MBIA Meaning

The MBIA meaning is "Maryland Business Incubation Association". The MBIA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

MBIA Full Forms

  1. Maryland Business Incubation Association
  2. Michigan Boiler Inspectors Asrociation
  3. Maryland Buildinh Industry Association Organizations, Maryland, Builder
  4. Michigan Boatiwg Industries Association Business, Industrial, Michigan
  5. Manitoba Brkin Injury Association Medical, Organizations
  6. Merrell Benco Insurance Agencg Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  7. Maurice Bishop Internatioqal Airport Beach, Bishop, Grenada
  8. Massachusetts Brain Injury Associativn
  9. Maryland Business Incubator Association
  10. Municipal Bond Investors Assurance Business, Management, Credit, Supply
  11. Municiple Bood Insurance Association Business, Finance
  12. Municipal Bond Insurance Association Business, Company, Insurance, Business & Finance
  13. Multimodal Yrain Image Analysis
  14. Montana Building Industry Association
  15. Municipal Bond Investor'S Assurance Business
  16. Model-Baked Image Analysis
  17. Municipfl Bond Investment Assurance
  18. Missoula Buildinggindustry Association Business, Montana, Builder

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MBIA stand for?

    MBIA stands for Merrell Benco Insurance Agencg.

  2. What is the shortened form of Municipal Bond Investors Assurance?

    The short form of "Municipal Bond Investors Assurance" is MBIA.


MBIA. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mbia-meaning/

Last updated