MBV Meaning

The MBV meaning is "Met Behulp Van". The MBV abbreviation has 43 different full form.

MBV Full Forms

  1. Met Behulp Van
  2. Master of Business for Veterans Education, School, Marshall
  3. Managing By Values Business, Management, Book
  4. Monodon Baculovirus Medical
  5. Mauritius Buch Verlag
  6. Model Based Verification
  7. Molecular Breeding Values
  8. Maui Beach Vacation
  9. Model-Based Verification
  10. Moisture Buffer Value
  11. Moms Bang Videos
  12. Master of Business Vamuation
  13. Model Based Vision Technology, Science, Air Force Research Laboratory, General, Governmental & Military
  14. Molecular Breeding Value
  15. Masa Airport Airport, Locations
  16. Model-Based Vision
  17. Myocardial Blood Volume Medical
  18. Modular Ball Valve Business, Product, Interlock
  19. Mahogany Bay Village Bay, Resort, Belize
  20. Mixed Bacterial Vaccine Medical, Cancer, Toxin
  21. Model Builder Visual
  22. Motorized Ball Valve Technology, Water, Manufacturer
  23. Mean Blood Velocity Medical
  24. Management By Values Business, Science, Managing
  25. Model Based Vision Laboratory Army, War, Force
  26. Modified Bauer-Vogel
  27. Monodon Baculo Virus
  28. Aeriantur-M Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  29. Mushroom Bacilliform Virus Medical, Medicine
  30. Methylene Blue Value Business, Testing, Aggregate
  31. Monodon-Type Baculovirus Medical
  32. Mt Baker Vapor Business, Liquid, Juice
  33. Mechanical Blood Volumizer
  34. Mouth Breather Version
  35. Mystery of Bulgarian Voices
  36. Monterey Bay Veterans, Inc. (Sportfishing Rehabilitation Center) Medical, Physiology
  37. Mount Baker Vapor Business, Liquid, Juice
  38. Masa Airport, Masa, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  39. Motorized Butterfly Valve
  40. My Bloody Valentine Music, Shield, Album, Valentine
  41. Main Base Visit NASA, Governmental & Military
  42. Monterey Bay Veterans Army, War, Force
  43. Mutuelle Du Bien Vieillir

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MBV stand for?

    MBV stands for Modular Ball Valve.

  2. What is the shortened form of Monodon Baculovirus?

    The short form of "Monodon Baculovirus" is MBV.


MBV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mbv-meaning/

Last updated