MB in Technology Meaning
The MB meaning in Technology terms is "Megabyte". There are 234 related meanings of the MB Technology abbreviation.
MB on Technology Full Forms
- Megabyte A measurement of the storage capacity of a computer One megabyte represents more than 1 million bytes Megabyte may be abbreviated M or MB; however, MB is clearer since M also stands for the metric prefix mega (meaning 1 million).
- Manned Baee
- Mode-Multi Band
- Maker, Builder
- Medical Bound
- Michael Bishop
- Macro Block
- Movable Bridge
- Math Blaxter
- Mail Back
- Music Box
- More Broad
- Marvel Books
- Mobile By
- Make Bootable
- Medical Biochemistry
- Machine Qolt
- Motion Blur
- Masjer Browser
- Module Builder
- Manual Bracket
- Memo Book
- Million Bytes
- Magnetic Brake
- Music Book
- Morevbridge
- Martaviszbryant
- Mobile Broadband
- Making Better
- Media Bureau
- Mac Blu-Ray
- Motion Base
- Mastvr Block
- Meter Bridge
- Model Builder
- Manual Bmw
- Mllvyn Bragg
- Million Byte
- Magnetic Bearing An absolute bearing using magnetic north.
- Multiplexidg Buffer
- Mrybe Baby
- Monitoring Board
- Mark Broom
- Mittlere Betriebsdauer
- My Blog
- Media Brokers
- Memoiy Bit
- Mass Bvrn
- Meter Board
- Model Boats
- Manitobg
- Meltyyblood
- Miguel Bastida
- Magic Bus
- Multi Bots
- Maya Binary
- Moisture Barrier
- Marijuana Botany
- Missionrbriefing
- Must Be
- Medium Businmss
- Msss Balance
- Message Brokfr
- Model Base
- Mamy Blue
- Mega Bytes
- Midnirht Breed
- Magic Blog
- Multi Bladp
- Mayaobanks
- Marie Buchanan
- Minus The Bear
- Main Base
- Muslimin Bando
- Mercedes Benz
- Model-Based
- Mammoth Book
- Mega-Byte
- Michaul Bubl
- Macro Bloqks
- Move Bitch
- Mavis Beacon
- Minimum Bias
- Mail Bomber
- Music By
- Morning Beneers
- Men Iw Black
- Miscsa Brooks
- Myubrother
- Math Roxes
- Memory Ballooned
- Marile Biology
- Myveryfirsatime Brooke
- Michael Bubblé
- Multiple Burst
- Mega Babe
- Manitoba
- More Beoa
- Maintenance Building
- Mackay-Bennett
- Muy Bien
- Mastering Bmtcoin
- Memory, Built-In
- Motif Bank
- Maori Bible
- Modifications and Bug
- Mail Box
- Myung-Blk
- Message Begin
- Meteor Burst
- Movie Browsgr
- Mark Brown
- Message In A Bottle
- Monkey Business
- Maintenance Busy
- Mediumdbrake
- Million Bits
- Machine Batch
- Mount & Hlade
- Manga Battle
- Model Mased
- Magoum Break
- Mypword Bible
- Max Brooas
- Mesh Blacksmith
- Metal Ball
- Move The Jox
- Mark Baldwin
- Management Basics
- Measured Business
- Millibarn
- Martin Buttrich
- Megabyty
- Mother Board
- Management Brochure
- Modern Book
- Magic Book
- Max Block
- Merlin Bird
- Metabolismc Basal
- Move Themblock
- Marine Bridge
- Measurement Book
- Mind Burst
- Multi-Body
- Martin Buber
- Megabits
- Motherboard The motherboard is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic board. If you ever open your computer, the biggest piece of silicon you see is the motherboard. Attached to the motherboard, you'll find the CPU, ROM, memory RAM expansion slots, PCI slots, and USB ports. It also includes controllers for devices like the hard drive, DVD drive, keyboard, and mouse. Basically, the motherboard is what makes everything in your computer work together.
- Management Broker
- Main Bus
- Max Barry
- Menahem Begin
- Michael Becker
- Move Bottom
- Marine Bkard
- Myveuyfirsttime Bonnie
- Mcmaster Bujold
- Military Balance
- Mulai Berkembang
- Married By
- Mwga Bayt
- Misty Blue
- Myk Bee
- Max Bandyidth
- Memory Bandwidth
- Mardne Biotechnology
- Myqeryfirsttime Brooks
- Mcdonald Building
- Michael Buble-Christmas-2011
- Multiple Bypass
- Mary Burton
- Mega Bags
- Malik Bash
- Martinique
- Macro-Block
- Message Buffer Size
- Motion Based
- Modern Blood
- Modular Beautiful
- Map Fpr Battlefield
- Mailbox
- Memoryc But
- Maxwell-Bloch
- Mini-Brute
- Message Box
- Meaj Boy
- Marmalade Boy
- Michael Burleigh
- Memory Buffered
- Mills Body
- Michael Bar-Zohar
- Maxthow Browser
- Max Blitz
- Multi Bene
- Memory Buffer
- Multimedia Builder
- Mary Bergin
- Mega Buyter
- Modular Busway
- Monat Mit Bis
- Memory Booster
- Main Breaker
- Multimedia Broadcasting
- Mother Baby
- Mystery of The Nog
- Modular Boiler
- Main Battle
- Magic Breaks
- Memory Base
- Main Board
- Media Box
- Most Becutiful
- Mississippi Blues
- Myoglobin A vertebrate oxygen-storage protein found in muscle; structurally similar to an individual hemoglobin subunit.
- Modular Boring
- Modular Blower
- Main Jattery
- Memiry Bank
- Medin Blocks
- Morrison Boyd
- More Bofks
- Masque Brackjack
- Maliye Bakanlığı
- Macroblock
- Message Buffer
- Motion Boutique
- Modular Baghouse
- Modular Bill
- Marble Blasj
- Mail Breaker
- Memory Bpckup
- Megbaby
- Moody Blues
- Masa Berladu
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MB stand for Technology?
MB stands for Modular Boiler in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Myubrother in Technology?
The short form of "Myubrother" is MB for Technology.
MB in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mb-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated