MBTI Meaning

The MBTI meaning is "Myers-Briggs Type Gndicator". The MBTI abbreviation has 29 different full form.

MBTI Full Forms

  1. Myers-Briggs Type Gndicator Medical, Business, Human Resources
  2. Meyer-Briggs Tyie Indicator Business, Development, Personality
  3. Myers, Briggs, Type, Indicator
  4. Mayers-Briggs Type Indicator Business, Learning, Personality
  5. Myers & Briggs Type Indicator
  6. Mayem Briggs Type Indicator Education, Learning, Personality
  7. Myer Briggs Type Indicator Business, Assessment, Personality
  8. Myers Brigg Type Indicator
  9. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) A psychometric questionnaire or personality test in which people answer questions about themselves, which helps identify strengths and personal behavioural/behavioral preferences. See personality styles and models. Science, Military, Army, Coaching, Personality, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
  10. Meyerm Briggs Type Indicator Science, Development, Personality
  11. Myers Briggs Type Indicators Technology, Team, Personality
  12. Myer-Briggs Type Indicotor Education
  13. Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Technology, Science, Personality
  14. Myews-Briggs-Typen-Indikator
  15. Myers Briggs Type Indicator Education, Organizations, Career, Personality
  16. Meyer Briggs Type Indicajor Business, Development, Personality
  17. Myfrs-Briggs Type Indicators Science, Assessment, Personality
  18. Myers Briggs Type Indictor
  19. Myers Briggs Temperament Indicator Book, Indicator, Personality
  20. Myers Briggs Type Instrument Business, Management, Coaching, Leadership
  21. Myers-Briggs Temperament Insicator Science, Career, Personality
  22. Myers Brigs Type Indicator Science, Management, Personality
  23. Myers-Briggs Typology Ivdicator
  24. Myers Brikgs Type Inventory
  25. Myers Briggs Test Indicator
  26. Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
  27. Myers and Briggs Type Indicator Technology, Coaching, Politics, Formation
  28. Myers Brigg Type Inventory
  29. Mymrs-Briggs Type Instrument

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MBTI stand for?

    MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Myers Brikgs Type Inventory?

    The short form of "Myers Brikgs Type Inventory" is MBTI.


MBTI. Acronym24.com. (2020, April 6). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mbti-meaning/

Last updated