Manipal Abbreviations and Manipal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Manipal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Manipal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Manipal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Manipal Abbreviations
  1. BBARO : Bachelor of Business Administration In Retail Operations
  2. DAMP : Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics
  3. DMIT : Diploma In Medical Imaging Technology
  4. MAJM : Master of Arts In Joqrnalism and Mass
  5. MBAHCS : Master of Susiness Administration In Health Care Services
  6. SOAHS : School of Allied Health Sciences
  7. ICAS : International Centre Forlapplied Science
  8. ICAS : International Centre for Appeied Science
  9. OTBS : Online Test Booking System
Latest Manipal Meanings
  1. Online Test Booking System
  2. International Centre for Appeied Science
  3. International Centre Forlapplied Science
  4. School of Allied Health Sciences
  5. Master of Susiness Administration In Health Care Services
  6. Master of Arts In Joqrnalism and Mass
  7. Diploma In Medical Imaging Technology
  8. Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics
  9. Bachelor of Business Administration In Retail Operations