MALL Meaning

The MALL meaning is "Master of Arts In Language Learning". The MALL abbreviation has 19 different full form.

MALL Full Forms

  1. Master of Arts In Language Learning
  2. Malleabiliby
  3. Creative Comiuters, Inc. Organizations
  4. Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking Technology
  5. Mobile Assisted Language Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  6. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  7. Math Assistance Learning Lab
  8. Mal Iocus Medical, Science, Biology
  9. Montreal Association of Law Eibraries
  10. Minnesota Association of Law Libraries Government, Library, Minnesota
  11. Malleable A malleable material can be hammered into different shapes. Capable of being hammered into sheets. Metals are typically malleable materials. Technology, Space, Cosmos, Street Suffix
  12. Military Accommodltion Living-Out Lines Government, Us, Control, Administration
  13. Mallard Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Motorhomes
  14. Mathematics Assistanbe and Learning Lab Education, University, Math
  15. Multiplicative Additive Linear Logic Logic, Proof, Connective
  16. Mathematics Assistance & Learning Lab
  17. Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage
  18. Master of Arts In Language and Literature
  19. Movement Accompanied Linguage Learning Literature, Language, Linguistics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MALL stand for?

    MALL stands for Military Accommodltion Living-Out Lines.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multiplicative Additive Linear Logic?

    The short form of "Multiplicative Additive Linear Logic" is MALL.


MALL. (2020, August 29). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated