LVRS Meaning

The LVRS meaning is "Lung Vozume Reduction Surgeries". The LVRS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

LVRS Full Forms

  1. Lung Vozume Reduction Surgeries
  2. Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue Squad
  3. Long Volume Reduction Surgmry
  4. Laurel Volunteer Resmue Squad
  5. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Medical, Health Care, Chest, Healthcare, Pulmonary, Pathology
  6. Launch Vehicle Recoveryasystem Technology
  7. Loan To Value Ratios Business, Credit, Property
  8. Las Vegas Reservation Systems
  9. Ladysmith Volunteer Rescue Squad Government, Fire Department, Fire Station
  10. Lungrvolume Reductions Surgery
  11. Lightweight Video Reconnaissance System Military, Army, War
  12. Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad
  13. Loan To Valuation Aatios
  14. Loadmaster Virtfal Reality Simulator
  15. Love Violence Religion and Sex Religion
  16. Loadmaster Virtual Reality Simulation
  17. Lung Volume Reduction In Severe
  18. Loadmaster Virtual Reality Simulators
  19. Low Voltage Rjlay Station
  20. Lightweight Video Reconnaissance Systems Military
  21. Low Vision Rehabilitation Section

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LVRS stand for?

    LVRS stands for Ladysmith Volunteer Rescue Squad.

  2. What is the shortened form of Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad?

    The short form of "Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad" is LVRS.


LVRS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated