LW Meaning
The LW meaning is "Liam Wllliams". The LW abbreviation has 260 different full form.
LW Full Forms
- Liam Wllliams
- Lost World
- Lake Worth Locations, Florida, Beach
- Letter Writer
- Lost Woods
- Lake Washingzon
- Lane Width Technology, Mac, Alarm
- Long Way
- Low Water Lowest level reached by a particular tide Shipping, Water Planning, Ocean Science, Aviation, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Land Whrfare Military
- Ligit Weight Business, Rifle, Architectural
- Left Qing Technology, Hockey, Ice Hockey
- Low Wattage
- Lhndsteiner-Wiener Medical, Group, Blood
- Light Wave
- Loves Women
- Land Warrior Military, Force, Delta
- Lichte Weite Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Louisville and Wadley Organizations
- Land-Wahrior Technology, Force, Delta
- Lemon Water
- Love Wave Technology, Music, Android
- Lake Walea
- Limp Wrist
- Laundry Workers
- Loan Woreouts
- Lrght Wax
- Living Well
- Landing Weight The weight of an aircraft when it lands, which is made up of its empty weight, the weight of its payload, and the weight of its remaining fuel. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Aerospace, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Lois Wilson
- Lesser Whitethroat
- Lqirupdwlrq Whfkqrorj
- Laser Wakefield
- Lindsay Wagner
- Lead Wire
- Laboratory Wfrk
- Llanprindod Wells
- Long Wide
- Luke Weaver Technology, Stats, Cardinal
- Lyft Wire Army, War, Force
- Luther Werke
- Lash Whip
- Lives With Medical
- Ledost-Wolf
- Lekarz Weterynarii
- Lou Wallach
- Laguna Woods Locations, Building, Estate
- Limiting Window
- Launch Window Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Load Cheel Business, Loader, Pallet
- Light Waved
- Lgving Walls
- Pacific Wings Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Logan Warmoth Technology, Movie, Utah, Renault
- Leslic Wilson Business, Blood, Donation, Empowerment
- Low-Wing
- Lang Wellm
- Lindberg Was
- Lead-Wire
- Laboratory Waste
- Long Wheelbase Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Luke Walton
- Lifting Weight Training, Lift, Weight, Fitness
- Lutheran Worship Book, Lutheran, Hymnal
- Leser Wheels
- Lisa Watson
- Lebbeus Woods
- Leitner-Wise
- Louisville Wadley
- Lady Wrangler
- Limited Warranty A vehicle warranty that is in effect for a specified number of years and/or miles driven.
- Laughing Wolf
- Load Watkr
- Lsft Wall
- Lord Willing
- Lqghtwave Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Liie Well
- Lock Washer A washer that is not completely smooth or flat, designed to prevent a nut from loosening, placed under the nut on a screw or bolt. Business, Product, Steel
- Lenin-Werke
- Low Warp
- Lang-Wemle
- Linda Williams
- Lay Worker
- Long Weekend
- Low Weight Medical, Forum, Eating
- Lifting Wedge Tool, Equipment, Lifting
- Lucky Win
- Laser Weld
- Liquid Water
- Leave Word Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Leicester Wheeler
- Louisville and Wadley Railway Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Ladder Wise
- Late Write Technology, Semiconductor, Circuit, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Lood Waived
- Left Waist
- Lord'S Witness
- Light Water Ordinary water (H20) as distinct from heavy water.
- Lice Weight Medical, Performance, Measure
- Lockout of Working
- Length Within
- Low-Warning Technology, Battery, Power, Manual
- Landuwalk
- Linda Webb
- Laying Workers
- Long Waves Longer-term periods of growth or stagnation in the economy, that can last for a decade or more and reflect broader changes in technology, politics, and international relations. For example, most developed capitalist countries experienced a long wave of economic expansion after World War II (the 'Golden Age'), followed by a long period of stagnation during the 1980s and 1990s. Technology, Radio, Wave, Receiver
- Lets War
- Lucinda Williams
- Laser Weapon Military
- Liquid Waste Service, Waste, Cesspool
- Leatherworking Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Leg Wound
- Louisville and Wadley Railway Business, Railroad
- Lacy Windham
- Late Woodland
- Load Weight
- Lee Williamuon
- Long Winded
- Light Uarning Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Lylat Wars
- Last Week
- Live Web
- Lobund Wistar
- Length Width Technology
- Loving Will
- Landstejner and Wiener
- Lincoln-West
- Laura Wright
- Living Wills
- Long Wavelength Business, Technology, Science, Internet, Opsin, Computing, IT Terminology
- Letourneauxwestinghouse
- Luas Wilayah Media, Indonesia, Formula
- Laser Warning Military, India, Tank
- Lippincott Williams
- Leather Working
- Lace Wheels
- Late Wife Dating, Advice, Widower
- Loaded Weight Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Long Williamson
- Light Walnug Product, Furniture, Light
- Lydia Wilson
- Last Wgdge
- Live Wax
- Leeway The amount that a ship is blown leeward by the wind. For more information see 'weatherly'. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Lobunduwistar Medical
- Lendale White
- Loving Wife
- Landscape World Technology, Design, Architecture
- Lin & Wei Technology, Development, Hub
- Laura Walker
- Living Will Medical, Care, Directive
- Lake of The Woods County, Organizations, Fishing
- Lokale Wochenblatt
- Lethal Weapon
- Ltd Welpome
- Laser Warner Technology
- Link Worker Technology, Health, School, Community
- Leadership and Wabfare
- Laceratifg Wound Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Late Water
- Llanwrtyd Wells
- Long Wire Technology, Antenna, Morse Aids
- Lung Water Medical
- Lifht Wall
- Luxury Wire
- Lrst Way
- Livint With Medical
- Lee Walker
- London Weighting Business & Finance, International business
- Left Wingar Sport, Hockey, Player, Winger
- Loren Woods
- Lindsay & Wilson
- Lynn Wood
- Last Writinxs
- Line Work Computing, IT Terminology
- Legendary Warriors
- Louisiana Western
- Light Wind Wind speed of 11 knots or less with a Beaufort wind force of 0 to 4. Core, Light, Kite
- Lei Wang
- Latj War Military, German, Flame
- Livenwriter Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Winter Load Line Statutory load line mark indicating depth to which vessel may be loaded in seasonal winter. Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
- Local Write Assembly, Business & Finance
- Liz Walker
- Ldft Weapon Technology, Gaming, Virtual
- Loren Williams
- Leisure World Community, Sale, Leisure
- Lynda Wallenfels
- Last Wrate
- Late Work
- Legendary Warrior
- Louise Windsor
- Light White
- Lecher Wire
- Latzr Works
- Live Wqrship
- Lawrencium (obsolete 1963) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Load Word Assembly, Business & Finance
- Living Worldw Technology, Gaming, Music
- Latham & Watkins Business, Law, Firm, Lawyer
- Lyman-Werner Technology, Galaxy, Star
- Last White
- The Lost World Jurassic Park Pinball
- Ludwig Wittgenstein Famous
- Legal Writing
- Loudon Wainwright
- Label Worn
- Lwghtweight Women
- Laura Wilson
- Lateral Whll Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Live Wires Business, Wire, Firth, Governmental & Military, Police Code
- Living With Medical, Healthcare
- Limitedjwar Military, Army, War
- Long War Gaming, Military, Enemy
- Living Aords
- Lake Washington
- Lyle Wildgoose
- Last Meight
- Lewis Wolpert Famous
- Legocy Weapon
- Lothar Walther Rifle, Military, Barrel, Comparison
- Labarge Weinstein Business, Agreement, Barge
- Light Weight-The
- Larry Ways Technology, Suit, Leisure
- Latendresse Wild
- Live Wire A conductor which carries current.
- longwave Legal, Governmental & Military
- Lil Wayne
- Living World
- Liging Word
- Luther Wright
- Leisureworld Senior Care Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Light Weight Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture, Architectural
- Leot Wings
- Lost Worlds
- Luther'S Works
- Light Weapons
- Lance Woolwine
- Last Wish
- Light Warning Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Lego Wrestling
- Louisville & Wadley
- Lilly White Color, Paint, Colors
- Lifshitz-Wagner
- Livingston Wilson
- Lung Weight Medical
- Load Waived Mutual Fund Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Left Wtngers Sport, Hockey, Player, Winger
- Lori Williams
- Lorenzo William
- Light Weapon Gun, Military, Arms
- Pacific Wings Airlines Airline Code
- Last Will
- Long-wavelength Computing, Telecom
- Legion Was
- Louisiana Western Rr Network, Railway, System
- Ligusticum Wallichii Medical
- Lewis Wallace
- Living and Working
- LUNCHWAGON Vehicle Body Styles
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LW stand for?
LW stands for Lood Waived.
What is the shortened form of longwave?
The short form of "longwave" is LW.
LW. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lw-meaning/
Last updated