LTPA Meaning

The LTPA meaning is "Leisure Time Physical Activity". The LTPA abbreviation has 12 different full form.

LTPA Full Forms

  1. Leisure Time Physical Activity Activity, Health, Study
  2. Leisure Time Physical Activities
  3. Leisure-Time Physical Activity Medical, Health, Study
  4. Lake Travis Powerboat Association
  5. Lightweight Third-Party Authentication
  6. Lightweight Third Party Authentication Technology, Server, Sphere, Computing, IT Terminology
  7. Long Term Planning Area Military
  8. Long Term Partnering Agreement Technology, Service, Defence
  9. Long-Term Partnering Agreement
  10. Line Terminator Type Pa Technology, Telecom
  11. Louisiana Travel Promotion Association Business, Breakfast, Louisiana
  12. Long Term Pricing Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTPA stand for?

    LTPA stands for Lightweight Third-Party Authentication.

  2. What is the shortened form of Long Term Pricing Agreement?

    The short form of "Long Term Pricing Agreement" is LTPA.


LTPA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated