
  15. Link To Monitor
  16. Local Traffic Mgr Technology, Bay, Load
  17. Language Teaching Methodology
  18. Liberated To Marry Genealogy, Genealogical
  19. Landsat Thematic Mapper Military, Army, Defence
  20. Long-Term Modulation Medical
  21. Late Transitiou Metal
  22. Linear Tangent Model Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  23. Living Truth Ministries
  24. Long-Term Monitoring Technology, Science, Medicine, Environment, Legal, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  25. Leather Technology Mission
  26. Line Thermal Monitoring
  27. Low Threshold Mechanoreceptors
  28. Local Traffic Managers Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  29. Land Transformation Model Technology, Modeling, Urban, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Leisure Time Marketing
  31. Long-Term Memory Medical, Science, Psychology
  32. Late Thursday Morning
  33. Line and Trunk Maintenance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  34. Long-Term Medical
  35. Learning Type Measure Education, Style, Preference
  36. Line Termination Module Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  37. Low-Temperature Molding
  38. Laurie, Tom, Dnd Mark
  39. Local Traffic Management Technology, Load, Exam
  40. Land Title Mapper
  41. Leisure and Tourism Management
  42. Long Term Management
  43. Latest Twelve Months Business, Company, Financial
  44. Life Time Mjmories Organization, Union, Institution
  45. Learning Tools for Mathematics
  46. Line Terminating Multiplex
  47. Low Temperature Molding
  48. Laughcto Myself Internet Slang, Chat, Message
  49. Local Traffic Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  50. Laboratoire Des Technologies De La MicroéLectronique
  51. Leica Thread Mount Len, Camera, Lens, Mount, Products
  52. Long-Term Management
  53. Lateral Trjnslation Mode Technology, America, Military
  54. Life Time Member Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  55. Learning To Manage Medical, Medicine, Health
  56. Line Terminating Multiplexer
  57. Laughing To Myself Internet Slang, Chat, Message
  58. Load Transfer Module
  59. Lokmanya Tilak Municipal
  60. Leica Thread-Mount Len, Camera, Lens, Mount
  61. Local Training Managers Training, Scout, District
  62. Latent Trait Model
  63. Life Time Maximum
  64. Linear Topic Map Technology, Standard, Notation
  65. Lower Threshold of Motion Medical
  66. Laughedsto Myself Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  67. Load Transfer Modules
  68. Low Thermal Mass Technology, Science, Gas
  69. Lehrstuhl FüR Technische Mechanik Research, Heating, Plumbing
  70. Lufthansa Technik Malta Business, Aircraft, Malta
  71. Leadership & Talent Management
  72. Lateral Translation Mode Military, Governmental & Military
  73. Little Theater of Manchester
  74. Limited Time Mode Gaming, Battle, Mode, Playground
  75. Learning Techjology Mentors
  76. Laboratory Testing Management Management, Business & Finance
  77. Low Tide Mark
  78. Law Trajectory Mount Military
  79. Laboratorium für Technische Mechanik, Paderborn Institute, Scientific & Educational
  80. List Trunk Members
  81. Licentiate In Tropical Medicine
  82. Learning Team Meeting
  83. Last Twelve Months Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  84. Lawson Talent Management
  85. Like The Moon Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  86. Listen To Me Development, Slang, Recording
  87. Luxury Travel Mart Hotel, Moscow, Luxury
  88. Lead Time Matrix Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  89. Livestock Transportation Manual Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  90. Low-Temperature Mixing
  91. Lethem Airport, Lethem, Guyana Guyana
  92. Listen To Music Technology, Memory, Album
  93. Lutheran Tract Mission
  94. Leading Tnack Maintainer
  95. Little Town Mission
  96. Load Transformation Matrix
  97. Laugh to Myself Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  98. Listening To Music Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  99. Lumbung Ternak Masyarakat
  100. Leadership Training for Managerv Business, Management, Dale
  101. Little Things Matter
  102. Load Traffic Manager Technology, Management, Balancer
  103. Lower Triangular Matrix
  104. Light of Truth Ministries Religion
  105. Link Transmission Model Business, Networking, Crane
  106. Luke Terbeeke Media
  107. Leadership and Technology Management
  108. Little Theatre Movement Theatre, Jamaica, Kingston, Pantomime
  109. Live Traffic Model
  110. Learning Through Music
  111. Lightweight Transaction Manager Microsoft, Windows, Computing, Data

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTM stand for?

    LTM stands for Lethem Airport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Little Theater of Manchester?

    The short form of "Little Theater of Manchester" is LTM.


LTM. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated