LVW Meaning

The LVW meaning is "Left Ventricular Wall". The LVW abbreviation has 16 different full form.

LVW Full Forms

  1. Left Ventricular Wall Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  2. Landing Vehicle, Wheeled
  3. Landelijke Vereniging Wijkverpleegkundigen
  4. Left Ventricular Weight Medical
  5. Left Ventricular Work Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  6. Lateral Ventricular Width
  7. Las Vegas Wash
  8. Lanthanum Vixen Widefield Space, Study, Cosmos
  9. Loaded Vehicle Weight Technology, Standard, Emission
  10. Livewire Document Computing, File Extensions
  11. Lehigh Valley Wrestling
  12. Lv Weight Medical
  13. Low Voltage Wiring
  14. Low Voltage Warning
  15. Louis Vuitton Wallet
  16. Local Veggie Web

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LVW stand for?

    LVW stands for Landelijke Vereniging Wijkverpleegkundigen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lehigh Valley Wrestling?

    The short form of "Lehigh Valley Wrestling" is LVW.


LVW. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated