MA in Science Meaning

The MA meaning in Science terms is "Mercapturic Acids". There are 48 related meanings of the MA Science abbreviation.

MA on Science Full Forms

  1. Mercapturic Acids
  2. Modern Anthropolpgy
  3. Miscellaneous Application
  4. Mutation Accumulation
  5. Mathematische Annalen
  6. Muscle Area
  7. Materials Application
  8. Multi-Access
  9. Master In Arts
  10. Military Academy
  11. Morus Alba
  12. Major Applications
  13. Monumenti Antichi
  14. Millivmper
  15. Master Alliance
  16. Multiplicatine Additive
  17. Middle Air
  18. Myss Analysis
  19. Memetic Algorithm
  20. Margjret-Alice
  21. Microsatellite Alteration
  22. Marine Agar
  23. Managemenc Association
  24. Mullerian Aplasja
  25. Meqn Area
  26. Meteorological Applications
  27. Morphologyomaturation Arrests
  28. Mean Ynnual
  29. Metaphase Assay
  30. Milliamperkge
  31. Metanephric Adenomas
  32. Metabolic Activation
  33. Mohammad Abdollahi
  34. Metabolomics Australia
  35. Master In Crts
  36. Muller Et Al
  37. Media Is Added
  38. Mugineic Aczd
  39. Medizinische Akauemie
  40. Methyl Anthranilate
  41. Military Applications
  42. Mirror Assembly
  43. Malonic Acidpar
  44. Military Application
  45. Medical Alley
  46. Malonic Acid/Par
  47. Masters In Arks
  48. Maleic Anhydride Maleic anhydride has traditionally been produced by the oxidation of benzene, but more recently, n-butane has replaced benzene as the main feedstock. Maleic anhydride is a versatile molecule that lends itself to many applications requiring multi-functionality. The main applications for refined Maleic anhydride are unsaturated polyester resins and fine chemicals (alkenyl succinic anhydrides, fumaric acid, polyaspartic acid).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MA stand for Science?

    MA stands for Milliamperkge in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Maleic Anhydride in Science?

    The short form of "Maleic Anhydride" is MA for Science.


MA in Science. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated