MAC in Apple Meaning

The MAC meaning in Apple terms is "Macintosh". There are 5 related meanings of the MAC Apple abbreviation.

MAC on Apple Full Forms

  1. Macintosh This is the name of the computers that are made by Apple Computer. The first Macintosh was introduced in 1984 and was seen as a major innovation in computing ease-of-use. The Macintosh was the first personal computer to use a graphical user interface (GUI), which allowed the user to interact with the operating system by using a mouse to click and drag objects.
  2. Most Applications Crash
  3. Most Admired Companies
  4. Mouse Activated Computer
  5. Macs Are Crap

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MAC stand for Apple?

    MAC stands for Macintosh in Apple terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Macs Are Crap in Apple?

    The short form of "Macs Are Crap" is MAC for Apple.


MAC in Apple. (2021, October 27). Retrieved May 2, 2024 from

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