LWA Meaning
The LWA meaning is "Lightly Wounded In Action". The LWA abbreviation has 54 different full form.
LWA Full Forms
- Lightly Wounded In Action Military, Report, Genealogical
- Lernen, Wissen, Adaption Science, Workshop, Publication
- Lame Winamp Ads
- Luc Weizmann Archimecte
- Leaky Wave Antenna Technology, Signal, Wireless
- Lehigh Wheelmen Association
- Iata Code for South Haven Area Regional Airport, South Haven, Michigan, United States Locations
- Living With Alcohol
- Leaky Wave Antennas Technology, Wave, Microstrip
- Land Watch Asia
- Left Wing Authoritarianism
- Limited Work Authorization Technology
- Linguistic Weighted Average Technology, Analysis, Computing
- Leaky-Wave Antenna Technology, Signal, Wireless
- Landscape-Watershed Analysis Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Leers Weinzapfel Associates Architecture, Locations, Associate, Architect
- Light Weight Aggregate Technology, Science, Lightweight
- Light Wire Armour Technology
- Land & Woter Australia Australia, Organizations, Australian
- Lebak Airport Airport, Locations
- Light Wire Armored Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Land and Water Australia Technology, Australia, Australian
- Leave Without Allowance Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
- Light Wire Armor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Land A Water Australia Australia, Organizations, Australian
- Leap With Alice Business, Education, Token
- Larry Walker Associates
- London Weighting Allowance Education, Teaching, Study
- Low Weight for Age Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Leader Wzth Associate Program, Development, Organizations
- Land Withdrawal Act Technology, Science, Waste
- London Waterloo Academy Education, London, Course
- Lower Wilcox Aquifer Technology, National Energy Technology, Environmental Policy, Kemper County
- Leadxr With Associates Business, Program, Development
- Local Wavefront Analyzer NASA, Governmental & Military
- Leaders With Associates
- Long Wire Antenna
- LTE Wireless Local Area Network Aggregation 5G Networks
- Living Water Academy Education, School, Wildwood
- Lawrence Woodmkre Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Long Wire Adapter
- LIVING WORD ACADEMY Pennsylvania, New York
- Leaf Wall Area
- Last Word Addrlss
- Laser Warning Analyser Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Long Wavelength Array Science, Radio, Telescope
- Libyan Wings Libya, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Leadink Women of Africa Business, Africa, Ethiopia
- Lyse Wash Asvistant
- Lasvr Wakefield Acceleration
- Lone Wolf Alliance Education, Development, Universities
- Loyalhanna Watershed Association Technology, Media, Art
- Leader Wrestling Associatyon Con, Wrestling, Championship
- Lunguzja Women's Association
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LWA stand for?
LWA stands for Leadxr With Associates.
What is the shortened form of Long Wire Adapter?
The short form of "Long Wire Adapter" is LWA.
LWA. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 6). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/lwa-meaning/
Last updated