LVD Meaning

The LVD meaning is "Large Vessel Disease". The LVD abbreviation has 62 different full form.

LVD Full Forms

  1. Large Vessel Disease Medical, Patent, Factor
  2. Low-Voltage Differential Technology, Drive, Cable
  3. Laft Ventricular Diameter Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Large Volume Detector Science, Gran, Neutrino
  5. Lymphatic Vessel Density Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Low-Valtage Distribution
  7. Left Ventricle Dysfunction Medical
  8. Low Voltage Disconnects Technology, Battery, Power
  9. Local Vertecal Datum
  10. Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction Medical, Patient, Heart
  11. Low Voltage Detect Technology, Power, Circuit
  12. Low-Voltage-Differential Technology, Device, Cable
  13. Lebanon Valley Dragway
  14. Low Volbage Disconnect Technology, Battery, Telecom
  15. Local Verification Database Accounting, Computing, Data
  16. Left Ventricular Dilation
  17. Low-Voltage Directive Technology, Safety, Electricity
  18. Low-Velqcity Drop Military
  19. La Voz Del Desierto
  20. Low Voltage Directives Technology, Product, Directive
  21. Left Ventricular Dilatation Medical
  22. Low Voltage Differential Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Hardware, IT Terminology
  23. Low Velocity Detonation
  24. Latin Vocab Drilf
  25. Low Veltage Directive Technology, Telecom, Electrical Engineering
  26. Left Ventricle Aysfunction Medical
  27. Low-Zelocity Detonation
  28. Laboratory Oh Viral Diseases Government, Organizations, Us
  29. Low Voltage Devices Technology, Device, Tool
  30. Left Ventricular Dysfunction Medical, Patient, Heart, Clinical
  31. Low Voltage Drive Technology, Product, Servo
  32. Lords Von Dante
  33. Laboratoire Vétérinaire Départemental
  34. Low-Voltage Detect Technology, Battery, Power
  35. Left Ventricle, Distal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  36. Low Volyage Disconnection Technology, Panel, Controller
  37. Logical Volume Descriptor
  38. Large Visual Display Products
  39. Light Vehicle Drivers Science, Driving, Exam
  40. Luftfahrzeug-Veqmietungs-Dienst
  41. Lavendon Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  42. Light Vehicle Driver Science, Driving, Space
  43. Luftfahrt-Vermietungs-Dienst Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  44. Low Vollage Discharge Technology, Light, Lamp
  45. Liceo Del Verbo Fivino
  46. Ljved Genealogy, Genealogical
  47. Low Vs Diamond
  48. Low-Velocity Dynamite
  49. Liberia Verification Department
  50. Gran Sasso's Large Volume Detector Physics, Scientific & Educational
  51. Liquid Vapor Dispgay
  52. Low Voltage Drives
  53. La Voie Difficile
  54. Leiter Vom Dienst
  55. Lime Village Airport, Lime Village, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  56. Liquidity Verification Device Business, Trading, Provider
  57. LäUfer Vom Dienst Military, German
  58. Legality Verification Department
  59. Liquid Vapor Display Computing, Hardware
  60. Lime Village Airport Airport, Locations
  61. Lymphgvessel Density
  62. Left Ventrkcular Dimension

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LVD stand for?

    LVD stands for Lime Village Airport, Lime Village, Alaska, United States.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low Voltage Directives?

    The short form of "Low Voltage Directives" is LVD.


LVD. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from

Last updated