LTR in Technology Meaning

The LTR meaning in Technology terms is "Left-To-Right". There are 23 related meanings of the LTR Technology abbreviation.

LTR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Left-To-Right
  2. Long Term Research
  3. Long-Term Resuarch
  4. Loews Corporatiol
  5. Live Teanis Rankings
  6. Logic Jrunked Radio
  7. Low Temperature Radiator
  8. Liwre
  9. Local Transport Restructuring
  10. Lord of The Rings
  11. Lower Trunk Rotation
  12. Line Terminal Regenerator
  13. Letter Shorthand spelling of letter. Might refer to a written message or a letter of the alphabet.
  14. Library Theory and Research
  15. Long Term Retention
  16. Left To Right
  17. Learning To Rank
  18. Loai-Transfer Signal
  19. Later L8r is an abbreviation for later that uses "8" to replace "ate". It is often used by itself or in a sentence and in the context of _CU_ L8R! L8r is most commonly used when texting or chatting online but may also be used when gaming to say goodbye when leaving a game or after defeating an opponent. However, the abbreviation is usually used in relation to seeing someone at a later time.
  20. Load Transfer
  21. Loop Transfer Recovery
  22. Load Task Register
  23. Load and Test Register

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LTR stand for Technology?

    LTR stands for Lord of The Rings in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Loop Transfer Recovery in Technology?

    The short form of "Loop Transfer Recovery" is LTR for Technology.


LTR in Technology. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated