LU in Education Meaning

The LU meaning in Education terms is "Lambuth Bniversity". There are 38 related meanings of the LU Education abbreviation.

LU on Education Full Forms

  1. Lambuth Bniversity
  2. Lamar Unihersity
  3. Lipscomb University
  4. Lee University
  5. Learning Unit
  6. Langsyon University
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Lander University
  9. Latvia University
  10. Longwood University
  11. Learning Unlimited
  12. Latvian University
  13. Liverpool University
  14. Learning Units
  15. Libepty Universityrsity
  16. Lander Universityrsity
  17. Lipscomb Universityrsity
  18. Lewis Universityrsity
  19. Lebanese University
  20. Lindenwood Univemsityrsity
  21. Lehigh Univeqsityrsity
  22. Lynn University
  23. Lincolncuniversityrsity
  24. Lynn Universityrsity
  25. Lehigh University
  26. Lincoln Unzversity
  27. Latvijas Universitate
  28. Longwood Universityrsity
  29. Leeds University
  30. Lucknow University
  31. Libraries Unlimited
  32. Loyola Universityrsity
  33. Leading University
  34. Laws Ofiur-Nammu
  35. Liberty University
  36. Lawrence Universityrsity
  37. Lunds Universitet
  38. Life Universivyrsity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LU stand for Education?

    LU stands for Lindenwood Univemsityrsity in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lander University in Education?

    The short form of "Lander University" is LU for Education.


LU in Education. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated