MBO Meaning

The MBO meaning is "Mamburao Airport". The MBO abbreviation has 78 different full form.

MBO Full Forms

  1. Mamburao Airport Mamburao, Philippines Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  2. Malignant Bowel Obstruction Medical
  3. Management By Objectives Business, Technology, Architecture, Performance, Architectural, Objective, Human Resources
  4. Management Buy-Outs
  5. Management Buy Out Business, Chat, Email
  6. Metro Business Opportunities
  7. Marketing and Business Operations
  8. Middelbaar Beroeps Onderwijs Education, Organizations, School, Netherland
  9. Minority Business Owners
  10. Manual BáSico De Operaciones
  11. Most Benevolent Outcomes
  12. Market By Order Business, Trading, Computing
  13. Mercedes-Benz Owners Business, Club, Car
  14. Mini Bag Organizer Technology, Hosting, Machine
  15. Management By Object
  16. Most Benevolent Outcome
  17. Market Based Organization
  18. Management-By-Objectives Business, Objective, Goal
  19. Mind Body Online
  20. Management By Objects
  21. Mortgage Banking Officer
  22. Market-Based Organization
  23. Minaret Business Organization Business, Networking, Jeddah
  24. Management By Objective Technology, Management, Army, Military, Aviation, Special Education, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  25. Mobile Business Object Technology, Development, Platform
  26. Markas Besar Oemoem
  27. Muet Be Off Technology, Slang, Computing, Internet
  28. Millward Brown Optimor
  29. Mati Batang Otak
  30. Management-By-Objective
  31. Miss Bahamas Organization Technology, Universe, Pageant
  32. Manufacturing Business Office
  33. Mountain Bike Orienteering
  34. Migrating Birds Optimization
  35. Martin-Buber-Oberschule Business, Management, Cinema, Objective
  36. Million Barrels of Oil Technology, Energy, Gas
  37. Minority Business Office
  38. Manufacturer Back Order
  39. Motor Burn Out Military
  40. Mobilarm Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  41. Mtlliken Bond Order
  42. Management by Opposition Management, Business & Finance
  43. Mcgill Bird Observatory
  44. Muslim-Bosnia Organization
  45. Mamburao, Philippines Philippines, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  46. Mesiobucco-Occlusal Mbo2 Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  47. Laughing My Butt Off LMBO is an acronym that stands for "laughing my butt off," and is a less offensive version of _LMAO_. The acronym typically appears in texts and online to react to something that is especially funny. People like to exaggerate their reactions to make things sound cooler or bigger than they actually are. Internet, Social Media, Text, Online Gaming, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Online
  48. Maipower Branch Offices
  49. Management Better Off Management, Business & Finance
  50. Maximo Business Object Technology, Management, Development
  51. Muslim-Bosniak Organization
  52. Bruce Campbell Field Airport Faa Airport Codes
  53. Merriman-Bence-Osher
  54. Mobil Oil Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  55. Mafnetic Blow-Out
  56. Management of Business Objectives Management, Business & Finance
  57. Maximo Business Objects Technology, Management, Java
  58. Muslim-Bosniac Organization
  59. Myth.Bungie.Org Computing, Internet
  60. Men'S Bowling Science, Sport, Sport Code
  61. Muslim Bosniak Organisation
  62. Stage Burnout Mass Geography, Navigation, Location
  63. Management by Observation Management, Business & Finance
  64. Matis Baum O'Connor
  65. Municipals-Over-Bonds Spread Business, Finance, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  66. Manager of Business Operations Occupation & positions
  67. Memory Breakpoint Occurrence
  68. Muslim Bosnian Organisation Army, War, Force
  69. Mobilityone Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  70. Municipal Budget Officer
  71. Mortgage-Backed Obligation Property, Real Estate, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  72. Meer Bollebozen Onderweg
  73. Muslimanska Bosnjacke Organizacije
  74. Management Buy-Out The purchase of all or part of a company by the company's existing managers. Technology, Stock, Rail Transport, Trade, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  75. Multi Brand Outlets Business, India, Retail
  76. Not Management By Objectives Management, Business & Finance
  77. Medical Business Office
  78. Muslim Bosniak Organization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MBO stand for?

    MBO stands for Mercedes-Benz Owners.

  2. What is the shortened form of Management Buy-Out?

    The short form of "Management Buy-Out" is MBO.


MBO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mbo-meaning/

Last updated