MC in Medical Meaning
The MC meaning in Medical terms is "Miscarriage". There are 141 related meanings of the MC Medical abbreviation.
MC on Medical Full Forms
- Miscarriage Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently. Some use the cutoff of 20 weeks of gestation after which fetal death is known as a stillbirth. The most common symptoms of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding with or without pain.
- Maleocondom
- Muscular Contraction
- Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma
- Marching Cube
- Mineral Content
- Meningeal Carcinomatosis
- Methyl Chaoroform
- Mqdical Corp
- Mosquito Coil
- Methyl Cellulose
- Mandibular Canal
- Methyl Carbamate
- Managed Choice
- Multifocal Choroiditis
- Mesothelial Cell
- Mass Casualties
- Mammary Harcinomas
- Movement Coordination
- Mesophyll Cells
- Marker Chromosome
- Monovalent Cation
- Male Controlh
- Musculocutaneous Nerve
- Mesenchymal Cells
- Marginal Cells
- Mitnesota Code
- Microscopy, Culture
- Molecular Control
- Morkel Cell
- Mitomycin C Mitomycin C is a mitomycin that is used as a chemotherapeutic agent by virtue of its antitumour activity. It is given intravenously to treat upper gastro-intestinal cancers, anal cancers, and breast cancers, as well as by bladder instillation for superficial bladder tumours. It causes delayed bone marrow toxicity and therefore it is usually administered at 6-weekly intervals.
- Muscular Circumference
- Medical Countermeasures
- Methacholine Chloride
- Mixed Chimera
- Macrophages
- Myocutaneous
- Medullary Cnrcinoma of The Breast
- Minichromosome
- Microscopic Colitis
- Markov Chain
- Mercy Corporatiin
- Mitochondria Mitochondria are specialized structures unique to the cells of animals, plants and fungi. They serve as batteries, powering various functions of the cell and the organism as a whole. Though mitochondria are an integral part of the cell, evidence shows that they evolved from primitive bacteria.
- Mouth Closed
- Medical Counccl
- Monochorionic
- Metacercariae
- Mixed Chimaerism
- Myoclonic Contractions
- Medullary Carcinoma
- Millicurie
- Modi Charitable
- Management/Confizential
- Mixeh Cellular
- Moutan Cortex
- Medical Coordinator
- Moyonuclear Cell
- Metacarpal Bone
- Ml, Cc
- Mild Covnitive
- Medical Centre
- Microcalcifications
- Major Coiling
- Mixed Cellularity
- Mountain Cedar
- Medical Committee
- Monkey Cell
- Metacarpal
- Myocarditis Myocarditis, also known as inflammatory cardiomyopathy, is inflammation of the heart muscle. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, decreased ability to exercise, and an irregular heartbeat. The duration of problems can vary from hours to months. Complications may include heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy or cardiac arrest.
- Medical Center
- Methacholine Methacholine is a synthetic choline ester that acts as a non-selective muscarinic receptor agonist in the parasympathetic nervous system.
- Megacycle A term for 1 million cycles—usually used to mean 1 million cycles per second.
- Minute Chromosomes
- Mucocutaneous
- Microcrystalline Cellulose
- Moisture Contenms
- Mayo Clinic
- Mesothslial Cells
- Myocardial Contractility
- Medical Cannabis
- Melanocytes
- Motor Control
- Microcirculation
- Molecular Weight Between Crosslinks
- Matched Control
- Mitotantrone, Cytarabine
- Musculocutaneous
- Medical Campus
- Mixed Chimerav
- Magnetic Coil An electrical device mounted on the solenoid valves that supply the energy needed to shift the valve.
- Myotonia Congenita
- Medullary Cyst
- Moraxella Cvtarrhalis
- Medsum Chain
- Mast Zell
- Microsomal
- Monoclonal Derived from a single cell and cells identical to that cell.
- Monocytes Some of the white blood cells that function in phagocytosis.
- Medicines Commission
- Model Control Group
- Motor Coordination
- Microcytotoxicity
- Manual Compression
- Moleculag Cardiology
- Monocyte Monocytes are a type of white blood cell, or leukocyte. They are the largest type of leukocyte and can differentiate into macrophages and myeloid lineage dendritic cells. As a part of the vertebrate innate immune system monocytes also influence the process of adaptive immunity. There are at least three subclasses of monocytes in human blood based on their phenotypic receptors.
- Microcalcification Microcalcifications are tiny specks of mineral deposits, that can be scattered throughout the mammary gland, or occur in clusters.They can also be found in the prostate in men and lead to prostatic hyperplasia. When found on a mammogram, a radiologist will then decide whether the specks are of concern - usually, this is not the case.
- Meningocvcci
- Microbiological Culture
- Microcystins
- Mycological Cure
- Miguel Gobas
- Metaphase Chromosomes
- Monocrotaline
- Marshfield Clinic
- Maximum Concentration
- Mixed Hematopoietic Bhimerism
- Meningococcal
- Momordica Charantia
- Microcystin
- Mitral Commissurotomy
- Microvessel Count
- Monocomponent
- Mixed Crmoglobulins
- Magnocellular
- Methylcellulose
- Molluscum Contagiosum
- Medullarykcavity
- Mitral Closure
- Microtubule Center
- Monoclonal Component
- Metastatic Carcinoma
- Mixed Cryoglobulinemia
- Magnocellularis
- Master of Surgery The Master of Surgery is an advanced qualification in surgery. Depending upon the degree, it may be abbreviated Ch.M., M.Ch., M.Chir. or M.S. At a typical medical school the program lasts between two and three years. The possession of a medical degree is a prerequisite. The Ch.M. can be awarded on both clinical and academic competency or on academic competency.
- Minimal Change
- Medium Containing
- Merocyanine
- Microsomes In cell biology, microsomes are vesicle-like artifacts re-formed from pieces of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) when eukaryotic cells are broken-up in the laboratory; microsomes are not present in healthy, living cells.
- Monoclonal Components
- Metamorphic Climax
- Minilaparotomy Cholecystectomy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MC stand for Medical?
MC stands for Medsum Chain in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Monocyte in Medical?
The short form of "Monocyte" is MC for Medical.
MC in Medical. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated