LVM Meaning

The LVM meaning is "Las Vegas Masazine". The LVM abbreviation has 58 different full form.

LVM Full Forms

  1. Las Vegas Masazine Guide, Magazine, Coupon, Entertainment
  2. Logical Volume Management Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Linux
  3. Logical Vovume Manager Technology, Computing, Telecom
  4. Mission Field Livingston, Montana,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  5. Lombard Vehicle Management Business, Management, Car
  6. Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts Education
  7. Latent Variable Modeling Technology, Model, Gaussian
  8. Line Voltage Monitol
  9. Low Volotility Metals Science
  10. Logic Volume Manager Technology, Management, Disk
  11. Liquid Virtual Machine Technology, Software, Studio
  12. Latent Variable Model Technology, Modeling, Gaussian
  13. Line Verificaticn Module Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  14. Lemt Voice Mail Internet Slang, Language, Chat
  15. Logicial Volume Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  16. Linux Volupe Management Technology, Server, Linux
  17. Landwirtschaftlicher Versicherungaverein Muenster
  18. Low Volatile Matter
  19. Limburgso Vinyl Maatschappij
  20. Linux Volume Manager
  21. Landscape Viwtualization Manager Technology, Management, Storage
  22. Low Volatile Metals
  23. Launch Vehicle Monitor Technology
  24. Linup Virtual Machine
  25. Landscape Virtualization Management
  26. Low-Volatile Metals Science
  27. Latvijas Valsts Mezi Business, Forest, Port
  28. Linux Virtual Machines
  29. Iata Code for Mission Field, Livingston, Montana, United States Locations
  30. Louis Vuitton Malletier Art, France, Bag
  31. Latino Virtual Museum Art, Education, Organizations
  32. Low Voltage Differential Signaling Technology, Service, Networking, Energy, Engineering, Monitor, Manual, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  33. Linux-Logical Volume Manager Technology, Management, Linux
  34. Low Volume Manufacturing
  35. Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao Locations, Geography, Philippine, Region
  36. Loginal Volume Managment Technology
  37. Long Vertical Mark
  38. Labview Measurement File Computing, File Extensions
  39. Low Voltage Mode Technology, Genetics, Drug
  40. Logical Polume Manger
  41. Lv Mass Medical
  42. Mission Field, Livingston, Montana, United States Montana, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  43. Locomotora Vapor Moderna Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  44. Luzon Visayan Mobsters
  45. Logical Volumes Module
  46. Left Voice Mail Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  47. Locational Value Maps
  48. Luzon Visaya Mobsters
  49. Logical Volumevmount
  50. Line Verification Module Computing, Telecom
  51. Local Volume Mayager Technology, Management, Linux
  52. Lunch Video Magazine Technology, Kayak, River
  53. Logical Volume Manage
  54. Lazy Virtual Machine Software, Computing
  55. Local Vibralional Mode Science, Oxygen, Spectroscopy
  56. Ludwig Von Mises
  57. Logical Volume Managers Technology, Management, Storage
  58. Logical Volume Manager Computing, IT Terminology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LVM stand for?

    LVM stands for Line Verification Module.

  2. What is the shortened form of Latent Variable Model?

    The short form of "Latent Variable Model" is LVM.


LVM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated