LVTC Meaning

The LVTC meaning is "Land Value Taxation Campaign". The LVTC abbreviation has 17 different full form.

LVTC Full Forms

  1. Land Value Taxation Campaign Business, Tax, Fair
  2. Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Command
  3. Launch Vehicle Test Conductor Technology, NASA, Governmental & Military
  4. Landing Vehicle Tracked Command Military, Armour, Artillery
  5. Las Vegas Track Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  6. Las Vegas Tattoo Company
  7. Language Variation and Textual Categorization Literature, Language, Linguistics
  8. Language Variation and Textual Categorisation
  9. London Visitor Travel Card
  10. Laura Vicu A Technology Center Technology, Information, Computer
  11. Living Vicariously Through Corey Computing, Internet
  12. Livermore Valley Tennis Club
  13. Literacy Volunteers of Tompkins County Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  14. Linear Voltage Timing Card
  15. Leona Valley Town Council
  16. Landing Vehicle Tracked Command (US) United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  17. Lemonweir Valley Telephone Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LVTC stand for?

    LVTC stands for Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Command.

  2. What is the shortened form of Las Vegas Track Club?

    The short form of "Las Vegas Track Club" is LVTC.


LVTC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated