LUT in Technology Meaning

The LUT meaning in Technology terms is "Look-Up-Table". There are 19 related meanings of the LUT Technology abbreviation.

LUT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Look-Up-Table
  2. Local User Terminal
  3. Launch Umbilical Tower
  4. Look-Up Tables
  5. Look-Up Table
  6. Lappeenranta University Ofttechnology
  7. Lanzhou Unigersity of Technology
  8. Loughborough University of Technology
  9. Look-Up-Tables
  10. Look Up Tables
  11. Logical Unit Table
  12. Lookup Table
  13. Look Up Table In ECDIS a table giving symbology instructions to link SENC objects to point, line or area symbolisation, and providing DISPLAY PRIORITY, radar priority, IMO category and optional viewing group.
  14. Local User Terminals
  15. Local User'S Terminal
  16. Lublin University of Technology
  17. Loughborough Universityrsity of Technology
  18. Lunar-Based Ultraviolet Telescope
  19. Lulea University of Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LUT stand for Technology?

    LUT stands for Launch Umbilical Tower in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Look-Up-Table in Technology?

    The short form of "Look-Up-Table" is LUT for Technology.


LUT in Technology. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated