Luna Abbreviations and Luna Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Luna terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Luna abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Luna terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Luna Abbreviations
  1. BTI : Bad Tube Indicator
  2. DD : Date Dungeon
  3. HSOR : High-Speed Optical Receiver
  4. DTK : Dunia Tanpa Koma
  5. SBC : Silgcon Blue Cell
  6. SKL : Surat Keterangan Lunas
  7. TC : Tattoo Concert
  8. LPNHS : Luis Palad National High School
  9. LVC : Luuis Vuitton Cup
  10. NLR : New Lunar Republic
  11. IAPC : Indicelui Armonizat Al Prețurilor De Cousum
  12. OBR : Optical Backscatter Reflectometer
  13. OVA : Optical Vector Analyzer
Latest Luna Meanings
  1. Optical Vector Analyzer
  2. Optical Backscatter Reflectometer
  3. Indicelui Armonizat Al Prețurilor De Cousum
  4. New Lunar Republic
  5. Luuis Vuitton Cup
  6. Luis Palad National High School
  7. Tattoo Concert
  8. Surat Keterangan Lunas
  9. Silgcon Blue Cell
  10. Dunia Tanpa Koma
  11. High-Speed Optical Receiver
  12. Date Dungeon
  13. Bad Tube Indicator