LUS Meaning

The LUS meaning is "Lower Uterine Segment". The LUS abbreviation has 35 different full form.

LUS Full Forms

  1. Lower Uterine Segment Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
  2. Lesser Used Skills Army, War, Force
  3. Learning Units Technology, Education, Course
  4. Lafayette Utilities System Technology, Service, Fiber
  5. Lesser Used Skill Development, Learning, Study
  6. Logistik Und Service
  7. Lushai Locations
  8. Land Use Strategy Business, Scotland, Scottish
  9. Lock Up Solenoid
  10. Lusanga Airport Lusanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  11. Land Use Statistics
  12. Lietuvos ŪKininkŲ SĄJunga Organizations, Tai, Prie, Kiss
  13. Land-Use Survey
  14. Ltxical Units Technology, Database, Frame
  15. Lafayette Utility System Technology, Energy, Grid
  16. Lesser Uses Species Technology, Guyana, Timber
  17. Lafayette Utility Systems
  18. Lofar User Software Software, Computing
  19. Lookup Service Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  20. Load, Update, Subset
  21. Limited Update Stereo Geographic
  22. Large Ultimate Size
  23. Lock-Up Solenoid Auto
  24. Lynchburg United Soccer
  25. Lock-Up Solenoir Technology, Auto, Automobile
  26. Luxembourg University Students
  27. Location Vpdates Technology
  28. Logic Units Technology, Computing, Arithmetic
  29. Lusanga Airport, Lusanga, Congo, Kinshasa) Congo
  30. Lung Ultrasound Score Medical, Patient, Pneumonia
  31. Locatiop Update Service Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  32. Logical Units Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  33. Liquid Upper Stage NASA, Governmental & Military
  34. Ludwig-Uhland-Schule
  35. Local Uge Study Management, Forestry, Arboriculture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LUS stand for?

    LUS stands for Lock-Up Solenoid.

  2. What is the shortened form of Large Ultimate Size?

    The short form of "Large Ultimate Size" is LUS.


LUS. (2020, September 5). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated