LVV Meaning

The LVV meaning is "Las Vegas Valley". The LVV abbreviation has 20 different full form.

LVV Full Forms

  1. Las Vegas Valley
  2. Large Vessel Vasculitis
  3. Landelijke Vereniging Van
  4. Landbouw Veeteelt En Visserij Agriculture, Stichting, Suriname
  5. Landbouw, Veeteelt En Visserij Nature, Reserve, Suriname
  6. Leeuwarder Voetbal Vereniging
  7. Left Ventricular Volumes Medical
  8. La Via Volta
  9. Left Ventricular Volume Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  10. Live Virus Vaccine Medical
  11. Liga Vasca De Vintage
  12. Lv Volume Medical
  13. Liberaal Vlaams Verbond
  14. Low Volume Vehicle Technology, Car, Certification
  15. Le Veen Valve Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  16. Los Van Van Music
  17. Lehigh Valley Velodrome
  18. Llego Van Van
  19. Live Varicella Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  20. Live Varicella Vaccine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LVV stand for?

    LVV stands for Low Volume Vehicle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Large Vessel Vasculitis?

    The short form of "Large Vessel Vasculitis" is LVV.


LVV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated