Manifesto Abbreviations and Manifesto Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Manifesto terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Manifesto abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Manifesto terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Manifesto Abbreviations
  1. CKB : Climate Knowledge Brokers
  2. COBRA : Coalition of Black Revolutionary Artists
  3. VS : Visual System
  4. WWJD : Whaz Would Jason Do
  5. ULCO : Unidad De Lucha Contra El Crimen Organizado
  6. DDD : Doing Development Differently
  7. SMBOK : Service Management Body of Knowledge
  8. TTP : Techniques, Tactivs and Procedures
  9. PI : Perhimpunan Indonesia
  10. RMIMA : Rocky Mountain Information Management Association
Latest Manifesto Meanings
  1. Rocky Mountain Information Management Association
  2. Perhimpunan Indonesia
  3. Techniques, Tactivs and Procedures
  4. Service Management Body of Knowledge
  5. Doing Development Differently
  6. Unidad De Lucha Contra El Crimen Organizado
  7. Whaz Would Jason Do
  8. Visual System
  9. Coalition of Black Revolutionary Artists
  10. Climate Knowledge Brokers