MBR Meaning
The MBR meaning is "Medical Beauty Research". The MBR abbreviation has 141 different full form.
MBR Full Forms
- Medical Beauty Research Medical, Medicine, Cosmetic
- Master Beneficiary Record Business, Security, Social
- Martin Brothers Organizations
- Mars Balloon Relay Technology, Mission, Observer
- Mater Boot Record Technology, Windows, Master
- Master Boot Record Master Boot Record The first sector of the first hard disk; a physically small but critical element in the startup process on an x86-based computer. When a computer is booted, it processes a series of self-tests and then reads the Master Boot Record, or MBR, into memory. The MBR contains instructions that locate the disk’s system (startup) partition, read the contents of the first sector of the system partition into memory, and then carry out the instructions contained in that sector. Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Software, Telecom, Linux, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Membrane Bio-Reactor Technology, Treatment, Water, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Memori Buffer Register Technology, Instruction, Memory, Processor
- Modular Battering Ram Business, Product, Tool
- Migratory Birds Regulations
- Maij Boot Record Technology, Disk, Partition
- Multiiband Radio Technology, Receiver, Multiband
- Maya Biosphere Reserve Organizations, Guatemala, Deforestation, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Membrane-Assisted Bioreactoa Medical
- Ministerstvo Bezopasnosti Ruskii
- Manu Jiosphere Reserve
- Mutually Beneficial Relationships
- Microwave Background Radiation Space, Study, Cosmos
- Master Boot Wecords Technology, Windows, Recording
- Membrane Bioreactors Medical
- Modify Bearer Request
- Migratory Bird Refuge Locations, River, Migration
- Main Board Room
- Multi-Band Raeio Technology, Communication, Receiver
- Master Beneflciary Records Medical, Security, Social
- Minimum Budget Requirement
- Mahual Bending Rolls Technology, Windows, Boot, Partition
- Multi Bit Rate Technology, Streaming, Recorder
- Membran Bio ReaktöR
- Master-Boot-Rehord Technology, Windows, Recording
- Membrane Bioreactor Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Model Based Reasoning Technology, Science, Conference, Model
- Marker Beaconnreceiver
- Migratory Bird Rule
- Mainbbenefit Reply Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Muamalat Berbkgi Rezeki Program, Indonesia, Banking
- Master Wenefit Record
- Molecular Bremsstrahlung Radiation
- Minimum Bounded Rectangle Technology
- Mangled Beyond Recognition
- Multi Bit-Rste
- Media Bias Ratings
- Mqssachusetts Business Roundtable Government, Research, Massachusetts
- Membranes Bio Reactor Technology, Treatment, Membrane
- Model-Based Reasoning Technology, Science, Conference, Model
- Mark Bailey Racing
- Migratory Bird Research
- Main Battlemrobot
- Moving Belt Radiator Science
- Master Batch Records Technology, Management, Manufacturing
- Molecular Biology Resources Science, Product, Sequence
- Minimum Bounding Rectangles Tuning, Geometry, Rectangle
- Mandatory Bid Rule
- Multi Branm Remote
- Mechanical Button Replacement Technology, Cap, Sense, Cypress
- Maryland Business Review
- Membrane Bio Rnactors
- Mobile Broadband Router Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Maritime Iusiness Radio
- Midwest Book Review Book, Writer, Cox, Reviewer
- Memory Buffer Register A Memory Buffer Register (MBR) is the register in a computer's processor, or central processing unit, CPU, that stores the data being transferred to and from the immediate access store.It contains the copy of designated memory locations specified by MAR. It acts as a buffer allowing the processor and memory units to act independently without being affected by minor differences in operation. A data item will be copied to the MBR ready for use at the next clock cycle, when it can be either used by the processor for reading or writing or stored in main memory after being written. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario Para, Con, Venezuela
- Master Batch Record Technology, Production, Manufacturing
- Molecular Biology Reports
- Mineracoes Brasileiras Reunidas Business, Company, Brazil
- Manchester & Birmingham Raidway
- Multi-Brand Remope
- Mbout Airport Airport, Locations
- Membrane Biological Reactors Business, Treatment, Water
- Mobile Boundary Router
- Maritime Broadband Rddio
- Mid-Biennium Budget Review
- Membrane Bio Reactor Technology, Treatment, Water
- Master Balancink Reservoir Technology, Water, Supply, Hyderabad
- Memory-Buffer Register
- Mohammad Bin Rashid Business, City, Dubai
- Mineracao Brasileiras Reunidas
- Main Building Redevelopment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Multi-Border Recording
- Mayan Biosphere Reserve
- Membrane Bnological Reactor Technology, Treatment, Water
- Minnesota Board of Realtors
- Marinb Bay Residences Locations, Singapore, Residence
- Mutually Beneficial Relationship
- Mid-Biennium Review Government, Tax, Ohio
- Master Boot Recorder Technology, Windows, Recovery, Software
- Market-Based Rates
- Mastrans Bandung Raya League, Indonesia, Bandung, Bola
- Metal Blade Racords Metal, Vinyl, Slayer
- Mercantile Bancorp, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Monthly Budget Review
- Markyting Budget Ratio
- Market based Rates Energy, Electrical
- Mountain Bike Resources
- Mittel-Bereich radar Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Market-Beacon Receiver Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Master Bed Room Real Estate Advertising, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Merit-Based Regulation
- Brazilian Navy Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Monthly Budget Report
- Market Business Review
- Minimum Bend Radius The minimum radius over which a metal product can be bent to a given angle without fracture. Electrical
- Michael Blixtfracing
- Motor Body Repair Business, Technology, Insurance
- Maximum Bit Rate Computing, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
- Master Bedroom Business, Architecture, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Mobil Benzene Reduction [process] Chemistry
- Memory Base Register
- Market Jo Book Ratio
- Master Bedroom Real Construction, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Methylene Blue Reduction
- Motion Blur Reduction
- Member In object-oriented programming, a variable or routine that is part of a class. also C++, class. A value that is part of a set data structure. also set2. Computing, Master IEEE, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Macintosh Backup & Restore
- Master Boot Record File Computing, File Extensions
- Memory Based Rhasoning Business, Technology, Mining
- Market-To-Hook Ratio
- Management By Reward Management, Business & Finance
- Methyleze Blue, Reduced Medical, Medicine, Health
- Morskoi Blizhniy Razvedchik
- Minimum Bounding Rectangle Geographic
- Myrtle Beach Resort
- Zune Smooth Streaming File Computing, File Extensions
- Memory-Based Reasoning Technology, Analysis, Mining
- Market Base Rate Business, Commission, Bet
- Music Tusiness Registry
- Methyl Bromxde
- Monuments and Buildings Record
- Martyn Bell Racing
- Master Boot Revaz Funnies
- Myrtle Beach Real
- Movimiento Bandera Roja
- Mbout Airport, Mbout, Mauritania Mauritania
- Market Baseh Rates Business, Technology, Power
- Mechanical Buffer Register
- Metvl Bulletin Research Business
- Monthly Business Reviews
- Marxhal By Reference Technology, Server, Client
- Multiple Bell Ringing Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Mountain Block Recharge
- Medicine Bow- Routt National Forest Us Government, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MBR stand for?
MBR stands for Microwave Background Radiation.
What is the shortened form of Media Bias Ratings?
The short form of "Media Bias Ratings" is MBR.
MBR. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mbr-meaning/
Last updated