M in Medical Meaning
The M meaning in Medical terms is "Mercury". There are 23 related meanings of the M Medical abbreviation.
M on Medical Full Forms
- Mercury Innermost of the planets Greatest angular distance from Sun is about 29deg. Very rarely observable, and then only near sunrise or sunset. Nautical almanac then gives a warning that its appearance may cause it to be mistaken for a star or another planet.
- Male Any part, such as a bolt, designed to fit into another part. External threads are male. A wood product such as a truss, beam, gluelam, microlam or joist which is manufactured out of smaller wood pieces and glued or mechanically fastened to form a larger piece. Often used to create a stronger member which may use less wood. also Oriented Strand Board.
- Molecular
- Minimum
- Mass The quantity of matter in a body as measured by the ratio of the force required to produce a given acceleration, to the acceleration. A property of all matter. It is measured in, for example, grams. Mass is independent of gravity, unlike weight which depends on gravity. The quantity of matter in a body. It can be determined by measuring the force of gravity (weight) acting on it and dividing this by the gravitational acceleration at that point. Thus, the mass of a given body remains the same everywhere, while its weight changes with the gravitational attraction.
- Murmur A sound due to vibrations from the flow of blood through the heart or great vessels. A murmur may be innocent and be of no significance. Or it may be pathologic and reflect disease. A murmur is usually heard with a stethoscope.
- Mature To cease to exist; to expire.
- Mandibular
- misce - mix
- Mandible The mandible, lower jaw or jawbone is the largest, strongest and lowest bone in the face. It forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place. The mandible sits beneath the maxilla. The mandible is only movable bone of skull except ear ossicles.
- Mixture As in "Fuel / Air" mixture. The balance of fuel and air is what determines the effectiveness of the engine, as well as how fast the engine runs. The mixture is set with the needle valves. Composed of two or more substances, but each keeps its original properties. A grouping together of two or more substances in which each retains its original properties. Mixtures are substances held together by physical, not chemical, forces. Most things you find things in nature are mixtures.
- Minor In general, something that is less than something else. For example, the teres minor muscle is smaller than the teres major muscle.
- Milli SI prefix for 10^-3 or 0.001 OR A prefix that divides a basic unit by 1000. OR Prefix used in the SI system meaning "one thousandth of". For example 1 mL means "one thousandth of a liter"; 1 mg means "one thousandth of a gram". OR Milli- prefix Metric prefix meaning 10–3 (one thousandth).
- Mix The proportions of the ingredients of concrete, mortar and such like. In architecture, a method used to determine how the color of a graphics primitive is combined with the existing color of a graphics presentation space.2.In multimedia applications, the combination of audio or video sources during postproduction.
- Meter Metric unit of length approximately 39.375 inches or 1,000mm. OR To regulate the amount or rate of fluid flow. In the OSI Communications Subsystem licensed program, the machine-readable form of an abstract syntax. The metatable is generated by the Abstract Syntax Checker and used by the OSI Communications Subsystem presentation layer to encode and decode data being exchanged. 39.37 inches. The measure of distances in the metric system.
- mesial Toward the middle. As, for example, a mesial temporal lobe structure. In dentistry, toward the middle of the front of the jaw.
- Million
- Methionine Methionine is an α-amino acid with the chemical formula HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CH2SCH3. This amino acid is classified as nonpolar as it has a straight side chain that possess a S-methyl thio ether (that is C–S–C bonding) at the γ-carbon. It is an essential amino acid in all metazoa. This amino-acid is coded by the initiation codon AUG which also indicates mRNA's coding region where translation into protein begins.
- Medium Medium is a material substance that can propagate energy waves. For example, the transmission medium for sounds is usually air, but solids and liquids may also act as transmission media for sound.
- Manager A person who is in charge of a project, department, group, team, etc.
- Blood Factor In The MNS Blood Group System
- Married
- murmur (heart murmur)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does M stand for Medical?
M stands for Manager in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Methionine in Medical?
The short form of "Methionine" is M for Medical.
M in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/m-meaning-in-medical/
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