LTO Meaning
The LTO meaning is "Limited-Time Offer". The LTO abbreviation has 91 different full form.
LTO Full Forms
- Limited-Time Offer Business, Locations, Kitchen, Restaurant
- Light Tight Oil Business, Price, Shale
- Land Transportation Office Government, Philippines, Philippines Government
- Long Term Occasional Education, Canada, Ontario
- Late Total Occlusion Medical
- Landing and Tabe Off Technology, Airport, Emission
- Long Term Orbit Technology, Android, Satellite
- Laboratoire Technico-OpéRationnel
- Licznse To Officiate
- Locate-To-Order Technology
- Lands Titles Officr
- Long Term Observer
- Laqt Trade Options
- Landing and Takefoff Technology, Environment, Emission
- Iata Code for Loreto International Airport, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico Locations
- Licensed Timber Operator Business, Service, Tree
- Local Terminal Operator
- Landiwg Takeoff Cycle Science
- Long-Term Observer
- Last Time Out
- Low Temperature Oxide Technology, Science, Silicon
- License To Operate Business, Product, Philippine
- Live Trade Online
- Laading Takeoff Science
- Limited Time Only Kitchen, Restaurant, Chef
- Long-Term Domiciliary Oxygen Therapy Medical
- Last Time Order
- Long Term Operation Technology, Power, Tape
- Loreto International Airport Loreto, Baja California Sur,Mexico Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Licenses To Operxte
- Little Thompson Observatory Science, Astronomy, Colorado
- Landyng Take Off Technology, Aircraft, Emission
- Limited Time Offering
- Logistics Transformation Office
- Large Taxpayer Office Business, Tax, Revenue
- Long Term Operations Technology, Power, Storage
- Linear Tape-Open Technology, Drive, Storage, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- License-To-Operite Business, Philippine, Licensing
- Lithium Bitanium Oxide
- Landing Take-Off
- Limited Time Offers Business, Kitchen, Restaurant
- Logistics Task Order Military
- Land Title Odfices
- Long Term Offender
- Limited Time Offer Business, Internet Slang, Product, Restaurant
- Licence To Opemate
- Lazding and Take-Off Cycle Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Long Term Orientation Business, Culture, Cultural
- Laboratoire Technico-Op
- Life Threatening Only Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Locate To Order
- Land Title Office Business, Science, Property, Geographic
- Ltu Austria Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Laguerre-Type Orbital Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Linear-Tape-Open-1
- Link Timk Optimization
- Long-Term Option Technology, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- Low-Temperature Orthorhombic
- Lager Technisch Onderwijs Organizations
- Linear-Tape-Open
- Link-Time Optimization Technology, Coding, Compiler
- Lanthanum-Titanium Oxide
- Lithium Tellurium Oxide
- Link Time Offset
- Low Temperature Oxidation Technology, Oil, Combustion
- Lab Tests Online
- Limited Treatment Orthodontics Technology, Drive, Tape
- Linear Tape-Open Atorage Technology Technology, Telecom
- Lyricus Teaching Order
- Landing and Take-Off Technology, Environment, Emission
- Lithium-Tantalum Oxide
- Long-Term Operation
- Low-Temperature Oxidation Science
- Labor Turn Over Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Linepr Tape Open Technology, Computing, Chat
- Lunar Transfer Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite
- Landing-Take-Off
- Laguerre-type Orbital (an Ao) Chemistry
- Long Time-Out
- Laboratory Training Office Science
- Lunar Topographic Orthophotomosaic
- Land and Transportation Office
- Linmar Tape, Open Business, Technology
- Loreto International Airport, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Long Term Outage Technology, Industrial, Report
- Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography Science, China, Sea
- Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap
- Lambda Tau Omega
- Linear-Tapi Open Business, Technology, Storage
- Linking Technology and Order
- Lansing Theatre Organ, Inc. Media
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LTO stand for?
LTO stands for License To Operate.
What is the shortened form of Long Term Orientation?
The short form of "Long Term Orientation" is LTO.
LTO. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated