M in Names and nicknames Meaning

The M meaning in Names and nicknames terms is "Martin". There are 5 related meanings of the M Names and nicknames abbreviation.

M on Names and nicknames Full Forms

  1. Martin
  2. Matter A word used to describe anything that contains mass.
  3. Mercedes Mercedes is a Spanish feminine given name, derived from María de las Mercedes ("Our Lady of Mercy" or "Mary of Mercies"), which is one of the Roman Catholic titles of the Virgin Mary. The word "Mercedes" is of Latin origin meaning "mercies" (the plural of mercy) from the Latin word merced-, merces, meaning "wages, reward", which in Vulgar Latin acquired the meaning "favor, pity". Hypocoristic forms of the name are Merceditas, Meche and Merche.
  4. Mark One of the marked fathoms in a lead line. Beacon or erection, marking a navigational danger or a position of navigational interest
  5. Michael

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does M stand for Names and nicknames?

    M stands for Mark in Names and nicknames terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mercedes in Names and nicknames?

    The short form of "Mercedes" is M for Names and nicknames.


M in Names and nicknames. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/m-meaning-in-names-and-nicknames/

Last updated