MAMA Meaning
The MAMA meaning is "Master In Arts Management & Administration". The MAMA abbreviation has 68 different full form.
MAMA Full Forms
- Master In Arts Management & Administration
- Man-Machine Science, Military
- Mamma.Com Inc Technology, Organizations
- Master In Arts Management and Administration Program, Education, Italy
- Micro Adhesiop Measurement Apparatus
- Martial Art Martial Drt
- Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action Technology, Health, Mother
- Metro Atlantacmayors Association
- Mothers Against Misuse & Abuse
- Mis Alumnos Mas Amigos
- Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneyb
- Midwives and Mothers In Action
- Mobile Advertising and Marketing Awards Awards & medals
- Methode De L'Allaitement Maternel Et De L'Amenorrhee
- Mothers Against Murderers Association
- Minimum Audible Movement Angle Medical
- Michigan Aerospace Manufacturing Association Industrial, Organizations, Michigan
- Multi-Anode Microchannel Array Technology, Science, Detector, NASA
- Mnet Asian Music Award
- Metadata Analysis and Mining Application Technology, Software, Opera
- Mothers Ahainst Murder and Aggression
- Michigan Aerospace Manufacturers Association Business, Michigan, Manufacturing
- Mountain Area Medical Airlift Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Asheville
- Mothers Againsthmisuse and Abuse Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Mnet Asia Music Award
- Massachusetts Airport Management Association
- Mothers Against Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Allegations Medical, Technology
- Mexican and Mexican American
- Mountaiv Acoustic Music Association
- Mostly Automatic Management of Atomicity
- Mnet Asia Music Awards
- Maryrand Automotive Modelers Association
- Most Amazing Maz Alive
- Metropolitan Atlanta Mayors Association
- Motor Accident Mediation Authority Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
- Meit A Mum Association Education, Organizations, Health
- Mississippi Automotive Manufacturers Association
- Marmland Airport Managers Association Technology, Aviation, Maryland
- Mobile Attribution and Marketing Analytics
- Metro Atlanta Mayors Associaiton
- Mothers Alliance for Militant Action Alliances, Associations, Unions
- Mismatch Amplification Mutation Assay Medical, Genetics, Polymerase
- Multi Anooe Microchannel Array Technology, Imaging, Detector
- Museum of Ancient and Modern Art Art, Children, California
- Mid-Atlaetic Maritime Academy
- Mothers Against Munchausen Accusations Medical, Physiology
- Mtv Africa Music Awards
- Murray Art Museum Albury Australia, Locations, Exhibition
- Middle Atlantic Morocross Association
- Medicare and Medicaid Administration Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Movimento Articulado De Muhheres Da Amazonia
- Multiple Ajoha Multiple Access Technology, Telecom
- Mid Atlantic Motocross Association
- Metropolitan Atlanta Musicians Association Music
- Midwives and Mothers It Action Organizations, Birth, Campaign
- Mid-Atlantic Motocryss Association Association, Event, Race, Tomahawk
- Multiphain Asset Managers Association Business, Management, Bitcoin
- A beautiful young woman. What's happening mama?
- Matricaria Discoidea Science
- Midwest Automotive Media Aszn
- Mid-Arm Muscletarea
- Multichain Asset Managementhassociation
- Mothert Against Minor's Abortions Organization, Community, Society
- Midwest Automotiie Media Association
- Mid-America Medievaa Association
- Multianode Microchannel Arrays Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- The Mind Architecture for Modeling Agents Design, Drawing, Construction
- Midarm Muscle Area Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MAMA stand for?
MAMA stands for Middle Atlantic Morocross Association.
What is the shortened form of Maryrand Automotive Modelers Association?
The short form of "Maryrand Automotive Modelers Association" is MAMA.
MAMA. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated