MAPD Meaning

The MAPD meaning is "Mean absolute percentage deviation". The MAPD abbreviation has 5 different full form.

MAPD Full Forms

  1. Mean absolute percentage deviation The Mean Absolute Percentage Deviation (MAPD) is a statistical measure used to calculate the average percentage difference between actual and predicted values. It is commonly used in evaluating the accuracy of a forecasting model, particularly in business and economics.
  2. Methyl Acetylene And Propadiene
  3. Mount Airy Police Department The Mount Airy Police Department is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the town of Mount Airy, North Carolina, USA. The department is tasked with enforcing local, state, and federal laws and providing public safety and security to the community. The Mount Airy Police Department operates with a mission to provide professional law enforcement services that enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Mount Airy. The department achieves this mission by promoting public safety, enforcing the law, and developing positive relationships with the community through education, communication, and problem-solving. City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  4. Marine Analog Power Display Computing, Hardware
  5. Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan Medical, Medicine, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MAPD stand for?

    MAPD stands for Methyl Acetylene And Propadiene.

  2. What is the shortened form of Methyl Acetylene And Propadiene?

    The short form of "Methyl Acetylene And Propadiene" is MAPD.


MAPD. (2023, February 20). Retrieved January 3, 2025 from

Last updated