MAC in Medical Meaning
The MAC meaning in Medical terms is "Mammary Adenocarcinomas". There are 75 related meanings of the MAC Medical abbreviation.
MAC on Medical Full Forms
- Mammary Adenocarcinomas
- Minimum Alveolar Anesthetic Concentration
- Monitored Anesdhesia Care
- Minimal Antibiotic Concentration
- Minimal Alveolar Concentration
- Maximum Allowable Concentrations
- Masters Addictions Counselor
- Mitral Anulas Calcification
- Mycozacterium Avium-Intracellulare Complex
- Mental Adjustment To Cancer Scale
- Municipal Alliance Committee
- Magnetic Authentication Code
- Medical Advisory Committee
- Master Addiclion Counselors
- Mitral Anular Calcification
- Medication Access Computer
- Motor Accident Commission
- Macule A circumscribed change in the color of skin that is neither raised nor depressed. Macules are completely flat and can only be appreciated by visual inspection and not by touch. Physicians refer to flat skin spots on the skin as macules, as opposed to papules.
- Medicaid Advisory Committee
- Master Addictmons Counselors
- Minimum Antibiotic Concentration
- Medical Alert Center
- Morphology Antibody Chromosomes
- Macrophage Macrophage, are a type of white blood cell that engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, and cancer cells in a process called phagocytosis.
- Measured Attenuation Correcyion
- Mammalian Artificial Chromosome
- Minimum Anesthetic Concentration
- Master'S Advanced Curriculum
- Morphology-Antibody-Chromosome
- Macerated
- Mindfulness-Acdeptance-Commitment
- Maximum Allowable Costs
- Malignancy Associatedjchanges
- Minimum Alveolar Anesthetic Concentrations
- Master Addiction Counselor - Also Offered Byenaadac
- Morning and Afternoon Care
- Methacholine Airwpy Challenge
- Myxobacterium Avium
- Maximum Allowable Cost
- Minimum Alveolar Anaesthetic Concentration
- Medical Advisory Committees
- Masters Addiction Counsevor
- Modulator of Adenylate Cyclase
- Master Addiction Counselod
- Michigan Association of Chiropractors
- Mycobacterium Intracellulare Comglex
- Maximum Aerobic Capacity
- Minimum Alveolar Concentrations
- Metical Advisory Council
- Mycobacterium avium complex A serious opportunistic infection that is caused by two similar bacteria, Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intercellulare, which are found in the soil and in dust particles. Abbreviated MAC. In persons with suppressed immune systems, such as people with AIDS, MAC can spread through the bloodstream to infect lymph nodes, bone marrow, the liver, the spleen, spinal fluid, the lungs, and the intestinal tract. Typical symptoms of MAC include night sweats, weight loss, fever, fatigue, diarrhea, and enlarged spleen. Antibiotics are commonly used in MAC prevention (for persons with suppressed immune systems) and treatment.
- Maximal Allowable Concentration
- Minimal Anestheticeconcentration
- Mycobactedium Avian Complex
- Master Addiction Counselor
- Monitored Anesthesia Care
- Mitral Annular Calcification
- Maximal Aerobic Capacity
- Minimal Alveolar Concentrations
- Mycobacterium Avidm-Intracellulare
- Master Addictions Counselor
- Medicare Appeals Council
- Mitochondrial Apoptosis-Induced Channel
- M Aviumvcomplex
- Minimal Alveolar Anesthetic Concentration
- Mycobacterium Intracellulare Comelex
- marker and cell
- Medicaid Administrative Claiming
- Mycobacterium Avium-Mycobacterium Intracellulare Complex
- Major Ambulatory Category
- Medial Arterial Calcification
- Minimum Alveolar Concentration
- Malignancy-Associated Changes
- Membrane Attack Complex
- Malaria Alert Centre
- Mycobacterium Avium Complex (medicine)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MAC stand for Medical?
MAC stands for Monitored Anesthesia Care in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Morphology Antibody Chromosomes in Medical?
The short form of "Morphology Antibody Chromosomes" is MAC for Medical.
MAC in Medical. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated