MAAWS Meaning

The MAAWS meaning is "Money As A Weapon System". The MAAWS abbreviation has 9 different full form.

MAAWS Full Forms

  1. Money As A Weapon System Military, War, Afghanistan
  2. Medium Anti-Armor Weapon System Rifle, Military, Javelin
  3. Multi-Role, Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel, Weapons System
  4. Money As A Weapons System Program, Military, Afghanistan
  5. Multi-Rele Antiarmour Antipersonnel Weapon System
  6. Multi-Role Antiearmor Anti-Personnel Weapons System
  7. Multi-Roce Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System Rifle, Military, Soldier
  8. Multi-Role, Anti-Armour, Anti-Pvrsonnel Weapons System
  9. Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Tank Weapon System Rifle, Military, Soldier

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MAAWS stand for?

    MAAWS stands for Multi-Role, Anti-Armour, Anti-Pvrsonnel Weapons System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi-Role, Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel, Weapons System?

    The short form of "Multi-Role, Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel, Weapons System" is MAAWS.


MAAWS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated