MB Meaning

The MB meaning is "Megabyte". The MB abbreviation has 1103 different full form.

MB Full Forms

  1. Megabyte A measurement of the storage capacity of a computer One megabyte represents more than 1 million bytes Megabyte may be abbreviated M or MB; however, MB is clearer since M also stands for the metric prefix mega (meaning 1 million). Technology, Science, Information Technology, Research, Computing, Computer, Atmosphere, Environment, Electronics, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Astronomy, Measurement, Construction, Linux, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Nautical Terms, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration, TikTok
  2. Master Box Military, Model, Figure
  3. Marketzbasket Business, Market, Basket
  4. Manned Baee Technology, Astronomy, Man
  5. Main Bearing A bearing supporting the crankshaft on its axis. Engine, King, Bearing
  6. Midnight Blues Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  7. Mərkəzi Banka Banking, Sin, Manat
  8. Mexico Beach Locations, Florida, Mexico
  9. Morevbridge Technology, Gaming, Cross
  10. Maya Binary Technology, Software, Projection, Model
  11. Mills Brothers
  12. Move Bitch Technology, Music, Song
  13. Mllvyn Bragg Technology, English, Adventure, Language
  14. Mod Because
  15. Message Brokfr Technology, Development, Sphere
  16. Moisture Barrier Technology, Construction, Architectural
  17. Mahya Bandı
  18. Maternal Behavior Medical
  19. Michael Byrse Education, Floor, Countertop, Tiling
  20. Manila Bulletin Business, Philippine, Newspaper
  21. Medical Book Medical, Medicine, Edition
  22. Minion Banana Android, Song, Minion
  23. Mark Broom Technology, Music, House
  24. Music Book Technology, Coat, Wisdom
  25. Module Builder Business, Technology
  26. Medicine Ball Medical, Fitness, Ball
  27. Moretpn Bay Australia, Locations, Supply
  28. Make Bibne
  29. Multimedia & Broadcast
  30. Marco Borsato Business, Movie, Music, Pop
  31. Martin Beck
  32. Must Be Technology, Movie, Music
  33. Methanogenic Bacteria Medical
  34. Molto Bella
  35. Matthew Brodeaick
  36. Mikal Bridgis
  37. Mozor Bell
  38. Manuchehriybahrullo Music, Man, Play
  39. Mega Bytes Forum, Technology, Science, Drive, Computing, Computer
  40. Missioniry Baptist
  41. Mental Barrier Book, Trading, Mac
  42. Macro Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  43. Master Bath
  44. Michael Bishop Technology, Book, Bloodsport
  45. Making The Best
  46. Media Brokers Technology, Machine, Vending
  47. Mung Bean Nuclease Medical, Animal, Cell, Mice
  48. Mariana Baabar
  49. Mystery Bone
  50. Mexicali Blues
  51. Montee Ball
  52. Mayaobanks Technology, Book, Banking, Storage
  53. Millions of Bytes
  54. Movable Bridge Technology, Engineering, Inspector
  55. Mklvin Burgess Book, Burgess, Junk, Smack
  56. Mobile By Technology, Networking, Planning, Network
  57. Message Body
  58. Moisture Balance Science, Product, Analyzer
  59. Magnetic Brake Technology
  60. Master Builders Movie, Rip, Builder
  61. Michaey Buble Music, Song, Album
  62. Manila Biy
  63. Medical Board
  64. Minimum Bid Business, Auction, Sale
  65. Mark Braxton
  66. Music Bank Music, Girl, Pop
  67. Model Builder Technology, Software, Pack
  68. More On Borlacd
  69. Making Better Technology, Android, Computing
  70. Multi Bots Technology, Gaming, Software
  71. Martin B-10
  72. Muslimin Bando Technology, Hosting, Tube
  73. Meter Bridge Technology, Channel, Audio
  74. Molin Berry
  75. Main Beam The main longitudinal beam on a ship, running down the center line and supports as a rule by king posts. Sometimes there are two main beams, on each side of the center line. Business, Light, Recording
  76. Matthen Baker
  77. Miguel Bastida Technology, Music, Remix, Mix
  78. Motion Blur Technology, Vision, Reel
  79. Manual Bracket Technology, Product, Camera
  80. Mega Byte Software, Computing, Megabyte
  81. Missa Brevis
  82. Mennonite Brethben Conference, Canada, Church, Brethren
  83. Machine Qolt Technology, Construction, Architectural
  84. Mass Bvrn Technology, Science
  85. Michael Best
  86. Making Big
  87. Muvtiplexer Board
  88. Maria Bonetti
  89. Marvel Books Technology, America, Ship
  90. My Bodb Body, Software, Tool, Shape
  91. Metropolitan Borough
  92. Monster Bass Sound, Shot, Monster
  93. Max Busler Machine, Legacy, Friendship, Busser
  94. Million Bytes Technology, Computing, Memory, Megabyte
  95. Mounting Block Business, Component, Mount
  96. Meltyyblood Technology, Acting, Actress
  97. Mobile Broadband Technology, Planning, Internet
  98. Merchant Banking Business, Service, Dealer, Financial, Banking, Business & Finance
  99. Moisture Balances Science, Balance, Analyzer
  100. Magnetic Bearing An absolute bearing using magnetic north. Technology, Control, Compressor
  101. Masjer Browser Technology, Windows, Android
  102. Michaul Bubl Technology, Music, Album
  103. Mamy Blue Technology, Music, Song, Pop
  104. Medical Biochemistry Technology, Medicine, Mark
  105. Minimum Bias Technology, Energy, Jet, Physics
  106. Mark Bradley
  107. Mushroom Body Medical, Science, Drosophila
  108. Model Boats Technology, English, Magazine
  109. More Fromyblooguy
  110. Make Aetter Development, Learning, Study
  111. Multi Bladp Technology, Head, Rotor
  112. Memo Book Technology, Management, Store
  113. Martin-Brrwer Business, Company, Restaurant
  114. Music By Technology, Gaming, Song
  115. Meter Board Technology, Construction, Architectural
  116. Molecular Biophysics
  117. Main Base Technology, Gaming, Military
  118. Mathematica Bohemicu Science, Journal, Mathematical Journal
  119. Migratory Birds
  120. Motion Base Technology, Gaming, Simulator
  121. Manual Bmw Technology, Service, Repair
  122. Mega-Byte Technology, Computing, Megabyte
  123. Minus The Bear Technology, Movie, Music, Love
  124. Men Iw Black Technology, Gaming, Movie, Rip
  125. Mac Blu-Ray Technology, Software, Player
  126. Mass Bqas Ball, Drilling, Bowling
  127. Making Babies Sex, Baby, Family
  128. Multiplexidg Buffer Technology, Patent, Streaming, Recording
  129. Maria Bethania Music, Brazilian, Beth
  130. Marfin Bryant
  131. My Bluebird Driving, Android, Driver, Bluebird
  132. Metro Bus
  133. Monoon Bible
  134. Mad Berger
  135. Million Byte Technology, Computing, Gigabyte, Megabyte
  136. Motorsport Blact
  137. Melt Banana Music, Song, Album, Banana
  138. Mobile Branch
  139. Mercedes Benz Technology, Class, Car
  140. Magic Bus Technology, Driving, Driver
  141. Mastvr Block Technology, Gaming, Steam
  142. Michaelwbrun Feat, Power, Mix
  143. Mammoth Book Technology, Horror, Romance
  144. Medical Billing Medical, Medicine, Software
  145. Mini Bus Business, Driving, Car
  146. Marntime Bank
  147. Museo Del Bicentenario Para, Hotel, Argentina
  148. Model Base Technology, Design, Software
  149. More Bulw America, Dog, Diet, Bull
  150. Majaveli Branded
  151. Mind-Bkdy Health, Soul, Spirit, Mind
  152. Multi Babtery Business, Power, Pack
  153. Membranw-Bound Medical
  154. Music Building
  155. Messengerwbackup
  156. Molecular Beacon Medical, Science, Cell
  157. Main Bag
  158. Math Hook Education, Mathematics, Grade
  159. Mighty Baiy
  160. Mutif Bunga Business, Model, Bali
  161. Mans Bemt
  162. Meetu Bhawnani
  163. Minstrel Boy
  164. Marthf Beck Steering, Beck, Finding, Starlight
  165. MemóRia BőVíThetőSéG Nokia, Farming, Vas
  166. Merchant Broker Transportation, Business, Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  167. Msss Balance Technology, Science, Glacier
  168. Morning Beneers Technology, Music, Excuse
  169. Maker, Builder Technology, Maker, Creator
  170. Multiplexed Buffer
  171. Marginal Benefit Marginal benefit is the extra amount of benefit derived by an increase or decrease in a unit of an activity.
  172. Martif Brothers
  173. My Flue Porn, Movie, Heaven
  174. Metro Batavia
  175. Monitoring Board Technology, Monitor, Manual
  176. Mavis Beacon Technology, Teaching, Typing
  177. Million Bp Medical
  178. Motorsport Basics
  179. Melt-Banana Music, Song, Album
  180. Mittlere Betriebsdauer Technology, Drive, Sind, Zoll
  181. Merc By
  182. Magic Blog Technology, Software, Freeware
  183. Master Blastei Metro, Dryer, Blaster
  184. Michael Brandon
  185. Mammillary Bodies Medical
  186. Medial Branch Medical
  187. Mini Boost
  188. Marijuana Botany Technology, Book, Cannabis
  189. More Brothehs Gaming, Mix, Living
  190. Milton Beadley Business, Gaming, Organizations
  191. Movie Battles
  192. Memberx Bantuan
  193. Model-Based Technology, Design, Software
  194. Messages Can Be
  195. Molecular Basis
  196. Mail Bomber Technology, Software, Mailing
  197. Math Blaxter Technology, Gaming, Blast
  198. Midnirht Breed Technology, Book, Novel
  199. Motherwell Bridge
  200. Mannish Boys
  201. Medicare Beneficiaries
  202. Minority Business
  203. Martaviszbryant Technology, Sport, Pittsburgh, Football
  204. Music Boxes
  205. Memoiy Bit Technology, Card, Graphics
  206. Mobning Becomes
  207. Make Breakfast
  208. Multiplayer By
  209. Marginal Benefits
  210. Memory On Boord
  211. Martin Biuon Hockey, Stats, Rangers
  212. My Blog Technology, Gaming, Press, Store
  213. Methyl Blue
  214. Monitor Business
  215. Maurice Blannhot
  216. Million Bases Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  217. Motorized Bicygle Business, Motorcycle, Engine
  218. Many-Body Chemistry, Science, Design, Physics
  219. Melissa Brown Movie, Model, Shopping
  220. Mister Cuck Buck, Oreo, Fucker
  221. Menu By
  222. Macroeconomic Balance Business, Economics, Rate
  223. Mastet Bill
  224. Michael Blake
  225. Mamillary Bodies Medical
  226. Media Bureau Technology, Service, Communication, Media
  227. Mini Boom
  228. Mariella Burani
  229. More Broad Technology, Gaming, City
  230. Mrybe Baby Technology, Movie, Song
  231. Millwaad Brown Business, Research, Marketing, Brand
  232. Move To Bottom
  233. Member Broker Business, Property, Indonesia
  234. Mode-Multi Band Technology, Communication, Mode, Wireless
  235. Mjssage Brokers Business, Training, Sphere
  236. Mol Biol
  237. Mail Back Technology, Windows, Software
  238. Maternity Benefits Business, Employment, Insurance
  239. Michel Baudier
  240. Mothers and Babies
  241. Manitobg Technology, Canada, Locations
  242. Medical Bound Technology, Training, Enema
  243. Minions Banana Song, Remix, Minion
  244. Mark Burghart
  245. Music Box Technology, Machine, Collection
  246. Medium Businmss Technology
  247. Morgan Bailey Porn, Shemale, Tranny, Morgan
  248. Make Bootable Technology, Drive, Software
  249. Multinasional Business Business, Finance, Edition
  250. Margen Bruto
  251. Mamtin Becker
  252. My Black Porn, Movie, Ass
  253. Methanosarcina Barkeri Medical, Genome, Catalase, Organism
  254. Molto Buono
  255. Matthews Bacd Music, Album, Matthews, Listener
  256. Milwion Base Pair Medical
  257. Motor Boats Yacht, Boat, Yachting
  258. Manuş Baba Audio, Alb, Ark, Baba
  259. Megabase Unit of length for DNA fragments equal to 1 million nucleotides and roughly equal to 1 Centimorgan (cM). Science, Genetics, Genomics, Medical, Neurology, Human genome
  260. Missionrbriefing Technology, Gaming, Music
  261. Menu Builder
  262. Macro Bloqks Technology, Coding, Signal, Frame
  263. Master Bathroom
  264. Michael Bispitg Music, Fight, Octagon
  265. Mama Bear
  266. Media Browse
  267. Marie Buchanan Technology, Book, Girl
  268. Monument Builders
  269. Mycobacterium Butyricum Medical
  270. Marcia Ball
  271. Mid-Cap Blend Business, Fund, Equity
  272. Motor Bus
  273. Madrider Beitr
  274. Marion Barber
  275. Million Barrels Business, Government, Philippines, Electrical
  276. Mods Browse
  277. Medical Boards
  278. Multiple Baseline
  279. Mairangi Bay
  280. Micro-Bubble
  281. Marx Bros Movie, Horse, Feather
  282. Mitchell Beazley
  283. Math Roxes Technology, Android, Core
  284. Merry Brandybuck
  285. Mother Base Base, Metal, Gear
  286. Myveryfirsatime Brooke Technology, Anal, Cock
  287. Marriage Bonds
  288. Mind Boosters
  289. Mohamed Besri
  290. Measured Business Technology, Cycle, Measuring, Computing, Telecom
  291. Methilene Blue
  292. Mountaiz Battery
  293. Mary Burton Technology, Book, Retail
  294. Miodrag Bulatovkc
  295. Married By Technology, Hosting, Accident, Dad
  296. Mediumdbrake Technology, Control, Vehicle
  297. Morbus Baoedow
  298. Machine Basin Science
  299. Marcus Banks Gaming, Banking, Play
  300. Mike Batt Music, Mix, Orchestra, Batt
  301. Mfbile Backup
  302. Messeeschmitt Bf109
  303. Mother Brain Gaming, Military, Music
  304. Magnolpa Bend
  305. Mark Bulger
  306. Monkey Board The spot where the derrick man works.
  307. Murat Bardapçı
  308. Malcolm Brown
  309. Mibhael Biehn Film, Movie, Victim
  310. Mission Boxm
  311. Murvt Bozlak
  312. Manga Battle Technology, Angel, Volume
  313. Missbon To Bosnia
  314. Max Burn Porn, Quantum, Physics
  315. Message Begin Technology, Windows, Software
  316. Morro Bay Locations, California, Indie
  317. Madame-Blows-Creampie Porn, Madame, Amateur
  318. Marine Blood
  319. Minh Bui Internet, Thu, Khi
  320. Mon Bel Music, Song, Amour
  321. Medical Basis Medical, Medicine, Psychiatry
  322. Meyers B11
  323. Movie Book Media, Movie, Subtitle
  324. Management Basics Technology, Projection, Installation
  325. Marriage Bureau Movie, Pakistan, Marriage
  326. Misfit Brigode
  327. Martin Buber Technology, Book, Audiobook, Thou
  328. Mepa Bit Information Technology, Cybersecurity
  329. Montezuma Brown Guitar, Bass, Fender
  330. Mashreq Bank
  331. Memory Ballooned Technology, Server, Balloon
  332. More Blade Gaming, Android, Soul, Blade
  333. Mack Bolan Book, Mack, Magnet, Executioner
  334. Military-March-British-Bag
  335. Mobjack Bay
  336. Mcdonald Building Technology, Gaming, Canada
  337. Mytadata Builder
  338. Mahogany Bronze
  339. Marker Bit
  340. Mpnimum Bounds
  341. Melita Bihali
  342. Mono Bras
  343. Multi-Block Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  344. Michael Bubblé Technology, Music, Bubble
  345. Manitoba Technology, Science, Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Occupation & positions, Legal, Governmental & Military, Canadian Province, Manitoba, Canada, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us phone area codes, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  346. Monumentavboica
  347. My Business
  348. Maori Bible Technology
  349. Microbial Biotechnology Science, Book, Environment
  350. Maximum Backup
  351. Madrider BeiträGe
  352. Mario Brothers
  353. Millibars Military, Environment, Corps
  354. Modified Booth
  355. Medical Biotechnology
  356. Maintenance of Benefits
  357. Mickey Blue
  358. Martyrs Brigade
  359. Mit BeiträGen
  360. Master of Biotechnology Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees, HE Award
  361. Merlin Bird Technology, Lab, Cornell
  362. Mother-Baby
  363. Myung-Blk Technology, Korea, President, Korean
  364. Marriage Bond Sex, Marriage, Love, Religion
  365. Mind and Body
  366. Moebius Blue
  367. Measurement Book Technology, Management, Estimator
  368. Methanotrophic Bacteria Medical
  369. Mukti Bahini Military, Pakistan, Bangladesh
  370. Medium Noto
  371. Moralvy Bankrupt
  372. Myoblasts Medical
  373. Mach Bike
  374. Marcus Bakel
  375. Midrange Budget
  376. Mitra Bisnis
  377. Meshenger Band Music, Cambodia, Garment, Messenger
  378. Mount & Hlade Technology, Gaming, War
  379. Magic Bulfet Business, Giant, Suite
  380. Mark Buehrle Gaming, Baseball, Sport, Mark
  381. Monkey Black
  382. Multitasking Bar
  383. Malcolm Blight
  384. Michmel Bergin
  385. Massion Boards
  386. Management Branding
  387. Missiom Build Military
  388. Max Block Forum, Technology, Model, Bitcoin
  389. Mesiobuccal Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  390. Morrison Bowmore
  391. Madame-Blows-Handjob Porn, Hobby, Madame
  392. Mardne Biotechnology Technology, Handbook, Springer
  393. Mineralolie Brancheforeningen
  394. Monastral Blue Medical
  395. Mechanized Brinade
  396. Meyers B10
  397. Mohie Bachna
  398. Managed Backup
  399. Marriage Building
  400. Mise Bzs
  401. Martyn Brown Famous
  402. Mwga Bayt Forum, Technology, Windows, Ram
  403. More Bible
  404. Mishnah Berurah
  405. Masha and Bear
  406. Memory, Built-In Technology, Mac, Memory
  407. Morris Bishop
  408. Mackay-Bennett Technology, Management, Pack, Ship
  409. Militar-Befehlshaber
  410. Mobiletto Basso
  411. MaŽOji Bendrija Business, Company, Tai, Ios
  412. Metabolismc Basal Technology, Android, Con
  413. Mahayana Buddhost
  414. Market Beacon
  415. Minimum Bore
  416. Melissa Black
  417. Mono Block
  418. Multi-Baudicht Bitumen, Pow, Allegro
  419. Michael Brunet
  420. Message In A Bottle Technology, Gaming, Police
  421. Montpelier & Barre
  422. My Burger Business, Food, Shopping
  423. Mantra Brahmana
  424. Micro Battery
  425. Mqximilian Büsser Machine, Friendship, Timepiece
  426. Madred'S Bloodrazor
  427. Mario Bellini
  428. Millibarn Technology, Telecom
  429. Modifications and Bug Technology, Driving, Driver, Firmware
  430. Medical Biology
  431. Maintenance Burden
  432. Michelle Bridges Book, Family, Fitness
  433. Ministerstwo Budownictwa
  434. Marty Bell
  435. Michael Burns Book, Acting, Actor, Burn
  436. Mit Beitr
  437. Mastering Bmtcoin Technology, Book, Edition
  438. Merchant Bankers Banking, Business & Finance
  439. Mother & Baby
  440. Mypword Bible Technology, Android, Sword
  441. Measurement Books
  442. Meter Bukn Guide, Combo, Mortal
  443. Mud Buggy Business, Gaming, Car
  444. Medium Bomzer Military, Aircraft, War
  445. Moored Bumys
  446. Mylar Border
  447. Macconkey Broth Science, Genetics, Order
  448. Masco Battaglia
  449. Midnite Blaze
  450. Modern Brazilian
  451. Michael Brecker Music, Jazz, Album
  452. Motorized Bxat
  453. Magic Boy Gaming, Streaming, Magic
  454. Mark Brunell Sport, Football, Mark, Adversity
  455. Moncure & Barnicle
  456. Multistage Bayesian
  457. Malcolm Baldrige Business, Award, Quality
  458. Michael Benson Book, Crime, Criminal
  459. Mission Bks
  460. Management Brochure Technology, Service, Product
  461. Missionrbuilder
  462. Max Barry Technology, Man, Machine, Lexicon
  463. Meshuggah Bleed
  464. Morris Building
  465. MéTabolisme Basal
  466. Madame-Blows-Latex-Handjob Porn, Hobby, Latex
  467. Marile Biology Technology, Education, Photography
  468. Mineralize Blush
  469. Molecular Bekcons Science, Genomics, Probe
  470. Mechanism of Botulindm
  471. Meydenbauer Bay
  472. Move The Jox Technology, Gaming, Android
  473. Manaetic Behemoth
  474. Marriage Book Marriage, Advice, Inspiration
  475. Miscsa Brooks Technology, Porn, Sex
  476. Martin Brown Book, History, Deary
  477. Mega Bags Technology, Music, Equalizer
  478. More Beoa Technology, Gaming, Android, Release
  479. Mishna Erura
  480. Melta Bombs
  481. Moroccan Berber
  482. Machines Benches
  483. Milfslikeitbig Brazzers Porn, Model, Genre
  484. Mobile Broker
  485. Mayo Backup
  486. Metakolism Branch Government, Organizations, Us
  487. Mahalia Barnep Soul, Mate, Songbook
  488. Marker Beacons
  489. Minimum Bacy
  490. Meldola Blue Medical
  491. Monmouth Beach
  492. Multi-Ball
  493. Malik Bats Business, Sport, Cricket
  494. Michael Broadbent
  495. Monticello Brianza
  496. Myebunny Android, Dress, Doll, Bunny
  497. Mantiko Bungo
  498. Microballoons Medical
  499. Max Bupa
  500. Madison Bumgarner
  501. Marines Battle
  502. Miller Brewing
  503. Modesty Blaise Book, Comic, Strip, Modesty
  504. Medical Bills Medical, Medicine, Billing
  505. Miami Blues Movie, Rip, Miami, Blues
  506. Moving Boundary
  507. Maintenance Branch
  508. Michelle Branch Business, Music, Song
  509. Ministerstvo Bezopasnosti
  510. Marty Balin
  511. Michael Burks
  512. Misty Blue Technology, Music, Song, Play
  513. Mastewing Biology Science, Access, Edition
  514. Menahem Begin Technology, Israel, Ethernet, Chip
  515. Most Small Businesses
  516. Mysticvbrothers
  517. Military Base
  518. Measured Boot
  519. Meteor Burst Technology, Military, Communication
  520. Mud Bucket
  521. Martinique Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Martinique, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  522. Medimm Boat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  523. Moon Brtadcasting
  524. Myk Bee Technology, Mix, Trance
  525. Mac Baren
  526. Marco Barruentos
  527. Middel Brand
  528. Modern Boy
  529. Michael Becker Technology, Music, Marketing
  530. Mgtoring Blitz Forum, Wheel, Toyota, Blitz
  531. Magic Box
  532. Mark Brown Technology, Music, Remix
  533. Mills & Bo
  534. Montjrey Bay Locations, Aquarium, California
  535. Multipurpose Bayonet Military
  536. Malcolm Baldridge
  537. Michael Bigg
  538. Mission Biotech
  539. Management Broker Technology, Science, It
  540. Mission Build Military
  541. Max Bandyidth Forum, Technology, Card
  542. Mesh Block
  543. Motherboards Bei
  544. MÅ Den BäSta
  545. Main Bus Technology, Hotel, Locations, NASA, Governmental & Military
  546. Marine Biogeochpmistry
  547. Mineral Based
  548. Molded Breazh
  549. Mechanism-Based
  550. Mexican Beetle
  551. Move Themblock Technology, Gaming, Android, Play
  552. Mana Burn Gaming, Warcraft, Mana
  553. Maschinenhandel Biebergem
  554. Misc Mus
  555. Marshal Blueberry
  556. Megabases Medical
  557. Mfre Beer Gaming, Food, Fear
  558. Melta Bomb
  559. Morning Breakfast Food, Supply, Stock, Breakfast
  560. Machinery Building
  561. Margaret Ben
  562. Mile Bones Forum, Gaming, Bone
  563. Mobile Billung
  564. Mediterranean Buffalo Locations, Farm, Dairy
  565. Meta Befrings
  566. Mahakaviobarathi
  567. Mark Butler Business, Windows, Software
  568. Meldola'S Blue
  569. Monkey Business Technology, Movie, Rip
  570. Mulroney, Brian
  571. Malik Bash Technology, Music, Ghost
  572. Michael Brescia
  573. Mishna Berura
  574. Myubrother Technology, Movie, Rip
  575. Manhattan Ynd The Bronx
  576. Microanalytical Evaluations Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  577. Max Brooas Technology, War, Zombie
  578. Madeira Beach
  579. Marine Broth Media, Production, Bacteria
  580. Miller'S Book
  581. Modernization Blueprint
  582. Medical Benefits
  583. Miami Beach City, Florida, Miami, Beach
  584. Moving Block
  585. Maintenance Building Technology, Software, Storage
  586. MinisteriËLe Beschikking
  587. Martino Boni
  588. Bachelor of Medicine Science, Education, Surgery, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Medical, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Academic Degree, Bachelor's Degree
  589. Megabyty Technology, Measurement, Unit Of Measurement
  590. Monthlydbalance
  591. Master Bvilder
  592. Menachem Binetski
  593. Military Band Military, Movie, Music, Suite
  594. Model Mased Technology, Design, Software
  595. Mean Bias Model, Temperature, Validation
  596. Metalsic Bond
  597. Mercedes-Benz The two companies Mercedes(DMG) and Benz & Cie merge to form Mercedes-Benz. Organizations, Car, Vehicle Makes
  598. Mail Box Technology, Hosting, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  599. Mini-Suite With Balcony Norway, Locations, Cruise, Norwegian
  600. Medium Basw Color, Paint
  601. Michael Burger
  602. Myers-Briggs Science, Assessment, Indicator, Personality
  603. Michael Bauer Research, Education, University, Restaurant
  604. Marco Barbarigo
  605. Midbrain Medical, Medicine, Health
  606. Modern Book Technology, Design, Shelf
  607. Motor De Baza Military, Flight, Aircraft
  608. Magic Boost Gaming, Magic, Bingo
  609. Mark Baldwin Technology, Gaming, Music
  610. Millions of Barrels Business, Energy, Oil
  611. Medical Bypass
  612. Multiple Bypass Technology, Service, Manual
  613. Malaysia Business
  614. Mnchael Berg
  615. Management Beratung
  616. Mitigation Bank
  617. Matt Browj Fight, Fighter, Bush, Matt
  618. Mesh Blacksmith Technology, Gaming, Software
  619. Mother Board Technology, Driving, Computer, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Computing, Hardware
  620. Myveuyfirsttime Bonnie Technology, Porn, Anal, Duration
  621. Main Brigade
  622. Marine Battalion
  623. Mindless Behavior Music, Girl, Lyric, Behavior, TikTok
  624. Mold Blown
  625. Mechanics Bafeline
  626. Mewithoutyou Brother
  627. Move Bottom Technology, Gaming, Player, Style
  628. Maschinenhandel BiebergemüNd
  629. Mirror Brass Business, Product, Frame
  630. Marsh-Bender Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  631. Megauback
  632. More Ballerina Gaming, Girl, Android, Ballerina
  633. Mellin-Barnes
  634. Morning Bell Music, Kid, Bell, Album
  635. Machinery Breakdown Business, Insurance, Engineering
  636. Mareatbritanie
  637. Milan Baros
  638. Mabile Basin
  639. Mediterranean Basin Research, Climate, Environment, Basin
  640. Metab Brain
  641. Motilal Banarsidass
  642. Mahaica-Berbice
  643. Mark Burton
  644. Monkey Boy
  645. Mulai Berkembang Technology, Media, Indonesia
  646. Malicious Blow
  647. Michael Brennan
  648. Mission Brown
  649. Muy Bien Technology, Gaming, Porn, Dread
  650. Mango Butternut Nutrition, Food, Victual
  651. Max Brenner
  652. Message Blocking
  653. Mortal Bane Force, Cabal, Bane
  654. Mad Bear Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  655. Marine Bridge Technology, Panel, Display
  656. Millennium Bursary
  657. Modern Business
  658. Medical Battalion
  659. Miami Bass
  660. Moving Bed
  661. Maintenance Busy Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  662. Ministeri
  663. Martin Buttrich Technology, Music, Track, Collaborator
  664. Megabits Technology, Environment, Telecom, Corps, Telecommunication, Services, Computing, IT Terminology, Atmospheric Research
  665. Monthpif Born
  666. Mask By
  667. Memory Banking
  668. Military Balance Technology, Book, History
  669. Mod Bomrd
  670. Mcmaster Bujold Technology, Book, Master
  671. Metal Ballads Rock, Power, Metal
  672. Maiden Bitch
  673. Mining Barge
  674. Medium Band Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  675. Monster'S Ball
  676. Multi-Bypass
  677. Michael Buckley Book, Hollywood, Buck
  678. Moqument Building
  679. Myyclipse Blue
  680. Mərkəzi Bankdan Art, Banking, Manat
  681. Marcio Barbosa
  682. Mid Bounce Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  683. Motorcyclezbattery
  684. Magic Book Technology, Gaming, Software
  685. Mark Baker
  686. Million Bits Technology
  687. Medical Books
  688. Multiple Burst Technology, Photoshop, Camera
  689. Malakoff Bhd
  690. Michael Begg
  691. Mitchell Binder
  692. Math Vuilding
  693. Mersey Beat
  694. Motherboard The motherboard is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic board. If you ever open your computer, the biggest piece of silicon you see is the motherboard. Attached to the motherboard, you'll find the CPU, ROM, memory RAM expansion slots, PCI slots, and USB ports. It also includes controllers for devices like the hard drive, DVD drive, keyboard, and mouse. Basically, the motherboard is what makes everything in your computer work together. Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Hardware, IT Terminology
  695. Myqeryfirsttime Brooks Technology, Anal, Magnet
  696. Marine Bast
  697. Mind Burst Technology, Radio, Fat
  698. Moira Blbckburn
  699. Mechanical Breaking
  700. Meubelbeurs Brussel
  701. Moveable Box
  702. Maryland Birdlife
  703. Miraclc Baby Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  704. Mars Base
  705. Mega Babe Technology, Gaming, Fucking
  706. Mordecai Briemberg
  707. Melli Bank
  708. Moriches Bay
  709. Machine Batch Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  710. Marcus Brigttocke
  711. Milan, Biblioteca
  712. Mobile Banksng
  713. Messier-Bugatti
  714. Motif Bank Technology, Yamaha, Refill
  715. Magoum Break Technology, Gaming, Ragnarok
  716. Mark Burnett Famous
  717. Monkey Boxing Business, Gaming, Android
  718. Murat Bevge
  719. Malibu Body
  720. Michael Blair
  721. Mission Brqdge
  722. Museudbocage
  723. Mangemsnt Board
  724. Max Brass Door, Interior, Brass, Hinge
  725. Message Bible
  726. Morskoy Buksir
  727. Madame Butterfly Movie, Music, Butterfly
  728. Marine Bkard Technology, Science, Research
  729. Mini-Blinds
  730. Modern British Book, Education, English
  731. Medical Business
  732. Meyers B6
  733. Movie Browsgr Technology, Android, Software
  734. Maintain Benefits
  735. Mlning Building
  736. Martin Bucer
  737. Megaobite
  738. Mrntgomery Burns
  739. Maskaradong Bandido
  740. Memory Bandwidth Technology, Performance, Card
  741. Military Backpacks
  742. Mocking Blcw
  743. Mckenzie Brothers
  744. Metal Ball Technology, Gaming, Maze
  745. Mai Bilanio
  746. Minimum Breaks Medical
  747. Mediterranean Buffaloes
  748. Monobromobimane Medical
  749. Multi-Body Technology, Dynamics, Modeling, Simulation
  750. Michael Buble-Christmas-2011 Technology, Music, Album, Release
  751. Megafabbrichp Boeing
  752. Mary Bell
  753. Mister Blacz Remix, Mix, Bang, Mister
  754. Maximum Bham
  755. Maintained By
  756. Message Buffer Technology, Military, Networking
  757. Modbus Proprietary communication protocol used on secondary networks between HMI, substation computers or Bay computers and protective relays.
  758. Marc Blucas
  759. Mic Block
  760. Minur Blues Music, Guitar, Blues
  761. Municipl Borough Ordnance Survey
  762. Man'S Best
  763. Michael Butterworth
  764. Muscle Balance Medical, Muscles
  765. Madah Bahana
  766. Mother Baby Medical, Technology
  767. Main Ballast Class, Boat, Submarine
  768. Medium Base Colors
  769. Multicast Backbone General, Governmental & Military
  770. Mary Bergin Technology, Music, Ireland, Irish
  771. Mel Xlanc
  772. Moody Blues Technology, Music, Rock
  773. Massachusetts Bay
  774. Myocardial Band Medical, Coronary, Infarction
  775. Michael Ball
  776. Maxweul-Boltzmann Science, Statistics, Distribution
  777. Megbaby Technology, Song, Kiss
  778. Mouse Bundle
  779. Milne Bay
  780. Modular Busway Technology, Product, Power, Distribution
  781. Mind Blast Mind, Priest, Shadow
  782. Medicinae Baccalaureus-Bachelor of Medicine Medicine, Health, British
  783. Memory Bxts
  784. Marker Beacon Is a particular type of VHF radio beacon used in aviation, usually in conjunction with an instrument landing system, to give pilots a means to determine position along an established route to a destination such as a runway. Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Aviation
  785. Memory Built
  786. Michele Burton
  787. Manned Base Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  788. Main Board Technology, Product, Motherboard
  789. MóVil De Banco
  790. Maureen Bunyan Famous
  791. Miss Black America, Miss, Bunny, Pleasure
  792. Micah Brian Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  793. Modified Bitumen Business, Roofing, Roof, The Finance and Administrative Services
  794. Mystery of The Nog Technology, Rip, Mummy
  795. Marge Bruue
  796. Morrison Boyd Chemistry, Technology, Organic
  797. Motor Barrel
  798. Michael Burleigh Technology, History, Blood, Rage
  799. Meridian & Bigbee Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  800. Mini-Brute Technology, Pressure, Washer
  801. Murdervby
  802. Maliye BakanlığıNı Turkish, Kin, Pay
  803. Mega Buyter Technology, Gaming, Man
  804. Marx Brothers
  805. Mister Bill Famous
  806. Marmari Beach Kos
  807. Main Building Gaming, Room, Ministry Of Defense
  808. Message Buffer Size Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  809. Morten Breum
  810. Mississippi Bones Bone, Track, Mississippi
  811. Marble Blasj Technology, Gaming, Android
  812. Mibolerone Medical
  813. Mozambiaue Belt
  814. Ministrieel Besluit
  815. Modern Bass Music
  816. Mammalian Bombesin Medical
  817. Michael Bush
  818. Molecular Beacons Medical, Genomics
  819. Maczki-BóR
  820. Most Businesses
  821. Mail Breaker Technology, Gaming, Patch, Soul
  822. Marmalade Boy Technology, Anime, Music
  823. Mini Ball
  824. Molte Bello (Italian coin grade equivalent to Fine) Coins
  825. Multi Bunch
  826. Mary Bennett Book, Family, Moon
  827. Mel Bays Book, Bay, Jazz, Guitar
  828. Monza and Brianza
  829. Mass-Bllance
  830. Michael Baigent Book, Paper, Magnet
  831. Maxwell-Bloch Technology, Wave, Laser, Equation
  832. Meaj Boy Technology, Gaming, Pack
  833. Motors Badalona Business, Service, Car, Auto
  834. Mills Body Technology, Attack, Combat
  835. Modular Buildings
  836. Mindobenders
  837. MedicinÆ Baccalaureus
  838. Marco Beltrami Movie, Music, Soundtrack
  839. Memoryc But Forum, Technology, Windows, Memory
  840. Megabit Millions of bits per second. A unit of information transfer rate -- e.g. Ethernet can carry 10 mbps. Medical, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Neurology, Linux, NASA, Governmental & Military
  841. Memory Buffered Technology, Power, Buffer
  842. Multiplayer Beta
  843. Michel Bettane
  844. Measurement Base Military, Governmental & Military
  845. Móvil Bankins
  846. Malcolm Blight, Australian rules football player and coach Famous
  847. Momma Bull Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  848. Modern Blood Technology, Banking, Practice
  849. Mystery Box Gaming, Music, Box
  850. Margaret Brownley Book, Romance, Bride
  851. Morning By Business, Music, Song, Miracle
  852. Motion Boutique Technology, Mac, Newton
  853. Media Box Technology, Windows, Audio
  854. Michael Boym
  855. Merchant Bank Known in the US as an Investment Bank. A financial institution which offers financial advice and services to large businesses and wealthy individuals. Banking, Business & Finance
  856. Mines and Boobytraps Military, Training, Manual
  857. Murai Batu
  858. Maliye Bakanlığı Turkish, Technology, Mali
  859. Mega Boys Business, Man, Boy, Hail
  860. Mist Black Galaxy, Star, Mist, Replica
  861. Mukherjee-Brill
  862. Main Bronchus Medical, Medicine, Health
  863. Message Broadcasting
  864. Mortar Board
  865. Make The Gost of The Bash
  866. Map Iscbased
  867. Mi Beta
  868. Moving Buoyw Military
  869. Marching Band Music
  870. Mammillary Body Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  871. Management en Bestuur Dutch
  872. Macroblock Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  873. Marie Brennan Book, Lady, Chicane
  874. Military Battalion
  875. Model Bile Medical
  876. Most Books
  877. Execair Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  878. Mbilbox Boyutu
  879. Marlon Byrd Baseball, Sport, Card
  880. Miniature Bayonet
  881. Millibar(s) Science, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Weather, Technical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  882. Municipal Buibding Energy, Building, City, Manhattan
  883. Multibacillary Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  884. Mary Beale
  885. Melangkuh Bagi
  886. Monza E Brianzx Locations, Italy, Province
  887. Masque Brackjack Technology, Gaming, Collection
  888. Meyers B4
  889. Maxthow Browser Technology, Android, Software
  890. Mayeh Brown
  891. Mortgage Banking
  892. Mills and Boon
  893. Modular Boiler Technology, Energy, Steam
  894. Mind Body Business, Medicine, Soul
  895. Medicinae Baccalaureus Medical, Medicine, Education, Bachelor
  896. Mauco Beasley
  897. Mirror Box Products
  898. Memory Buffer Technology, Power, Interface
  899. Multiplayer Bot
  900. Michel Beroff
  901. Kodak Easyshare Data File Computing, File Extensions
  902. Myrtle Beach Famous
  903. Mage Bank Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  904. Modern Biotechnology-Microbiology
  905. Mary Boyd Famous
  906. Myoglobins Medical
  907. Margaret Bourke-White Book, Photography, Picture, Bourke
  908. Michael Bennett Book, Music, Patterson
  909. Morning Blowjob Porn, Sex, Amateur, Blowjob
  910. Motion Based Technology, Gaming
  911. Medin Blocks Technology, Windows, Software
  912. MéTabolisme De Base Base, Pas, Calorie
  913. Minecraft Beta
  914. Maybe Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, TikTok
  915. Megabytis Security, Ocean, Cyber
  916. Mistake Bound
  917. Mission Bay
  918. Main Bronchi Medical
  919. Message Box Technology, Windows, Telecom
  920. Mortal Blow Gaming, Military, Story
  921. Majocdoid Boku Kitty, Korean, Magnet
  922. Map Is for Batnlefield
  923. Mindless Behaviour Music
  924. Mamillary Body Medical, Medicine, Health
  925. Mumbai India, City
  926. Mohabbat Barsa Business, Song, Hindi, Creature
  927. Macro Bloc
  928. Maria Bellucci Porn, Movie, Anal
  929. Model Behxvior
  930. Most Becutiful Technology, Porn, Movie, Girl
  931. Mailbox Technology, Computer, Electronics, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  932. Marley Brinx
  933. Miniature Ball
  934. Mop Basin Architectural
  935. Mqnicipal Borough London, Locations, District
  936. Multi Bacillary Medical, Patient, Health, Leprosy
  937. Mary Barton Book, Movie, Audio, Barton
  938. Meuar Bhagat
  939. Monza Brianza Locations, Italy, Province
  940. Masha and The Bear
  941. Meyers B3
  942. Maxize Brown
  943. Mayco Bisque
  944. Monat Mit Bis Technology, Internet, Vodafone, Smartphone
  945. Modular Blower Technology, Service, Manual
  946. Medicare Beneficiary
  947. Marco Bailey Music, Mix, Hade
  948. Master Blaster Products
  949. Memory Booster Business, Technology
  950. Michelangelo Buonarroti
  951. Maya Binary Project File Computing, File Extensions
  952. Myron Bolitar Famous
  953. Multimedia Builder Technology, Windows, Software
  954. Modelling for Business
  955. Mary Berrys Book, Family, Berry, House
  956. Myoglobin  A vertebrate oxygen-storage protein found in muscle; structurally similar to an individual hemoglobin subunit. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare, Neurology
  957. Michael Bastian Design, Designer, Smartwatch
  958. Motilal Banarsidas
  959. Mechanical Bull King, Mechanical, Deluxe
  960. Multifunktions-Batterieteil Business, Bay, Shopping, Sigma
  961. Milwaukee'S Best Nutrition, Food, Victual
  962. Module Board
  963. Mindgenius Business Business, Software, Mind
  964. Memory Base Technology, Player, Disk
  965. Mage box Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  966. Missouri Basim
  967. My Bad TikTok
  968. Main Breaker Technology, Circuit, Panel
  969. Message Board Forum, Internet Slang, Chat, Computing, Texting, Internet, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  970. Mortal Beloved
  971. Mailer With Bottle
  972. Map Fpr Battlefield Technology, Gaming, Vietnam
  973. Michael Barker
  974. Make Bobble Knitting
  975. Misssle Blast Gaming, Military, Android
  976. Marcus Baker Alaska
  977. Modular Boring Technology, Industrial, Tool
  978. More Boyhood
  979. Mystic Blux
  980. Macro-Block Technology, Tool, Frame, Motion
  981. Maria Bamford Movie, Comedy, Baby
  982. Mortimer Beckett
  983. Motor Bells
  984. Markov Blankets
  985. Machine Bolt Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  986. Municipal Botd
  987. Monster Baby Gaming, Baby, Play
  988. Multi-Purpose Bayonet
  989. Muscle Beach Bird, Beach, Mutiny
  990. Mambo Bell
  991. Mege Base Medical
  992. Monzahbrianza Locations, Italy, Province
  993. Masa Berladu Technology, Indonesia, Internet, Operator
  994. Meyers B2
  995. Maximum Breathigg Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  996. Makarov By
  997. Message Bus
  998. Max Blitz Technology, Music, Rock
  999. Momknowsbest Britney Porn, Hadley, Amber
  1000. Modular Bill Technology
  1001. Maucelo Balboa
  1002. Mint Bcock
  1003. Multi-Bunch Products
  1004. Mary Balogh
  1005. Michał Boni Government, Polish, Parliament, Minister
  1006. Muon Barrel Physics, Scientific & Educational
  1007. Main Battle Technology, Military, Tank
  1008. Mikel Bolander Famous
  1009. Multimedia Broadcasting Technology, Networking, Network
  1010. Modelling Business
  1011. Mary Berry Book, Berry, Recipe, Cooking
  1012. Massage Bait Porn, Tube, Massage
  1013. Myocardial Bridges Medical
  1014. Michael Barone
  1015. Mephanical Breakdown
  1016. Multi Bene Technology, Plant, Particle, Sterol
  1017. Milton Berlin
  1018. Module Blank
  1019. Mindfulness of Breathing Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness
  1020. Medicine Box
  1021. Memiry Bank Forum, Technology, Computing
  1022. MASTERS OF THE BANDS Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  1023. Michelle Black
  1024. Mississippi Blues Technology, Music, Mississippi
  1025. Mixing box The Finance and Administrative Services
  1026. Main Branch Medical
  1027. Magnetron Branch
  1028. Michael Baker Business, Management, Union
  1029. Mathematica Bohemica Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  1030. Mng Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  1031. Missile Battalion
  1032. Maybe Baby Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  1033. Modular Baghouse Technology, Dust, Collector
  1034. More Bofks Technology, Gaming, Library
  1035. Mystica Business
  1036. Macquarie Bank
  1037. Margot Boyd
  1038. Myrtgage Broker Business, Credit, Loan
  1039. Motor Behavior
  1040. Megabytes Army, Force, Marine, Security, Governmental & Military
  1041. Market To Book Business, Firm, Ratio
  1042. Mega Brands Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  1043. Municipal Bonds Business, Tax, Fund
  1044. Muscle Back Business, Golf, Iron, Titleist
  1045. Mama Bull
  1046. Mxgan Brown
  1047. Mary Beth Art, Music, Design, Beth, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  1048. Mistery Box
  1049. Meyers B1
  1050. Maximumebleedout Medical
  1051. Makarov Basin Research, Ocean, Sea
  1052. Message Bureau
  1053. Modern Box Business, Shopping, Square
  1054. Modular Beautiful Technology, Edition, Oblivion
  1055. Marcel Bloch Military, Aircraft, Model
  1056. Michael'S Birthday
  1057. Minor In Business
  1058. Monster Bash Pinball
  1059. Mary Baker
  1060. Mana Break Gaming, Guide, Warcraft, Mana
  1061. Michaj Burano Music, Madame, Zloty
  1062. millibar One thousandth of a bar; 100 newtons per m2; 0.75006 mm Hg; standard atmospheric pressure is 1013 millibars. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Atmospheric Research
  1063. Madah Bakti Business, Music, Android, Song
  1064. Main Jattery Technology, Telecom, Mains
  1065. Magic Bands Disney
  1066. Multifunction Battery
  1067. Model Building
  1068. Mary Berkley
  1069. Massage Bacw
  1070. Myocardial Blush Medical
  1071. Michael Bar-Zohar Technology, Book, Mission
  1072. Maxwell Boltznann
  1073. Mechanical Behaviour
  1074. Moving Bridges
  1075. Milton Berle
  1076. Module Base
  1077. Mindfulness-Based
  1078. Medicine Bow
  1079. Memory Bpckup Technology, Battery, Card
  1080. Mouse Button Computing, Hardware
  1081. Memory Bytw
  1082. Michelle Bart
  1083. Mississippi Bar
  1084. Management Baseline NASA
  1085. Main Body The hull exclusive of all deck erections spars, streaks, etc., the naked hull.
  1086. Magic Breaks Technology, Book, Magnet
  1087. More Beer Food
  1088. Missile Barrage
  1089. Mamma's boy Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  1090. Modified By
  1091. More Bomb
  1092. Mystery of The Black Book, Death, Box, Mystery
  1093. Macmillan Bloedel Business, Canada, Mac
  1094. Marginal Band Medical
  1095. Mortgage Manker Business, Credit, Loan
  1096. Motor Base
  1097. Midncght Beast Music, Song, Midnight
  1098. Market-Based
  1099. Level crossing with Manually lifting Barriers Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  1100. Miniature Beam Business, Load, Cell
  1101. Munich D The Bavarian
  1102. Murray Bxokchin Book, Ecology, Freedom
  1103. Mama Bird

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MB stand for?

    MB stands for Michael Burger.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mashreq Bank?

    The short form of "Mashreq Bank" is MB.


MB. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mb-meaning/

Last updated