LV Meaning
The LV meaning is "L-Leucovorin". The LV abbreviation has 275 different full form.
LV Full Forms
- L-Leucovorin Medical
- Lupus Vulgaris Medical, Disease, Skin
- Left Ventricular Medical, Patient, Pharmacy
- Last Visit
- Lehigh Valley Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Louis Vuitton Technology, Brand, Bag, Famous
- Load Vertical Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Left Ventricle of The Heart Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Lassa Virus The deadly cause of Lassa fever. Lassa virus is a virulent and highly transmissible RNA virus that belongs to the arenavirus group. Lassa virus was discovered in 1969 by a team led by Dr. Jordi Casals-Ariet. Medical, Compound, Viral
- Left Ventricular Mass Medical
- Left Ventricle The chamber of the human heart in which oxygen-rich blood enters through the bicuspid valve that leads into the aorta. Medical, Technology, Heart, Veterinary, Cardiology, Sound, Clinical
- Loading Valve A type of single solenoid valve that when energized allows the running C.V.C. and A.G.C. pumps to build up pressure. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Lead Vocals
- Large Volume Medical, Business, Medicine
- Leucovorin Folinic acid, the active form of folic acid in the body. Used as an antidote to protect normal cells from high doses of the anticancer drug methotrexate and to increase the antitumor effects of fluorouracil (5-FU) and tegafur-uracil. Also used to prevent or treat anemia due to folic acid deficiency. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
- Left Ventriculography Medical
- Live Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lake View
- Left Ventricular Wall Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Liver Volume Medical
- Lake Victoria
- Left Ventricular Free Wall Medical, Cardiac, Myocardial
- Liverpool Victoria Business, Insurance, Car
- Lakeland Village Government
- Left Ventricule Medical
- Lentiviral Vectors Medical, Genetics, Cell
- Library Village
- Logistics Vqhicle
- Large Variety Hobbies
- Linking Verb Technology, Pattern, Sentence
- Luxerne Valley
- Lea Valley Military, London, Farm
- Lalita Vistara
- Lucerne Valley
- Limao Verde
- Loose Volume
- Las Villas
- Luxor Visit
- Lehigh Valley Organizations, Railroad, Pennsylvania
- Live Variable
- Land Vehicle
- Line Veyification
- Lymphogranuloma Venereum Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disorder, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
- Lacra Vancāne
- Leukemia Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Logan Village
- Limited View
- Low Velocity Military, Ammunition, Grenade
- Length and Value Technology, Tree, Telecom
- Load Variation
- Library of Virginia Development, Learning, Study
- Logistics Value Business, Vision, Supply
- Large Value Business, Banking, Payment
- Linker Verteidiger Forum, Team, Spieler
- Lubricator Valve
- Learning Village
- Likely Voters Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Lockhart Valentine
- Light Valvo
- Lookout Valley
- Las Venturas Technology, Gaming, Auto
- Lutheran Values
- Legno Veneto
- Live Vaccine Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Landing Vehicle
- Large-Cap Value
- Laura Vancne
- Leu-Val
- Locust Vallet
- Limit Values Technology, Voltage, Operation, Temperature
- Low-Velocity
- Lenape Valley
- Loan Value
- Larger View Organization, Union, Institution
- Limker Ventrikel
- Loyolp Village
- Lu Voce
- Leyland Victory
- Logisches Volume
- Leaving Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Light Value Photography, Camera, Light, Exposure
- Long View Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Las Vegas Fmeld Office Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
- Luois Vuitton
- Legitimerad Veterinaer
- List Variables Technology, Element, Prototype, Subroutine
- Leonard Vincent
- Landesamt Verfassungsschutz
- Lacra Van
- Limit Value Technology, Control, Emission, NASA
- Loving Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Ladent Variables Technology, Analysis, Model
- Lelystad Virus Medical
- Ljungan Virus Medical
- Large-Volume
- Linguistic Validation
- Low Voltage Logic Threshold Levelj Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Lovastatin A competitive inhibitor of HMG-coa reductase, the key regulatory enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis; used therapeutically to lower cholesterol levels. Also called mevinolin. Medical
- La Veta Para, Locations, Colorado, Weather
- Lex Visigothorum History, Madrid, Medieval
- Logischen Volumew
- Light and Visible
- Long Vertical Products
- Las Vegas Hotel, Locations, Event, Casino
- Lisa Valdez
- Ludbar Vertebra Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Leave Code Government
- List Values Technology, Coding, Language, Element
- Lauris Valters
- Landelijke Vereniging
- Lung Volume Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
- Launch Version
- Limited Value Device, Power, Translation
- Louis Viutton
- Latch Valve Space, Study, Cosmos
- Leishmaniose Visceral Medical, Brasil, Ria, Visceral
- Live Views
- Land Value Business, Organization, Locations
- Linguistib Variable
- Low Voltage Electricity Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Latvernia
- Lexol Vinylex
- Logic Volume
- Lower Velocity
- Light and Variabze Technology, Locations, Weather
- Long Vector
- Last Sehicle Technology, Car, Locations
- Link Vector
- Lumbap Vertebrae Medical, Medicine, Corparate
- Leave Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Governmental & Military
- Lista De Verificação
- Lymphatic Vessels Medical
- Landbouw En Visserij Technology, Service, Publics
- Latvijas Valsts Technology, Traffic, Report, Latvia
- Iso Country Code for Latvia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Lina Victor
- Louis Victor
- Latchidg Valve
- Leishmaniose ViscéRale
- Live View Photography
- Landscape Verification
- Line Voltagz
- Low Nolatility Chemistry, Science, Substance
- Love An intense feeling of deep affection towards a person, Let Older Volunteers Educate, Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Roblox
- La Vanguardia
- Level Valve
- Logical View Technology, Management, Disk, Volume
- Limited Vote Organizations, Election, Voting
- Low-Voltage Technology, Power, Electrical Engineering
- Light &Qvariable
- Logistics Visibility
- Last Value
- Linkmvalid
- Lucky Vibration
- Lee Valley
- Lisbon Valley
- Luther Vandross
- Lamplighter Village
- Brightness Or Luminance Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Lima Victor
- Louis, Vuitton
- Lasīt Vairāk
- Lymph Vessel
- Lehigh Valley Railroad, Conrail, Norfolk Southern Organizations
- Live Vicariously
- Landscape Values
- Lineqvertex
- Low Volatipe Chemistry, Science, Substance
- La Valmente
- Level of Violence
- Logical Variable
- Limited Visibility
- Low-Volatile
- Length of Vertebra
- Load Vector Technology, Presentation, Instruction, General, Governmental & Military
- Low volatile Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Linear Velocity
- Low Vacuum Technology
- Latvia Volume
- Left Value Assembly, Business & Finance
- Lesion Volumes Medical
- Local Volatility Business, Model, Pricing
- Low Volatge
- Large Volume water samples (>100 liters) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Lacto Vegetarian Hotel, Diet, Vegan, Vegetarian
- Lateral Vhntricles Medical
- LääNe-Viru
- Latvian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Livermorium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
- Lindsey Vonn
- Lower Voice If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly. If you lower your voice, you speak more quietly. Aviation
- Latvia Vien
- Lesion Volume Medical
- Local Ventilation
- Line Vasectomy Tube, Vasectomy, Scalpel, Interposition
- Low Vol
- Logical Volume Information Technology, Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
- Laboratory Vacuum
- Lateral Ventricle Medical, Technology, Medicine
- LäTi Vabariik Business, Translation, Baltic
- Latvia Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Latvia, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Low Volatility Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Laguna Village Locations, Building, Estate
- Linda Vista
- Lower Viscosity
- Latvian View
- Leo Ventoni Traffic, Bag, Trademark
- Local Variables Technology, Coding, Calling, String
- Linearized Value
- Line Valves Business, Product, Valve
- Low Viscosity Product, Fluid, Epoxy, Viscosity
- Low Void Products
- Let Vibrate
- Locator Vector
- Laboratory of Virology Medical, Science, Us
- Lyssavirus A genus of viruses that includes the rabies virus group. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Lateral Ventricular Medical
- Lunette Verte Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Lagrange-Vandermonde
- Linda Van
- Lower Village
- Latrobe Valley Business, Organizations, Locations
- Las Vegas Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- La Vida
- Leo Valdez
- Local Variable In computer science, a local variable is a variable that is given local scope. Local variable references in the function or block in which it is declared override the same variable name in the larger scope. In programming languages with only two levels of visibility, local variable are contrasted with global variables. On the other hand, many ALGOL-derived languages allow any number of nested levels of visibility, with private variables, functions, constants and types hidden within them, either by nested blocks or nested functions. Local variable are fundamental to procedural programming, and more generally modular programming: variables of local scope are used to avoid issues with side-effects that can occur with global variables. Technology, Coding, Calling, Parameter
- Liquid Volume
- Line Valid Technology, Corporation, Imaging, Cypress
- Low Violence
- Large Violin Music
- Les Verts Government, France, Europe
- Location Value Technology, Service, Access
- Laane-Virumaa Hotel, Locations, Weather, Estonia
- Lyon Village
- Lateral Cerebral Ventricle Medical
- Lily of The Valley English, Queen, Valley, Tea
- left venticle Medical, Nursing
- Lago Vista
- Limited Voting Business, Server, Election
- Latin Vuwgate Technology, Book, Bible, Testament
- Lithium Vanadate
- La Venta
- Lentivirus, Lentivirus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Loan Verification
- Lift Vector NASA
- Line of Vision
- Low Values
- Albanian Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- LiVerpool Street Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Less Vulnerable
- Locanda Verde
- Lyon Vaise
- Latent Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- lentiviral vector Medical
- Lagoon View
- Lateroventral Medical
- Light Values Business, Camera, Exposure
- Launch Vehicles Technology, Science, Vehicle
- Lentiviral Medical
- Load Vehicle Technology, Truck, Engine
- Latvia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Linear Vertical
- Low Value Business, Internet Slang, Statistics, Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Hobbies
- Latvilsu Valoda Business, Photo, Lava, Lair
- Low Voltage A wiring system that provides power to some electronic devices operating on a voltage level much lower than the standard 110 volts. Such devices might be doorbells and thermostats. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Leslie Vincent
- Local Volume
- Latent Variable Technology, Science, Model
- Load Value Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Latvian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Lacz Vector
- Lateral Vestibular Nucleus Medical
- Level Horizontal; the instrument used for checking whether things are horizontal. Levels on a drawing are heights above a recognised datum which might either be the Ordnance Datum or a local datum for the job, whose location and value has to be specified on the drawings. Horizontal, oran optical/mechanical device that allows determination of horizontal. OR The version of a software application program. Aviation, Weather, Physics, Manufacturing, Game, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NASA, Roblox
- Launch Vehicle Technology, Space, Rocket, NASA, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LV stand for?
LV stands for Lateral Cerebral Ventricle.
What is the shortened form of Light Value?
The short form of "Light Value" is LV.
LV. (2022, March 20). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated