M in NASA Meaning

The M meaning in NASA terms is "Mercury". There are 37 related meanings of the M NASA abbreviation.

M on NASA Full Forms

  1. Mercury Innermost of the planets Greatest angular distance from Sun is about 29deg. Very rarely observable, and then only near sunrise or sunset. Nautical almanac then gives a warning that its appearance may cause it to be mistaken for a star or another planet.
  2. Micrometer An instrument used for measuring diameter usually in thousandths of an inch. One millionth of a meter, used to measure wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Also known as a "micron" or µm.
  3. Molecular
  4. Maneuver
  5. Minimum
  6. Middle
  7. Manufacturing An energy-consuming subsector of the industrial sector that consists of all facilities and equipment engaged in the mechanical, physical, chemical, or electronic transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. Assembly of component parts of products is included, except for that which is included in construction.
  8. Maryland
  9. Mount To place a data medium in a position to operate. To make recording media accessible. To make recording media accessible. A folder or file retrieved from elsewhere on the network and accessed locally. To make a physical disk or tape accessible to a computer's file system.
  10. Multiply
  11. Matrix The mixture of sand and cement that binds together the aggregate of concrete. The continuous or principal phase in which another constituent is dispersed. A set of optimization techniques that were developed in operations research to solve intractable problems. also constraint programming. The aqueous contents of a cell or organelle with dissolved solutes. Matrix An arrangement of rows and columns used for organizing related items, such as numbers, dots, spreadsheet cells, or circuit elements. Matrices are used in mathematics for manipulating rectangular sets of numbers.
  12. Missing (data)
  13. Ptsmultipurpose Tool Set
  14. Lamdm Launch Aft
  15. Ecca Master Electrical Common Connector Assembly
  16. Major Cycle
  17. Ptpmain Propulsion Test Program
  18. Madrid
  19. Lss Mission
  20. Motor Technically, an electric motor; in hydraulics, a device that converts fluid power into rotary mechanical force (torque) and motion. A rotating device which converts electrical power into mechanical power. A machine which converts electrical power into mechanical power.
  21. Dsdmate/demate Stiffleg Derrick
  22. Maintainability The ability to carry out rapid and effective system restoration to keep the equipment at a specified level of performance.
  23. Lcsmanagement Information and Control System
  24. Lgs Microwave Landing Guidance System
  25. Bacmarshall Booster Assembly Contractor
  26. time in days before move operations
  27. Ittse Mobile Lgor Tracking Telescope System
  28. Isc Miscel Laneous
  29. B/smegabits Per Second
  30. Mark One of the marked fathoms in a lead line. Beacon or erection, marking a navigational danger or a position of navigational interest
  31. Icom Missile Command (army)
  32. Number of Revolutions Required for The Rendezvous
  33. Pss Main Parachute Support Structure
  34. Esamodular Equipment Stowage Assembly
  35. Monitor (mon Preferred)
  36. Lamonochrome Lens Assembly
  37. Esaminiature Electrostatic Accelerometer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does M stand for NASA?

    M stands for Minimum in NASA terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mount in NASA?

    The short form of "Mount" is M for NASA.


M in NASA. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/m-meaning-in-nasa/

Last updated