LWR Meaning

The LWR meaning is "Ladies Waiting Room". The LWR abbreviation has 56 different full form.

LWR Full Forms

  1. Ladies Waiting Room Technology, Construction, Architectural
  2. Laser Warner Receiver Technology
  3. Laser Warning Receiver Military, Aircraft, Army
  4. Lakeland & Waterways Railway Canada
  5. Light Qeak Red
  6. Lakfland and Waterways Railway Organizations, Canada, Railway
  7. Line Width Reduction Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  8. Light-Water Reactor Technology, Canada, Fuel
  9. Lost World Requital Technology, Stalker, Shadow
  10. League for A Workers Republic
  11. Laboratory Work Retuest Education, Development, Universities
  12. Line Ox Weapon Release Military, Army, Artillery
  13. Long Welded Rails Technology, Engineering, Railway, Track
  14. Launch When Ready Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Texting, Sms, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  15. Leaf Weight Ratio Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  16. Line Width Roughnsss
  17. Long Way Round Adventure, Locations, Episode, Obelisk
  18. Laser Warning Receivers Technology, Military, Tank
  19. Leading With Resilience
  20. Lxne-Width Roughness Business, Technology, Lithography
  21. Long Wave Radiation Radiation with wavelengths greater than 4 microns. (In meteorology, same as infrared radiation.) Energy, Climate, Warming
  22. Livestock Water Recycling Expo, Water, Pork
  23. Leadership Waterloo Region Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  24. Lincolnshore Wolds Railway
  25. Light Water Reactors Technology, Power, Fuel
  26. Long Wavelength Redundant Technology, Explorer, Ultraviolet, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  27. Listening While Reading
  28. Lazy Wave Catenary Riser Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  29. Limpopo Wildlcfe Resorts
  30. Longest Winning Run
  31. Liscord, Wardw& Roy
  32. Light-Water Reactors Technology, Power, Fuel
  33. Liquid Waste Release
  34. Longrwave Radar
  35. Larry W. Robinson, Gospel singer Famous
  36. Load Word Right Technology
  37. Laser Write Read
  38. Long-Wave Radiation Atmosphere, Heat, Radiation
  39. Light Water Reactor The light water reactor is a type of thermal-neutron reactor that uses normal water, as opposed to heavy water, as both its coolant and neutron moderator – furthermore a solid form of fissile elements is used as fuel. Technology, Energy, Physics, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  40. Living With Reflux
  41. Lutheran World Relief, Inc Military, Army, Intelligence, United Nations
  42. London Weekend Radco Music, Radio, London, Pirate
  43. Long Welded Rail Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  44. Living Willk Registry
  45. Lutheran World Relief Business, Military, Fair
  46. Locomotive Workshop Rxtterdam
  47. Lower A position below an- other thing lower jaw Weather, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Usps, Ordnance Survey, Aviation
  48. Lovisa-Wesij
  49. Local Sage Rate Military
  50. Leeuwarden Air Base, Leeuwarden, Netherlands Netherlands, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  51. Lovisa-Wesijärvi Railway
  52. Local Weighted Regression Technology
  53. Living Waters Ranch
  54. Last Walk Round Ordnance Survey
  55. Louisville Weimaraner Rescue
  56. Locally Weighted Regression Technology, Learning, Model, Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LWR stand for?

    LWR stands for Laser Write Read.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lincolnshore Wolds Railway?

    The short form of "Lincolnshore Wolds Railway" is LWR.


LWR. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lwr-meaning/

Last updated