LV Meaning

The LV meaning is "L-Leucovorin". The LV abbreviation has 275 different full form.

LV Full Forms

  1. L-Leucovorin Medical
  2. Lupus Vulgaris Medical, Disease, Skin
  3. Left Ventricular Medical, Patient, Pharmacy
  4. Last Visit
  5. Lehigh Valley Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  6. Louis Vuitton Technology, Brand, Bag, Famous
  7. Load Vertical Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  8. Left Ventricle of The Heart Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  9. Lassa Virus The deadly cause of Lassa fever. Lassa virus is a virulent and highly transmissible RNA virus that belongs to the arenavirus group. Lassa virus was discovered in 1969 by a team led by Dr. Jordi Casals-Ariet. Medical, Compound, Viral
  10. Left Ventricular Mass Medical
  11. Left Ventricle The chamber of the human heart in which oxygen-rich blood enters through the bicuspid valve that leads into the aorta. Medical, Technology, Heart, Veterinary, Cardiology, Sound, Clinical
  12. Loading Valve A type of single solenoid valve that when energized allows the running C.V.C. and A.G.C. pumps to build up pressure. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  13. Lead Vocals
  14. Large Volume Medical, Business, Medicine
  15. Leucovorin Folinic acid, the active form of folic acid in the body. Used as an antidote to protect normal cells from high doses of the anticancer drug methotrexate and to increase the antitumor effects of fluorouracil (5-FU) and tegafur-uracil. Also used to prevent or treat anemia due to folic acid deficiency. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  16. Left Ventriculography Medical
  17. Live Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  18. Lake View
  19. Left Ventricular Wall Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  20. Liver Volume Medical
  21. Lake Victoria
  22. Left Ventricular Free Wall Medical, Cardiac, Myocardial
  23. Liverpool Victoria Business, Insurance, Car
  24. Lakeland Village Government
  25. Left Ventricule Medical
  26. Lentiviral Vectors Medical, Genetics, Cell
  27. Library Village
  28. Logistics Vqhicle
  29. Large Variety Hobbies
  30. Linking Verb Technology, Pattern, Sentence
  31. Luxerne Valley
  32. Lea Valley Military, London, Farm
  33. Lalita Vistara
  34. Lucerne Valley
  35. Limao Verde
  36. Loose Volume
  37. Las Villas
  38. Luxor Visit
  39. Lehigh Valley Organizations, Railroad, Pennsylvania
  40. Live Variable
  41. Land Vehicle
  42. Line Veyification
  43. Lymphogranuloma Venereum Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disorder, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  44. Lacra Vancāne
  45. Leukemia Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  46. Logan Village
  47. Limited View
  48. Low Velocity Military, Ammunition, Grenade
  49. Length and Value Technology, Tree, Telecom
  50. Load Variation
  51. Library of Virginia Development, Learning, Study
  52. Logistics Value Business, Vision, Supply
  53. Large Value Business, Banking, Payment
  54. Linker Verteidiger Forum, Team, Spieler
  55. Lubricator Valve
  56. Learning Village
  57. Likely Voters Us Government, Governmental & Military
  58. Lockhart Valentine
  59. Light Valvo
  60. Lookout Valley
  61. Las Venturas Technology, Gaming, Auto
  62. Lutheran Values
  63. Legno Veneto
  64. Live Vaccine Medical, Technology, Medicine
  65. Landing Vehicle
  66. Large-Cap Value
  67. Laura Vancne
  68. Leu-Val
  69. Locust Vallet
  70. Limit Values Technology, Voltage, Operation, Temperature
  71. Low-Velocity
  72. Lenape Valley
  73. Loan Value
  74. Larger View Organization, Union, Institution
  75. Limker Ventrikel
  76. Loyolp Village
  77. Lu Voce
  78. Leyland Victory
  79. Logisches Volume
  80. Leaving Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  81. Light Value Photography, Camera, Light, Exposure
  82. Long View Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  83. Las Vegas Fmeld Office Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
  84. Luois Vuitton
  85. Legitimerad Veterinaer
  86. List Variables Technology, Element, Prototype, Subroutine
  87. Leonard Vincent
  88. Landesamt Verfassungsschutz
  89. Lacra Van
  90. Limit Value Technology, Control, Emission, NASA
  91. Loving Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  92. Ladent Variables Technology, Analysis, Model
  93. Lelystad Virus Medical
  94. Ljungan Virus Medical
  95. Large-Volume
  96. Linguistic Validation
  97. Low Voltage Logic Threshold Levelj Technology, Energy, Electonics
  98. Lovastatin  A competitive inhibitor of HMG-coa reductase, the key regulatory enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis; used therapeutically to lower cholesterol levels. Also called mevinolin. Medical
  99. La Veta Para, Locations, Colorado, Weather
  100. Lex Visigothorum History, Madrid, Medieval
  101. Logischen Volumew
  102. Light and Visible
  103. Long Vertical Products
  104. Las Vegas Hotel, Locations, Event, Casino
  105. Lisa Valdez
  106. Ludbar Vertebra Medical, Technology, Medicine
  107. Leave Code Government
  108. List Values Technology, Coding, Language, Element
  109. Lauris Valters
  110. Landelijke Vereniging
  111. Lung Volume Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
  112. Launch Version
  113. Limited Value Device, Power, Translation
  114. Louis Viutton
  115. Latch Valve Space, Study, Cosmos
  116. Leishmaniose Visceral Medical, Brasil, Ria, Visceral
  117. Live Views
  118. Land Value Business, Organization, Locations
  119. Linguistib Variable
  120. Low Voltage Electricity Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  121. Latvernia
  122. Lexol Vinylex
  123. Logic Volume
  124. Lower Velocity
  125. Light and Variabze Technology, Locations, Weather
  126. Long Vector
  127. Last Sehicle Technology, Car, Locations
  128. Link Vector
  129. Lumbap Vertebrae Medical, Medicine, Corparate
  130. Leave Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Governmental & Military
  131. Lista De Verificação
  132. Lymphatic Vessels Medical
  133. Landbouw En Visserij Technology, Service, Publics
  134. Latvijas Valsts Technology, Traffic, Report, Latvia
  135. Iso Country Code for Latvia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  136. Lina Victor
  137. Louis Victor
  138. Latchidg Valve
  139. Leishmaniose ViscéRale
  140. Live View Photography
  141. Landscape Verification
  142. Line Voltagz
  143. Low Nolatility Chemistry, Science, Substance
  144. Love An intense feeling of deep affection towards a person, Let Older Volunteers Educate, Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Roblox
  145. La Vanguardia
  146. Level Valve
  147. Logical View Technology, Management, Disk, Volume
  148. Limited Vote Organizations, Election, Voting
  149. Low-Voltage Technology, Power, Electrical Engineering
  150. Light &Qvariable
  151. Logistics Visibility
  152. Last Value
  153. Linkmvalid
  154. Lucky Vibration
  155. Lee Valley
  156. Lisbon Valley
  157. Luther Vandross
  158. Lamplighter Village
  159. Brightness Or Luminance Medicine, Treatment, Health
  160. Lima Victor
  161. Louis, Vuitton
  162. Lasīt Vairāk
  163. Lymph Vessel
  164. Lehigh Valley Railroad, Conrail, Norfolk Southern Organizations
  165. Live Vicariously
  166. Landscape Values
  167. Lineqvertex
  168. Low Volatipe Chemistry, Science, Substance
  169. La Valmente
  170. Level of Violence
  171. Logical Variable
  172. Limited Visibility
  173. Low-Volatile
  174. Length of Vertebra
  175. Load Vector Technology, Presentation, Instruction, General, Governmental & Military
  176. Low volatile Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  177. Linear Velocity
  178. Low Vacuum Technology
  179. Latvia Volume
  180. Left Value Assembly, Business & Finance
  181. Lesion Volumes Medical
  182. Local Volatility Business, Model, Pricing
  183. Low Volatge
  184. Large Volume water samples (>100 liters) Legal, Governmental & Military
  185. Lacto Vegetarian Hotel, Diet, Vegan, Vegetarian
  186. Lateral Vhntricles Medical
  187. LääNe-Viru
  188. Latvian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  189. Livermorium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  190. Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
  191. Lindsey Vonn
  192. Lower Voice If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly. If you lower your voice, you speak more quietly. Aviation
  193. Latvia Vien
  194. Lesion Volume Medical
  195. Local Ventilation
  196. Line Vasectomy Tube, Vasectomy, Scalpel, Interposition
  197. Low Vol
  198. Logical Volume Information Technology, Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  199. Laboratory Vacuum
  200. Lateral Ventricle Medical, Technology, Medicine
  201. LäTi Vabariik Business, Translation, Baltic
  202. Latvia Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Latvia, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  203. Low Volatility Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  204. Laguna Village Locations, Building, Estate
  205. Linda Vista
  206. Lower Viscosity
  207. Latvian View
  208. Leo Ventoni Traffic, Bag, Trademark
  209. Local Variables Technology, Coding, Calling, String
  210. Linearized Value
  211. Line Valves Business, Product, Valve
  212. Low Viscosity Product, Fluid, Epoxy, Viscosity
  213. Low Void Products
  214. Let Vibrate
  215. Locator Vector
  216. Laboratory of Virology Medical, Science, Us
  217. Lyssavirus A genus of viruses that includes the rabies virus group. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  218. Lateral Ventricular Medical
  219. Lunette Verte Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  220. Lagrange-Vandermonde
  221. Linda Van
  222. Lower Village
  223. Latrobe Valley Business, Organizations, Locations
  224. Las Vegas Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  225. La Vida
  226. Leo Valdez
  227. Local Variable In computer science, a local variable is a variable that is given local scope. Local variable references in the function or block in which it is declared override the same variable name in the larger scope. In programming languages with only two levels of visibility, local variable are contrasted with global variables. On the other hand, many ALGOL-derived languages allow any number of nested levels of visibility, with private variables, functions, constants and types hidden within them, either by nested blocks or nested functions. Local variable are fundamental to procedural programming, and more generally modular programming: variables of local scope are used to avoid issues with side-effects that can occur with global variables. Technology, Coding, Calling, Parameter
  228. Liquid Volume
  229. Line Valid Technology, Corporation, Imaging, Cypress
  230. Low Violence
  231. Large Violin Music
  232. Les Verts Government, France, Europe
  233. Location Value Technology, Service, Access
  234. Laane-Virumaa Hotel, Locations, Weather, Estonia
  235. Lyon Village
  236. Lateral Cerebral Ventricle Medical
  237. Lily of The Valley English, Queen, Valley, Tea
  238. left venticle Medical, Nursing
  239. Lago Vista
  240. Limited Voting Business, Server, Election
  241. Latin Vuwgate Technology, Book, Bible, Testament
  242. Lithium Vanadate
  243. La Venta
  244. Lentivirus, Lentivirus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  245. Loan Verification
  246. Lift Vector NASA
  247. Line of Vision
  248. Low Values
  249. Albanian Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  250. LiVerpool Street Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  251. Less Vulnerable
  252. Locanda Verde
  253. Lyon Vaise
  254. Latent Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  255. lentiviral vector Medical
  256. Lagoon View
  257. Lateroventral Medical
  258. Light Values Business, Camera, Exposure
  259. Launch Vehicles Technology, Science, Vehicle
  260. Lentiviral Medical
  261. Load Vehicle Technology, Truck, Engine
  262. Latvia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  263. Linear Vertical
  264. Low Value Business, Internet Slang, Statistics, Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Hobbies
  265. Latvilsu Valoda Business, Photo, Lava, Lair
  266. Low Voltage A wiring system that provides power to some electronic devices operating on a voltage level much lower than the standard 110 volts. Such devices might be doorbells and thermostats. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  267. Leslie Vincent
  268. Local Volume
  269. Latent Variable Technology, Science, Model
  270. Load Value Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  271. Latvian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  272. Lacz Vector
  273. Lateral Vestibular Nucleus Medical
  274. Level Horizontal; the instrument used for checking whether things are horizontal. Levels on a drawing are heights above a recognised datum which might either be the Ordnance Datum or a local datum for the job, whose location and value has to be specified on the drawings. Horizontal, oran optical/mechanical device that allows determination of horizontal. OR The version of a software application program. Aviation, Weather, Physics, Manufacturing, Game, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NASA, Roblox
  275. Launch Vehicle Technology, Space, Rocket, NASA, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LV stand for?

    LV stands for Lateral Cerebral Ventricle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Light Value?

    The short form of "Light Value" is LV.


LV. (2022, March 20). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated